Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1650 The strength to feed

Duan Qing spoke eloquently, but all the monks who heard this subconsciously laughed.

Can you play the piano?

What kind of rule is this? Since we are here to learn the piano, is there anyone here who can't play the piano?

Even if you can’t play the piano, how can you still play the piano?

The monks were both angry and funny.

Duan Qing didn't say much. After everyone was quiet, he waved his sleeves and a white light flashed from the storage bracelet on his right wrist. A guqin with a shining aura suddenly appeared in his hand.

The body of this guqin seems to be some kind of light white jade, which is warm and crystal clear.

The Yueshan inlaid on Qin's forehead turned out to be a piece of gray-white bone. However, the bone block does not have any sinister aura, but instead carries a light and spiritual aura.

This is an extraordinary-looking seven-string guqin, with a thick smell permeating the whole body. The seven strings are slightly bluish-white. There are still a few faint cracks on the body, but it seems to be very old. , the cracks not only did not destroy the beauty of the piano body, but gave the whole piano an ancient feel.

Chu Chen's first reaction was that this guqin was definitely not simple.

"As long as you can play this guqin, you will be qualified to become the entry-level disciple of the guqin. Everyone can start testing one by one."

Duan Qing pointed to the guqin on the stone table with a calm expression, and then stood upright with his hands behind his back.

"Just make sure it can snap?"

"Is it because the master of the piano has lowered the standards for accepting disciples in the fairy world..."

"Just snap it, I'll be lucky this time!"

All the monks felt that happiness came too suddenly, and they couldn't believe it.

Duan Qing said with certainty, "Yes, as long as you can play this guqin, you can get personal guidance from the piano master and be accepted as a registered disciple."

After receiving Duan Qing's final affirmation, several monks stood up, eager to try.

But many monks also pointed out that there must be a mystery to this guqin. After all, there is no such thing as picking it up for free.

The eyes of a tall man in black clothes flashed, "Hey, I heard that some sects who practice bow and arrow have special requirements for their disciples. They must have strong arm strength. Only physical arm strength without spiritual power can pull three people apart. Only a heavy bow that makes the bow string vibrate is qualified to become a disciple. Is this how the piano master accepts disciples? "

The well-dressed man in black suggested that strength should be the key to playing the guqin!

"Hahaha... Learning the piano is not about pulling a bow. The stronger you are, the better you can play. Besides, if playing the piano requires a lot of force, then who can play a song? I'm afraid I can't play a few times. I’m going to die from exhaustion!”

A young man in blue shook his head, "I think the hidden condition is that one must be proficient in music theory. Only those who are proficient in music theory can play."

The words of the young man in blue made some monks who already had a foundation in playing, especially the young girl monks, look happy.

An elegant old monk in white frowned slightly, "Junior Brother Duan Qing, you won't be standing by the piano and interfering when it's time to play.

Those who are not as strong as you will naturally have no chance to play. "

As soon as the old monk said this, all the monks were in an uproar.

Duan Qing, who was standing by the piano, raised his eyelids and replied nonchalantly, "I won't use such boring fighting methods. We are learning the piano, not fighting. The guqin has been tested by the master himself. As instructed, everyone will find out if they come to test it. It depends on the opportunity."

"Then... let me try it first."

Seeing that the monks in the field were all hesitant, a petite girl in white walked up to the guqin. This somewhat delicate female monk stretched out her right hand and flicked the strings.

The blue-white strings vibrated slightly and could be plucked easily, but no sound was heard at all? !

"Junior sister, I want to remind you that when operating spiritual power, each string has its own vibrating frequency. To keep the vibration frequency of your spiritual power consistent with the strings, this is the talent of practicing the piano. This guqin does not require a certain amount of spiritual power, but it requires extremely high precision in the manipulation of spiritual power."

Duan Qing reminded the first candidate in a deep voice, also intending to tell other monks.

The delicate girl was stunned when she heard this, and her fingertips glowed slightly with white light.

It's just that she tried each string several times in succession, but none of the strings made any sound. Unknowingly, the girl's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"Give up. Learning the piano requires talent. If you can't even master the vibration frequency of the ancient strings, your practice in the future will be half the result with half the effort, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

Duan Qing came to a conclusion calmly.

The pretty girl said softly, her face full of disappointment.

At this time, Chu Chen also saw that among the people who came here, the young monks basically came to learn the piano sincerely.

Some male cultivators' motives were not so simple. I'm afraid most of them came because of the beauty of the violinist.

"I'll try!"

The tall, well-dressed man in black snorted and walked up to the guqin, a bright red light emitting from his palm.

The blue-white strings danced endlessly at his fingertips, but although they beat happily, there was still no sound at all, which made the man in black clothes blush.

"Your spiritual power is too strong and overbearing. Playing the piano is an elegant thing. It is about cultivating one's moral character and not fighting with others. Why are you so rude? This piano belongs to the master. If you break it, you will be in great trouble. It ruined everyone’s enjoyment.”

Duan Qing said sharply.

The man in black clothes refused to give up and continued to play, but his face became increasingly red. Under Duan Qing's urging, he finally clenched his hands and turned away.

There is really nothing you can do about things like talent.

Some people just don't seem to be suitable for playing the piano, and there's no point in forcing them.

Next, a few monks tried it. The blue-white strings could be plucked easily, basically without any effort.

But no matter how hard they tried, the strings could not produce any sound at all.

No matter whether it is a male cultivator or a female cultivator, no matter how strong or weak the cultivation is, no matter how skillfully it is used, the strings seem to make no sound at all, there is no movement at all.

"Can you really play the piano loudly?"

Seeing that several male and female monks had failed, Ouyang Yun, a yellow-robed monk sitting in the crowd, began to attack, "Duan Qing, did you do anything to this piano?"


Duan Qing sneered and didn't answer much.

Ouyang Yun, who was already frivolous and wild, was furious when he heard this. If Duan Qing hadn't been in charge of the test, he would have stepped forward to take action.

"Let me try."

At this moment, an old voice came out, but it was an old monk in black who was sitting quietly.

This old man is the oldest of them all. He looks like he is sixty or seventy years old. Although his hair is white and his face is full of wrinkles, he is energetic, tall and straight, standing up. There is not a trace of rickets at all.

The old monk walked to the guqin with a solemn expression. He put his hands in his sleeves for a while, holding his breath and concentrating.

Then he slowly stretched out his right hand and started playing the guqin.

The fingertips passed over the body of the piano, and the blue-white strings trembled slightly. In an instant, "Zheng!"

A melodious and crisp music sound resounded!

The whole hall was shocked!

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