Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 984 Giant Mountain

Moreover, within a hundred miles of this beach, there are actually no insects, fish, birds, or animals. Although there are a few streams around the periphery, the inside of the streams is as clear as washing, and there are no fish or shrimps. A dead zone.

After carefully searching all the places within a hundred miles, Elder Lingxin finally decided to climb over the huge mountain at the end of the beach.

After all, the only giant mountain on the entire island has lush and lush forests. One is that there may be food in the giant mountain, and the other is that one has to climb over the huge mountain and leave this dead zone.

It's just that the mountain is really too huge, soaring into the clouds at a glance, I'm afraid the height has already exceeded ten thousand feet.

\u0026nb{猪}猪岛{小}说 3.zhu; Such a huge mountain cannot be leaped even with the strength of a super strong person in the Linghe Great Realm.

Only by climbing over the huge mountain can one truly penetrate into the interior of the island. Now this beach is not even considered the outer periphery of the island.


The gentle sea breeze blew past, and the familiar fragrance rushed into the nostrils in the breeze, which made Chu Chen's heart move slightly, and he woke up from his deep sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Elder Lingxin walking over with a frosty face, holding a bamboo chair in his hand. The bamboo chair seemed to be woven and polished from ordinary bamboo, which looked very rough.

"What's this?"

Chu Chen froze for a moment, the bamboo chair had two woven rattan straps on the back, which looked like a backpack.

"It's for you."

Elder Lingxin put down the bamboo chair, gestured to Chu Chen's figure, and said lightly, "Just staying here is not enough, I have to climb that mountain with you on my back."

Looking back from the giant mountain in the distance, Elder Lingxin waved at Chuchen, coldly beckoning him to sit on the bamboo chair and have a try.

"Move faster."

Chu Chen was speechless for a while, but this was the best way now, so he had no choice but to support himself with both hands, and sat down in the bamboo chair.

Unexpectedly, although the bamboo chair looks rough on the outside, it feels very comfortable after sitting on it. The curvature and size of the bamboo chair are very suitable for his figure, and it is obviously made with care.

After Chu Chen is done,

Elder Lingxin was slightly short, and put his arms through the rattan on the back of the chair to carry the chair on his back.

The turquoise robe moved with the wind, and the strong fragrance wafted out of his nostrils. Chu Chen was a little embarrassed: "Am I heavy?"

"Fortunately, it's a bit light. It's better for a man to be stronger. If he's weak, can he protect a woman?"

Elder Lingxin turned his head and glanced at him casually, and as soon as he moved his footsteps, his figure turned into a blue shadow and flew away.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Chu Chen smiled wryly, "Actually, I'm quite strong."

It's not that he is bragging, because in the early years, because he often traveled around, Chu Chen's physique was very refined.

Although he looks like a skinny young man, he can reveal his muscular body when he takes off his clothes.

It's just that now he is still only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, and his bones and so on have not yet fully developed, so he is not as strong as an adult man.

After all, Elder Lingxin is a superpower in the world. Although he was carrying a person on his back, his flying Sùdù was not affected. After just a stick of incense, he crossed a distance of hundreds of miles and came to the huge at the foot of the giant mountain.

It is only when you are really close to this giant mountain that you can feel how huge it is. When you look at it from a distance on the beach, you can only see a huge outline, which seems to be a cliff that separates the entire island.

And once he came to the foot of this giant mountain, he immediately felt a sense of confusion rushing towards his face.

At a glance, the field of vision is completely filled with a huge mountain, like an endless wall blocking the whole world.

This is really too magnificent, Chu Chen never thought that there would be such a tall giant mountain in this world, and with the eyesight he inherited from Yinpeng clone, he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Looking up, the huge mountain went straight into the sky, and there were clouds around halfway up the mountain, as if they spanned the entire sky.

In a higher place, one can faintly see the disillusionment of the stars, the rotation of the sun and the moon, all of which revolve around this unimaginable giant mountain.

Chu Chen was inexplicably shocked, this kind of vision is too surprising, a mountain is a world!

Even if you use your spiritual sense to sense it, you can vaguely feel that there seem to be faint figures on the mountain worshiping, as if the ancestors in ancient times were offering sacrifices to the heaven and the earth!

The huge giant mountain is unparalleled, and on the mountainside of the giant mountain that can be seen in the field of vision, there are also giant trees and lush vegetation.

The types of trees here are very strange, and they are tree species that Chu Chen has never seen before.

These giant trees are about tens of feet high, their trunks are straight and straight, and their bark is as lustrous as iron and phosphorus.

And the leaves are dark green all over, presenting various irregular rhombus shapes, looking like pieces of sharp iron, with a sharp cold light shining at the edges.

Inside the giant mountain, a huge, vast and dangerous aura emanates faintly, as if there are countless ferocious and terrifying ancient beasts lurking, about to choose people and devour them.

It's just strange that even though the two of them brought their spiritual senses up, they still couldn't find a single beast on this huge mountain. Those ferocious murderous intentions and malicious intentions emanated from nowhere.

After sensing with his spiritual sense for a while, Chu Chen frowned deeply, wanting to know that after taking the "Shen Ling Pill", the increase in his spiritual sense has not disappeared. ,

Even the ancient killing formation in it can feel a clear spiritual sense, but they can't see through the strangeness of this huge mountain.

The pervasive murderous intent and the sense of danger brought about by malice made him feel like a thorn in his back.

Elder Lingxin's frosty face also gradually became solemn. She has been flying over this mountain for more than a few hours with Chu Chen on her back, and in terms of her Sùdù, she may not have traveled a thousand miles. .

But now it feels like it is still at the foot of the mountain.

Chu Chen looked up, and saw that huge mountain towered into the sky, boundless, and the two of them didn't even leave the foot of the mountain.

how so? Could it be that this gigantic mountain really contains a world as in the induction?

After activating the spiritual sense again to no avail, Chu Chen stretched out his hand into his arms, and pulled out the sleeping hamster.

I saw the little hamster's chubby body shaking violently, as if he had been frightened by something.

Mung bean-sized eyes stared round when they saw Chu Chen, and cursed:

"Damn, what did you do to wake up my uncle, the good dream you just had was frightened into a nightmare by you..."

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