Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1598 Never look back

After teleporting twice in the void, the black giant whale appeared at the broken peak nearly ten thousand feet away!

Its huge body is still wrapped in the realm of green flames and bones. Novel


After the black whale let out a long roar, its thousand-foot-long body rushed towards the prone Crophodon on the broken peak, just like a huge black ship. As it roared forward, the entire space was violently turbulent, like any time. They will all be broken into pieces.

The lamb-horned dragon with two broken wings showed no signs of weakness. Faced with a desperate situation, it was completely aroused with its ferocious nature.

In a burst of angry roars, the red-eyed Ramosaur raised its head high and opened its huge mouth that was still vomiting blood. The horns on the Dragon's head suddenly expanded by dozens of feet, turning into two tens of feet. A long spear!

Like two dragon-destroying spears that can easily pierce the heaven and the earth!


It vibrated its four giant wings that had not been broken, and rushed towards the black whale without hesitation!

"Boom! Boom!"

With a huge sound like the collision of two mountain peaks, with the battlefield where the two king beasts collided with each other as the center, the area within a radius of ten thousand feet has become chaos!

Chu Chen's spiritual sense could no longer clearly see the chaotic battlefield.

The fight between the two king beasts created a huge vortex of chaos!

In the center of the vortex, huge sounds continued to come out, which made Chu Chen frightened. He seemed to hear the sound of the doomsday world.




The bloody toad, which was injured by the black light, immediately jumped towards the center of the battlefield as soon as it recovered!

Every time the furious Toad King Beast jumped a step, the rolling purple mist around it quickly condensed into a hundred-foot-long true dragon. When it jumped into the center of the chaotic vortex, it was already surrounded by nine bloody dragons! ?


After the Toad King Beast joined the battlefield, it also disappeared from Chu Chen's sight.

However, Chu Chen could faintly see that in the chaotic world, there were three huge outlines of creatures, appearing and disappearing, sometimes colliding, and sometimes separating!

Every time they approach, it's like a world colliding with each other, shaking the earth!

The centipede king beast and the green peacock in the void did not directly join the battle, but circled and danced around the outside of the whirlpool. One summoned countless bone soldiers to rush into the whirlpool, and the other continued to spit out terrifying green flames, burning all the wasteland!

The Black Whale is definitely one against four!

Since the old demon successfully dragged the four king beasts into the war after seizing the black whale, at this moment, Chu Chen understood that the best time to escape had arrived.

Without any hesitation, he picked up Duan Ji's body and rose into the air facing the aftermath of the endless battle storm.


At this moment, the stone cliff Chu Chen and Duan Ji had been standing on had completely collapsed, and endless sand and dust were flying up!

Chu Chen didn't think much. He carried Duan Ji, his whole body turned into a gray light, and quickly fled in the opposite direction of the central battlefield.


Just after escaping more than 3,000 feet away, there was another more violent explosion behind them, and the horrified neighing of the Sheephorn was faintly heard.

Are these melee king beasts getting closer to me?

No, the king beast battlefield has actually moved towards me!

They were fighting, and it seemed that they were leaning a lot towards themselves! !

The surrounding spiritual energy was completely violent, and Chu Chen had no time to look back at this moment. Wuming's movement technique was used to the extreme, and a dazzling golden-red flame spurted out from behind him, turning him into a golden-red meteor. Flying through the endless void.

Run away!

Flying towards the north!

Chu Chen's speed was very fast, but he felt that the world behind him was being destroyed even faster!

It was as if there was a world that was constantly destroying, chasing him and trying to devour him.

The battle between the black whale and the four king beasts has become more and more fierce. The fighting and rioting vitality between the king-level ancient beasts has turned an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet into a dead zone.

The world behind him seemed to be on the verge of destruction. Chu Chen, who was running away, clearly felt that

The surrounding void was as hot as a furnace, burning everything, and then filled with fine thunder and lightning.

For a moment, the purple-red poisonous mist was nauseating, and for a moment, it seemed like we were in the land of death, with the gloomy air of death everywhere.

Not only that, the entire land began to undulate violently. Even if the huge power of the king-level ancient beast traveled tens of thousands of feet, it still caused the ground to undulate violently, like waves.

The forests, stone pillars, mountains, and grasslands seen along the way exploded in all directions, and the aftermath of the battle continued to spread around, destroying everything.

The void has become extremely unstable, and dense cracks in the void can be seen everywhere like snakes, which makes Chu Chen have to be extremely careful when trying to escape.

Because if you are not careful, you will fall into the void crack created by the battle between kings and beasts, and you will be in danger!

At this moment, centered on the place where the five king beasts were fighting, the ever-expanding huge whirlpool turned into blood.

Chu Chen could feel as if there was an invisible force pulling him towards the center of the bloody vortex. If he was not careful, he would be pulled into the center of the destructive battlefield!

Run away, run away at all costs!

Chu Chen almost used all his strength, bursting with energy, bursting into springs, and running wildly!

After endlessly flying in the sky for nearly an hour, the pulling force behind Chu Chen really disappeared, and the void became stable.

Even at this time, the huge sense of crisis still lingered in Chu Chen's heart.

Chu Chen, who was flying in the dark sky, looked back and was stunned for a moment!

In his vision, three scorching suns suddenly appeared in the distance between the sky and the earth.

The scorching sun showed three colors: black, red, and purple. In the scorching sun, you could faintly see the outlines of the Ning Kong Ancient Whale, the Bloody Toad, and the Ram-horned Dragon Beast. They had fought to the point of madness.

Among them, the Ramhorn Beast was almost in a state of death, as if he was sacrificing his soul to trigger this devastating final blow!

"The deadly battle between king-level ancient beasts... is really terrifying!"

Chu Chen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly carried Duan Ji's body and ran away all night again without looking back.

Just as dawn was about to arrive, there was a loud bang in the distance, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. A dazzling halo of black, red, purple, dark green, white, and five colors filled most of the sky.

The sky is falling apart!

The war situation has evolved to this point, can Duan Laomo still come back alive?

Chu Chen sighed softly. He was helpless in a battle of this level, so he speeded on again. He didn't stop until the eastern sky showed a touch of fish-white.

Chu Chen stood in a dense ancient forest. He climbed to the top of the tallest tree in the forest, a hundred feet tall.

Looking back at the south where he fled, he could no longer feel the aftermath of the battle behind him.

But looking from a distance, most of the sky was filled with the blasting air waves, as dazzling as neon clouds.

The distance has turned into a world of glow!

This may mean that the battle may still continue...

The battle between the five king beasts was so outrageous!

A realm of death with a radius of more than ten thousand feet!

To him, it was as terrifying as a divine battle!

But when I think about the fact that there are tens of thousands of king-level ancient beasts of this strength in the little fairy world today, how can human monks go on?

Chu Chen couldn't help but feel a touch of bitterness in his heart!

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