Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1600 The old devil’s body is a treasure

"Duan Ji forcibly took the body of the King-level ancient beast. Even if he survives, according to my estimation, he will definitely not be able to escape the one-month cooling time. This time is still the most basic. If you are not lucky...if you are contaminated The power of cause and effect of the king-level ancient beast may take longer to return..."

The little hamster looks like an enigmatic master. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

"Isn't it really that difficult for the soul to leave the body? Alas..."

Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh. In fact, he could be regarded as an expert in soul separation, but he only had the strength to control the unruly beast.

The little hamster seemed to have seen through Chu Chen's thoughts, "There is nothing we can do about it. Although your soul is powerful, you are not strong enough to control such a huge king beast. It will inevitably be devoured by its body, but I want to say The point is not this, but the precious thirty days!”

"Precious thirty days?"

Chu Chen didn't know why the little hamster emphasized the number thirty days, so he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Haven't you thought of it?"

The little hamster shook his head in a more advanced posture.

"No way, you actually came up with such a bad idea..."

After Chu Chen pondered for a moment, he finally thought of the little hamster's intention and looked at it in shock.

"What a bad idea, this is a great opportunity!"

The little hamster rolled his eyes and said, "You are too ignorant. He is one of the top ten supreme beings in the evil world, and he is the body of the top strong man in the world. The most important thing is that he is now an ownerless thing. The old devil's soul consciousness has been completely Without it, you, with your perverted soul power, can definitely control it easily! Use it as your temporary clone!"


Chu Chen was still speechless.

"One of the strongest human monks, with a thirty-day usage period. Why doesn't your kid's expression look forward to it at all?"

The little hamster despised Chu Chen's reaction.

"What can we expect from this..."

"This is a great opportunity given to you by God. You may not be able to take the body of a powerful human being without an owner and use it to control king beasts and alien creatures that have owners.

But you can definitely play with Duan Laomo's physical body. "

"Playing...sounds so disgusting!"

"It's just manipulation. The power of your soul is extremely powerful. As long as you send a little bit of soul and spiritual thought into it, you can control Duan Ji's body."

The little hamster persuaded Chu Chen earnestly.

"The power of your soul is strong. This body is an ownerless thing, so you don't have to worry about being affected by its soul imprint, let alone being contaminated by the power of cause and effect."

The little hamster looked at Chu Chen expectantly.

"I know that I'm just using this old devil's body as a clone, but I always feel weird..."

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, frowning, his expression still filled with disgust.

To be honest, he has a lot of experience in activating clones.

Moreover, as Duan Ji is a powerful person, the thirty-day use period of such a clone is indeed a great opportunity.

But as soon as he saw the old devil's withered face and those treacherous triangular eyes, he couldn't help but feel disgusted.

No matter how powerful such a clone is, it's still a bit awkward to control it!

"You have to look at the key points when looking at things. The strength of this old devil is one of the top levels in the world. However, due to the limitations of your own cultivation, I am afraid that the most you can do is push this body to the peak level of Tianhe Realm. ”

The little hamster shook his head, feeling very sorry.

Hearing "Tianhe Peak", Chu Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Tianhe Peak is not a lofty realm, but for you, it is already very abnormal. In fact, even if you don't use his physical body well and cannot exert much power, you don't have to worry because his physical body is extremely powerful. , the strength of this body alone can withstand at least tens of thousands of attacks from Tianhe Realm experts!"

Chu Chen had to admit that the little hamster's sales skills were extremely strong. After this introduction, he became more and more excited.

The little hamster became more and more excited as he talked and was beaming with joy.

"With such a clone in hand, Chu Chen, you are equivalent to having a powerful bodyguard. Now that the situation in the Little Fairy World is in chaos, this clone can just help you."

"But... I still feel very awkward. This old fox's physical body always gives me a bit of a psychological barrier..."

Chu Chen's expression was filled with embarrassment that could not be erased.

"I still don't believe that I can't convince you..."

The little hamster jumped up, looking like it was going to refresh Chu Chen's outlook on life.

"What if... I said there was a way for you to use this old man's physical body to maximize your cultivation in a short period of time?"

The little hamster smiled cunningly, his face full of mystery.

"I'll go, so I don't have anything to be embarrassed about."

Chu Chen's eyes are shining!

During his stay in the Little Fairy World, Chu Chen felt a deep sense of powerlessness once he met a legendary powerhouse of the Tianhe level, just like a mortal meeting a giant dragon. There was no way to compete and he could only fight desperately. Escape.

In the last battle between the white-clothed swordsmen, if he hadn't had the ancient volcano crystal core in his hands, he would have died long ago!

Moreover, the ancient volcanic crystal core is a consumable, and the only way to improve your strength is to increase your strength.

If you are not strong enough, your chances of successful escape are relatively low!

When he was being chased by the white-clothed swordsman before, if Chu Chen hadn't taken advantage of the changes in the world of the Little Immortal Realm and various opportunities to really face the pursuit of the Tianhe-level powerhouse, he might not have had the chance to escape.

Now, I want to have the strength to compete with the Tianhe level powerhouses.

Chu Chen had no other choice but to break through to the Linghe Realm in the shortest possible time!

How easy is it to actually increase your cultivation level at extreme speed?

Every time he practiced the mysterious black jade slips and advanced to a higher level, he had to absorb dozens of times more spiritual sources from heaven and earth than ordinary monks.

When he arrived at the Lingxi realm, he initially estimated that it might be a hundred times that of a normal monk.

This spiritual source is too difficult to accumulate!

I can't get up at all...

However, at this time, the little hamster said that there was a way to increase his cultivation level at an extreme speed. How could Chu Chen not be tempted?

When the Little Immortal World was in turmoil, Chu Chen really needed a way to maximize his cultivation in a short period of time.

"Fat man, don't be pretentious and tell me directly. How can I use the old demon Duan Ji's body to increase my cultivation level at the ultimate speed?"

Chu Chen looked at the little hamster with a solemn expression.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, you and..."

In the middle of the sentence, the little hamster suddenly saw the murderous look in Chu Chen's eyes. He immediately smiled and quickly got to the point.

"When I was wandering around in the fairy world recently, I accidentally discovered a good thing, No."

The little hamster slowly stretched out a slender paw and pointed into the void. A ray of silver light rushed out from its fingertips and disappeared into the void.

In an instant, the void shook violently, and an ancient jar appeared.

The jar was about a foot tall and dark yellow in color. It looked neither gold nor iron nor stone.

There are some mysterious ancient totems engraved on the jar. Most of the totems seem to represent magical weapons, but those magical weapons look like they are missing a lot.

There were melted spears, broken swords, and half-burnt bracelets, which looked quite weird.

At the bottom of the jar, there is a vast ocean pattern of spiritual power.

It gives the impression that someone has thrown all the countless magic weapons into this ocean. It looks like something that specializes in recycling broken magic weapons.

"Is this a trash can?"

Chu Chen frowned and complained.

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