Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1606 Lan Xuan’s Principles

"The boy in gray and the witch from Half-Step Tianhe, where are they?"

The yellow-robed monk had a stern look on his face, and his gaze seemed to pierce Zhou Lin's soul. She and Lan Xuan looked at each other, gritting their teeth and saying nothing.

"Speak, I am asking you, where are the boy in gray and the demon girl?"

The yellow-robed monk's eyes turned cold and he took a step towards the two of them.


Just taking a small step forward, Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin were suddenly shocked, and all the blood drained from their faces.

At that moment, the two of them felt as if that step was stepping heavily on their souls, causing their souls to be so shocked that they almost left their bodies!

Zhou Lin felt that the whole world had lost its color at this moment, leaving only black and white, and her entire consciousness was in a trance.

Lan Xuan, who was in her arms, turned pale and spat out a large mouthful of blood. The blood was also mixed with a stream of black blood, which seemed to have injured his internal organs.

Tianhe-level monks are like gods to Zhou Lin and Lan Xuan, an existence they cannot resist at all.

The yellow-robed monk hadn't even come out yet, but he only released his spiritual pressure, leaving the two of them unable to survive or die.

"I don't like to ask the same question too many times. Answering me honestly will save you some trouble!"

While the yellow-robed monk spoke, the huge Tianhe-level aura radiated in all directions, like a landslide and tsunami, and the space covering a hundred feet in radius became extremely heavy and rattling.

Red blood emerged from Lan Xuan's body again, and his wound burst again under the pressure.


Zhou Lin was angry and anxious, and shouted helplessly, "We...we really don't know anything! The other two people separated from us..."

Before she finished speaking, the yellow-robed monk focused his eyes and waved his sleeves.

There was a "pop" sound and a hard slap in the face.

The angry blow of the Tianhe-level expert was so powerful that even though he stayed quietly in order to continue the torture, the direct blow sent Zhou Lin flying backwards.

Lan Xuan in her arms was also thrown away,

Zhou Lin flew directly backwards, smashing each iron sword tree into two pieces with a bang. The girl curled up on the ground, her delicate face already swollen.

The bloodless Lan Xuan struggled to get up, gritted his teeth, and half-rolled to protect the unconscious Zhou Lin.

"What kind of skill does bullying a girl from Lingxi Realm count?"

There was suppressed anger in Lan Xuan's eyes. He was a somewhat cowardly young man at heart. Although he was smooth in dealing with others, telling lies to others and even betraying others, everything he did was just to protect himself.

Self-preservation is always his first principle.

This is also the reason why he has lived in this monk world until now.

But at this moment, he himself didn't know why he gave up the principles he had always adhered to.

Without hesitation, he stood in front of the curled up, unconscious girl.

Maybe...maybe it's Chu Chen...

Lan Xuan suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

But seeing that he was always alone in front of the team, no matter whether it was the Tianhe cultivator or the king beast, he never left his companions behind.

Even though I know I will never become that person!

But at this time, I wanted to be like him, to protect this dying companion and this girl whose life was hanging by a thread just like him.

I want to be like him, even if I can only be Chu Chen for a minute, I will not leave my companions behind this time!

Lan Xuan smiled, and when he grinned, blood poured out of his throat again.

"Are you still laughing? I see you are scared out of your mind. Since you dare to go against the people of the Golden Lion Formation Breaking Group, you have to think about this day!"

The yellow-robed monk's voice was extremely arrogant and cold, and his eyes were like those of a superior god judging all living beings.

He shook his right wrist, and a huge suction force suddenly came out from his palm!

Take it!

From a distance of more than ten feet, he sucked Lan Xuan in, who could barely stand up straight, and a big steel-like hand firmly grabbed his neck.

He coldly tightened his right five fingers, and Lan Xuan, who was holding his head up, first saw another pool of black blood flowing out of his mouth, and then his face quickly changed color, turning purple in the blink of an eye, as if he was about to suffocate to death.

"As members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, you should have your own communication signals."

The yellow-robed monk loosened his fingers slightly, and Lan Xuan immediately gasped heavily, blood still oozing from his mouth and nose.

"Now send me that signal and summon the boy in gray and the witch from Half-Step Tianhe... My patience is very limited, you'd better not waste my time!"

While the yellow-robed monk spoke, he tightened his fingers again, causing Lan Xuan to enter a state of suffocation again. He didn't let go again until his face turned from purple-red to iron-blue.

In just a few breaths, Lan Xuan walked away from the gate of hell again.


Lan Xuan smiled weakly, the blood on his mouth became a little thicker, and the clothes on his dripping chest also looked wet, with a big puddle.

"Say it."

"Ahem...don't say you don't have contact information. Even if...you know, I will never send...a contact signal...anyway, you will die...it's better than yourself..."

While the dying Lan Xuan spoke, his right hand had already reached into his arms.


But he was grabbed by the yellow-robed monk, who said coldly, "You want to detonate the legendary war talisman in your arms, right? It's a pity that you can't!"


Lan Xuan's right hand was grasped by the yellow-robed monk, and the bones were obviously shattered. The five fingers were squeezed together in a strange shape, and blood dripped from the five fingers.

Lan Xuan's eyes widened, beads of sweat broke out from his forehead crazily, his mouth was slightly open, hehe made a sound in his trachea, and the expression on his face was completely distorted by pain.

"Don't play boring tricks in front of me."

The man in yellow robe continued to hold Lan Xuan's neck, and then lifted the dying man up a few points, as if to see Lan Xuan's blood-covered face more clearly.

"Do you think there is any other way out for you?"

The yellow-robed monk's voice became colder and colder, "Bring them back, this is your only way out..."

"Put him down immediately, that's your only way to survive!"

Suddenly an indifferent voice floated over from behind. The yellow-robed monk frowned and looked back, and saw a young man in gray standing on a big tree in the distance, looking at it coldly.

The aura of this young man was very unique, and it actually gave the yellow-robed monk a feeling that he couldn't see through it.

He is obviously a young monk in the Lingxi Realm, why is he so mysterious?

Moreover, when this Lingxi boy faced a super lineup composed of a Tianhe-level and a dozen legendary-level experts who were half-level Tianhe, there was no trace of panic in his expression.

"The tone is very loud. I thought he was some kind of person, but I didn't expect him to be a loser again, and he is in the Lingxi realm. It seems that Yu Wenguang fell into the trap of that witch half-stepping Tianhe."

The yellow-robed monk who calmed down sneered and shook his head, obviously no longer interested in the gray-robed young man he sent to his door.

Because it's too weak!

"I'll give you one last meeting. I'll count from one to three. If you don't let go of Lan Xuan, all of you here will have to stay here!"

As soon as Chu Chen said these words, the always serious yellow-robed monk was immediately amused. Not only was he laughing, but all the dozen or so members of the Golden Lion Group were laughing, except for the beautiful iceberg-like monk.

The golden-armored monks wearing ghost faces looked at each other and laughed loudly, as if they had heard the funniest thing in the world.

A young monk from the Lingxi Realm actually threatened a group of Tianhe Realm monks. Is there anything more ridiculous in the world?

Unlike this group of amused monks, Chu Chen started a cold countdown.




(End of this chapter) () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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