Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1610 Senior Brother Chu, you are a good person

Just when Lan Xuan was struggling in his heart, whether to risk his life and warn Chu Chen to be careful of Duan Laomo's killer.

Duan Ji quickly arrived in front of Chu Chen, but Lan Xuan was shocked!

Because the old devil actually bowed slightly, leaned over to hold up the pile of sparkling magical storage instruments, and presented it to Chu Chen with both hands!

This...this is turned over! ?

Chu Chen, who was bandaging Zhou Lin's wound, didn't mean to be polite at all. He didn't even look at Duan Ji. He just turned around and put away all the magic weapons with a flick of his sleeve, and then continued to deal with Zhou Lin's wound indifferently.

Lan Xuan's face suddenly darkened.

Chu Chen won’t go too far!

How dare you take away Duan Laomo's treasure so arrogantly?

He always felt that the next second, Duan Laomo would slap Chu Chen to death.

really! Duan Ji behind Chu Chen suddenly raised his right hand. Lan Xuan was about to yell, but found Duan Ji's right hand on his chest and bowed slightly again.

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Lan Xuan almost spit out a mouthful of blood. What the hell, Duan Laomo would stand aside so humbly, waiting for Chu Chen's further instructions?

The most... most ridiculous thing is that the old devil still calls Chu Chen his master! !

Lan Xuan felt that the whole world collapsed at this moment, like the sky was falling apart!

Zhou Lin, who was being treated by Chu Chen for injuries, was also stunned. The girl's eyes quickly wandered between Duan Ji and Chu Chen. She couldn't figure out what was going on in the scene in front of her even though she was thinking hard.

Chu...what is Senior Brother Chu's background?

The legendary old devil would actually respect him as his master...

In her mind, if Duan had a master, that master must be God!

How could it be Senior Brother Chu! ! ?

At this moment, Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin were going crazy!

Lan Xuan was seriously injured and was unconscious.

The whole person was in a trance, and almost no sound could be heard. However, Zhou Lin had been unconscious and only woke up after being treated by Chu Chen.

So when they heard the old devil say the word master to Chu Chen, both of them went completely crazy!

The turmoil in their hearts surged to an unimaginable level...

Lan Xuan naturally knew how aloof Duan Lao Mo was, and also knew that although he was a businessman, he was always rebellious and aloof.

He had served Duan Ji for many years. Although Duan Ji taught him a lot, he never treated him as a disciple. He was just a lowly existence like a handyman.

Therefore, Lan Xuan was not qualified to call Duan Ji his master in front of others, and could only humbly call him master.

The old devil has no taboos in doing things, and he does everything according to his own preferences, completely ignoring any rules and principles.

When he is in a good mood, the old devil will disguise himself as a cunning businessman and bargain with a group of new disciples.

If he is in a bad mood, as long as he can find a reasonable charge, he will join an ancient sect to kill and seize treasures, coming and going without a trace, without any scruples at all.

How could someone like him have any master? !

And the owner is still a Lingxi boy?

Although Chu Chen was against the will of heaven, he could only run away with his head in his arms when facing the Tianhe monks.

But in Duan Ji's eyes, cultivator Tianhe, killing them was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Then, he respected Chu Chen as his master! !

Zhou Lin on the side felt dizzy, and her brain was simply not enough...

She was born in an ancient righteous sect, and she was instilled in her from an early age the concepts that good and evil are incompatible, evil cannot defeat good, and righteousness must prevail.

In her dealings with the Shimen sect, she has heard countless legends about the strongest people in the evil sect.

Each of the ten most powerful people in the evil path is a tycoon in the evil path, the axis of evil, the devil of all demons, and a super devil who does all kinds of evil.

Such people kill without batting an eye, are ruthless, ruthless, and are the most evil existences in the world.

Zhou Lin has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child, and has an innate fear of giants in this evil way. She always feels that such people are the kind of demons who eat people without spitting out their bones.

But at this moment, right in front of him, such a super devil in the evil way actually worships Chu Chen, a young monk in the Lingxi realm, as his master!

So what is the origin of this Senior Brother Chu?

Zhou Lin suddenly felt her heart contracting uncontrollably.

Isn't Senior Brother Chu a descendant of the Medicine Palace? Isn't he a close disciple of Mr. Yan? Isn't he a righteous disciple of the Biquan Immortal Sect with upright roots and Miaohong? ?

Could it be that all this is an illusion?

Is his true identity and origin more mysterious and shocking?

Or, is it the descendant of the demon god in ancient legends?

Or is it the human body transformed by an evil god with powerful magic in the fairy world?

Or, he is simply a more evil, powerful, and terrifying existence...

At this time, the girl clearly felt that her brain was not enough.

Forget it, never mind!

Even if Senior Brother Chu comes from the evil path or the devil's path... he must be a good person!

The girl told herself softly.

In the Little Fairy World, the Blood Eagle novices have been with them all the way, through wind and rain. After experiencing so much, the only thing Zhou Lin can be sure of is this.

Chu Chen is a good person who is absolutely worth relying on!

"I have nothing to do here. You go ahead and wait for me at that mysterious cliff. I will go find you when I'm free."

Facing the humble Duan Ji, Chu Chen was very indifferent and waved his sleeves, indicating that he could leave.

Duan Ji bowed and saluted again, turning into a ray of ink light, breaking through the sky and flying towards the distance.

After Duan Ji left, Chu Chen did not stop and walked to the gravel area again. He rushed to Xuan Ke, who had previously stuffed the elixir into his mouth, and input spiritual power to use his energy to treat his injuries.

However, Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin kept looking at the direction where Duan Ji disappeared with their mouths wide open, unable to recover.

While Chu Chen slapped Xuan Ke several times to invigorate his blood and heal his injuries, he turned his head to look at the two companions who looked like wooden sculptures, and spoke calmly on his own initiative.

"Do you two have anything to ask me?"

When Lan Xuan heard this, he immediately nodded instinctively, but immediately shook his head vigorously, with a look of horror on his face. No matter how much he wanted to know about Duan Laomo, he couldn't dare to ask more questions.

Zhou Lin's expression was very reserved. After hesitating for a long time, the girl with wandering eyes could not speak.

Even though he knows that Senior Brother Chu is a good person, he is now Duan Ji's master, and his identity is different...

Chu Chen sat behind Xuan Ke who was sitting cross-legged, pressed his palms directly on his back, slowly injected spiritual power into his body, and continued to heal his injuries.

"Then let me ask for you, are you curious that I am Duan Ji's master?"

Lan Xuan shook his head vigorously and even closed his eyes, looking like he didn't want to know anything.

Zhou Lin bit her lower lip, hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded, "I do want to know. In fact, no matter where you come from, Senior Brother Chu, in my heart, you are always a good person."

Seeing the two of them facing disaster, Chu Chen almost laughed.

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