Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1635 Bloody Giant

Under the cover of the formation, the seven evil beasts advanced and retreated freely and launched violent attacks, immediately causing the blood-clothed and black-clothed old man to fall into a bitter battle.

The old man in black had just blocked Di Jiang's wing slash, but a ferocious bloody mouth suddenly appeared on his side.

The left side resisted the Haechi's one-horned attack, but the Yongzhu's roar came from behind.

The old man in blood-clothed clothes barely held back Kui Niu's full-force collision with his hands, but the ferocious spikes on Qiongqi's body burst out like dense rain!


Less than ten breaths into the battle, the old man in blood spit out a large mouthful of blood and was knocked away by the powerful Kui Niu, causing serious injuries.

The old man in black slashed out with his sword and cut the ferocious man into two parts from head to tail. However, he saw that the two halves of the separated body were still very much alive. He bit off a large piece of flesh from his body and then merged into two parts behind him. One, he rushed over again with fighting spirit.

The ferocious evil beast itself is an evil beast formed by the fusion of two evil beasts, one is ferocious and the other is ferocious.

The two beasts can be separated or combined, changing without any reason, causing considerable trauma to the old man in black in an instant.

The seven-headed evil beasts condensed from the Seven Fires Xuansha Formation can easily kill the strong men of the Tianhe level!

Boom boom boom...

At this time, the two men in blood and black finally knew that they might really die in this formation if they didn't fight their way out.


With an angry shout, he saw blood burst out around the old man in blood. The dazzling blood light even formed a huge demonic shadow, a hundred feet high, overlooking all living beings.

As the blood-clothed old man looked up to the sky and roared, the huge blood demon shadow rushed into his body!

The next second, the aura in the blood-clothed old man's body rose steadily, and his body also expanded rapidly, and soon turned into a domineering giant with a height of more than ten feet.

Bloody thunder and lightning swirled around him endlessly, as if they were about to destroy all living beings like ancient gods and demons.

"You evil beast, die!"

With an earth-shattering roar, the two huge and disproportionate fists of the old man in blood suddenly fell from the sky and hit Kui Niu, who had attacked again, with a loud bang.

This Kui Niu is the strongest of the seven evil beasts.

At this time, he was hit head-on by the secret technique that the old man in blood-clothed clothes exerted with all his strength. He collapsed in the void with a thud and actually fainted.

"Kill these evil beasts and let me see how powerful your formation is!"

With the blessing of the blood demon shadow secret technique, the old man in blood clothes knocked out Kui Niu with one blow, and his confidence suddenly increased.

A blood-red giant sword with a ghost head condensed on the huge palm.

Just when he was holding the giant knife in both hands and wanted to completely kill Kui Niu with one strike, a cold breath suddenly appeared from his side.


Just as the black-clothed old man's exclamation appeared, he saw a huge figure suddenly rising into the sky, but it was Dijiang's four huge wings that were ten feet long that merged into one, forming a fierce pole in mid-air. The single-winged blade fiercely slashed at the side of the blood-clothed old man!


The blood-red single wing became sharper than any magic weapon at this time. When the void was cut, the blood-clothed old man's right arm was broken in response, and large swaths of blood sprayed out.

At the same time, the figure of the old man in blood clothes that had expanded to a height of more than ten feet shattered and returned to its original height.

With just one blow, the terrifying Secret Art of Blood Demon Shadow Incarnation was shattered by Di Jiang, knocking the Blood Lord back to his original form!


His right arm was cut off, and the huge force blasted through the blood demon shadow and penetrated into his body, causing the old man in blood to spit out a mouthful of blood again, and the aura on his body quickly weakened.

At this moment, the aura of the old man in blood-clothed clothes even dropped to the level of the Linghe River in an instant!

These evil beasts are so ferocious!

The old man in black was slightly startled, and he no longer dared to worry about it. A purple-black simple long knife appeared in his hand, with a misty purple aura.

Raise your hand and chop!

As the sword light burst out, a long purple-black sword beam burst out and slashed into Dijiang's single wing in mid-air, forcibly cutting off the four flesh-winged wings!


The painful howl of the evil beast Dijiang resounded throughout the world, but before the old man in black could expand his victory, Dijiang, whose wings had been chopped off, had turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the formation.

At this moment, Di Jiang and Kui Niu among the seven evil beasts were injured, leaving only five.

But five evil beasts are enough to keep the old man in black here!

"It's time for a cup of tea."

Just as the old man in black concentrated his mind to face the remaining five evil beasts, Chu Chen's cold voice came, and the expression of the old man in black suddenly changed.

The face of the old man in blood-clothed clothes, who was seriously injured and half-sitting to adjust his breath, was completely drained of color.

Only two of the seven evil beasts were killed. Among them, the Kui Niu was still unconscious but had not been killed. It only took a cup of tea. This formation is so abnormal!

In comparison, the Xuanxue Demonic Array seems to have become a joke!

"Have you made up your mind? Which one to kill first? Well... the injured one looks half disabled. If you kill the intact one, you will never have the chance to break my formation."

Chu Chen's voice had a touch of amusement, and he felt Duan Ji's cold and domineering aura that seemed to be faintly coming from outside the formation, and the old man in black felt chills all over his body.

The next moment, he saw the old man in black swinging the purple-black long knife in his hand, and with a pop, it pierced directly into the heart of the Blood Lord!

"Brother..." The blood-clothed old man's eyes widened in an instant, and the long knife that pierced his heart had a cold light, instantly twisting his heart into pieces.

Even if the Great Luo Immortal descended to earth, he would not be able to save such an injury. However, the old man in blood could never have imagined that after decades of friendship, he would die under the knife of his old friend.

"If I die, you won't be able to break this formation no matter what. Only if I live can I have a chance to escape! You can go in peace, I will take your share of survival!"

The old man in black looked at him and took out the long knife in his hand.

With this blow, the vitality in the blood-clothed old man's body completely dissipated, and his whole body exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist and scattering.

The remaining members of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group were all stunned, looking at the old man in black with anger in his eyes.

The Black Dragon Breaking Formation Regiment is extremely cruel and tyrannical towards its enemies, but extremely united towards its own people.

In this cruel environment, only by working together as a team can we control one side.

If you can betray your companions at any time, you won't be able to survive long in the fairy world.

At this moment, what the black-clothed Supreme Elder did made the remaining tribesmen despise him, and they looked at him with less respect.


The void roared sharply, and the swords were crisscrossed. In terms of pure combat power, the old man in black was superior to the old man in blood.

The purple-black long knife in his hand seemed to be extraordinary. Any slash could leave a wound on the evil beast.

The more he killed, the harder he hit, and he actually found a way out! ?

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