Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1687 How to Sneak into the Forbidden Land

"For me, this trip to the Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain is imperative!"

Chu Chen's voice was very soft, but extremely firm, "To be honest, every time I advance to a higher level, I need a huge amount of spiritual treasure resources. I have now reached the most tense moment of my cultivation. In this ancient fairy crystal mountain, what can be obtained The resources will definitely allow me to break through to the level I need to reach.”

In fact, even if Chu Chen didn't explain, Shi Yuyan and others also knew that he relied on massive resources to improve his level in a short period of time.

Everyone followed him around to plunder resources and watched his realm soar like a rocket. Naturally, they had already understood it.

Even the little girl Zhou Lin couldn't help but nodded gently.

"But I don't want everyone to take risks with me this time. The life restricted area is already close to death, and now we know that it is the territory of the Jiutian Breaking Formation Group, so there is absolutely no chance of death, so everyone can Wait for me near Xianjing Ancient Mountain for thirty days. If I don’t show up, you don’t have to wait any longer.”

Chu Chen said word for word.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but they soon realized that Chu Chen's words were also for everyone's benefit, and all kinds of thoughts suddenly arose in their hearts.

Every expression changes.

Zhou Lin looked around, her face turned red, and she mustered up the courage to speak first, "My cultivation level is really low, and my combat power is the weakest. I have never had the courage to go to the battlefield. This time, I have to bite the bullet and follow everyone." Going to the restricted area of ​​life together, I’m afraid it will only be a drag if everyone has to spare their efforts to protect me.”

Zhou Lin's voice was very soft, but everyone had to agree with her every word.

"In this case, I will continue to do the logistics work of intelligence collection, and then wait for everyone to return in triumph."

The girl smiled and made a victory sign.

Chu Chen also nodded and glanced at the remaining three people.

"I go."

Shi Yuyan was as cold as an immortal, with a calm expression on her face, and said calmly, "The Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group is known as the largest authentic sect in the small fairy world. To me, it also means the largest treasure house. I will take this opportunity to go It’s okay to meet them for a while. Besides, the legendary fairy crystal mine that will disappear at any time is very attractive to me. I have no reason not to go.”

When Chu Chen heard what this witch said, he couldn't help but feel a headache. It seemed that this witch had a bad taste in playing with the genius disciples of the famous and authentic sect.

But the disciples of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group are not so easy to control. The witch's habit of playing with fire will sooner or later lead to her getting burned.

"Then I will definitely go."

Lan Xuan grinned, his eyes shining, "Xianjing, the whole ancient mountain is full of fairy crystals. This is definitely an opportunity given to me by God to make a fortune. Maybe if I fight this, I can give myself To redeem myself, I no longer have to work for that peerless old devil, hahaha..."

"That's right, if you go, no matter what, you won't have to work for Lao Mo anymore."

Xuan Ke, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Either the redemption is successful, or you die inside."

Chu Chen also didn't expect that the old monk just said nothing but spoke so sharply.

"I'll go and have a look, too.

Sooner or later you will die, no matter where you die. "

Xuan Ke touched his gray beard and said in a deep voice, "I have lived for such a long time, and I am old enough. This little fairy world will sink at any time. I always feel that something is missing without exploring the restricted area of ​​life. I will Go and open your eyes."

The three of them were more determined than Chu Chen imagined, so he nodded without saying anything more, "In that case, let's go to the restricted area of ​​life together."

"Then I'll find a place and wait for everyone."

Zhou Lin said softly, searching the three-dimensional map with her eyes. After a moment, she stretched out her white finger and clicked on a city not far from the red dot on the map.

"Then I will wait for you to come back at this stronghold, and I will also collect some relevant information."

The girl wanted to say something more, but a look of worry flashed through her eyes, and she forced herself to smile and said, "If you encounter any difficulties while exploring the Immortal Crystal Mine, remember to put your own life first."

Chu Chen nodded vigorously, Lan Xuan smiled heartlessly, and the old monk Xuan Ke silently raised his right thumb, indicating that there was no problem.

Zhou Lin slowly put away the ancient mountain map and handed the jade slip to Chu Chen. The girl seemed to be thinking that everyone was about to enter the restricted area of ​​life, and the smile on her face was always far-fetched.

"The extraditer who will lead everyone into the Immortal Crystal Mine will be here tomorrow. Brothers and sisters, you should rest early today and keep your spirits up. The people of the Nine-Day Breaking Formation Group... everyone will surely turn danger into good fortune."

As the girl hesitated to speak, everyone returned to their rooms.

It was estimated that everyone had fallen asleep, so Chu Chen opened the map again and silently memorized the map in his mind for a long time before closing it and falling asleep.

Early the next morning, there was a rhythmic knocking at the courtyard door.

Chu Chen, who had washed up early and memorized the map again, stepped forward and opened the courtyard door.

He saw a fair-faced, slightly fat, middle-aged monk in blue shirt standing outside the door, with a friendly smile that was typical of a businessman.

"Are these the distinguished guests who want to enter the Immortal Crystal Mine where the Jiutian Formation Breaking Group is located?"

Before Chu Chen could answer, Zhou Lin on the side had already nodded repeatedly.

The middle-aged monk cupped his hands and said with a smile, "I am the guide responsible for taking everyone to Xianjing Ancient Mountain. You can just call me Lao Zhao."

"Senior Brother Zhao, you have to wait a moment, everyone will be here soon."

After Zhou Lin introduced Old Zhao into the lobby, she hurriedly woke up Lan Xuan, who was still sleeping soundly. After about half a stick of incense, Lan Xuan, who was still sleepy-eyed, arrived and everyone was there.

So Lao Zhao introduced the matters related to the Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain and the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group in charge of it in a very professional manner.

As one of the top super formation-breaking groups in the Little Fairy World, the Nine Heavens Formation-breaking Group has extremely strict rules and regulations. Generally, outsiders are not allowed to enter the place they occupy.

Unless you become a formal member of the Jiutian Formation Breaking Group, go through a series of assessments and trials, and obtain the authorization from the senior members of the Formation Breaking Group, you can enter the restricted area of ​​life.

But in that case, it would take too much time. Chu Chen and the others simply did not have that much time to waste on these things.

Therefore, this method is not under everyone's consideration.

Fortunately, besides this legitimate method, there is another way for people to sneak into the Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain.

It can be called simple and crude!

The most effective way is to go to Xianjing Ancient Mountain to do hard work!

Go mining.

Among the many large and small formation-breaking groups in the Little Immortal World, Jiutian has always regarded itself as a famous and authentic sect, and is known as the leading force among the righteous monks.

At the same time, they have always been extremely repulsive towards monks in evil ways and demonic ways, and they hate evil as much as they hate them.

Once you encounter monks from evil or demonic sects, those who don't like them will be killed directly.

When they encounter demonic people who have not been caught committing crimes, they will usually directly capture them as prisoners, and then send them to various secret realms and ruins to do hard work in mining.

Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain is also an important town that often requires coolies to transport.

After all, in the restricted area of ​​life, human life is like grass and must be replenished in large quantities! ...

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