Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1702 Who knows the thoughts of the boy digging the soil?

Looking at the fat monk Qian Hao who fell to the ground and fell unconscious, his hands and feet twitching from time to time, the monks felt that their faces were also twitching involuntarily.


So embarrassing!

A Linghe Great Realm cultivator was beaten by a Lingxi minor cultivator. Everyone felt that this was too shameful after he said it.

Suddenly, with Qian Hao's rhythmic twitching, most of the monks turned red and couldn't lift their heads.

This little monk from Lingxi is so fucking evil!

Some timid Linghe monks did not even dare to make direct eye contact with Chu Chen, for fear of offending this terrifying little Lingxi monk and causing disaster.

Chu Chen, who was the "evil star" in the eyes of the monks, regarded the restless people as if they were nothing, and began to dig in earnestly.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

In Chu Chen's hands, the spar hoe was flying wildly, and with every swing, a large handful of spar and gravel would be thrown up.

He moved extremely fast, and the crystal hoe turned into a half-hazy phantom during the swing.

However, this kid... looks like he is just digging randomly?

After watching for a while, someone noticed something was wrong!

Chu Chen's movements were too messy. He didn't dig deeply at a certain spot, but dug randomly with a hoe here and there.

To be more precise, it was more like he was wandering around and digging everywhere he went.

While he was wandering around, his movements were flying, and the scope of the excavation reached a hundred feet, and the progress of the excavation was uneven, as if he had been gnawed by a dog.

It’s all nonsense!

How could this possibly succeed?

When a normal monk digs, he will identify a spot and dig carefully. The maximum radius is no more than ten feet.

If digging more than ten feet deep still yields no results, it means that there are basically no ancient ruins in this place.

He was digging over a hundred feet at a time, hoeing here and there, hoeing here and there, completely at will, and the scope of his excavation was still expanding. I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to dig very deep into such a large area even if he was exhausted!

Everyone shook their heads, not bothering to watch his mischief anymore, and started working in other open areas with their own crystal hoes.

You have to rely on yourself to save your own life.

"Little brother, sister, come and help you dig together. Where do you think there may be ruins? How about I help you dig deeper?"

All the monks walked far away. Only the beautiful woman in red, Ye Manjiao, walked over with a smile. Chu Chen knew that she sincerely wanted to help him.

"No need, Senior Sister Ye, just watch from the side."

Chu Chen kept moving and suddenly started to speed up. In the end, it was almost impossible to see the movements of his hands clearly.

The monk who accidentally turned his head to take a look saw only a cloud of sand flying into the air and quickly forming a small mound around it.

As time goes by, the number of small mounds increases,

And the growth rate is getting faster and faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was a small mound of soil beside the pit!

The faces of many monks gradually became serious, because it was too fast. The little guy in the Lingxi realm in front of him was digging at a speed that was as fast as the sky!

An area of ​​black soil with a radius of more than a hundred feet was dug to a depth of more than ten feet in less than an hour. This speed can be described as abnormal!

You must know that this is a fairy crystal mining area. The sand and soil are composed of broken and weathered crystal stones. They are so hard that even monks from the Spirit River Realm would have a hard time digging!

A large pit with a radius of 100 feet and a depth of more than 10 feet. If it were a monk from the Linghe Realm, it would probably take dozens of people to dig it together, and it would probably be difficult to complete it in an hour.

In the end, this little monk from Lingxi did it alone!

The Linghe monks were mercilessly slapped in the face by him again.

Suddenly, the monks' attention returned again and they continued to watch Chu Chen digging.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated. The air around them was extremely quiet, leaving only the muffled sound of the crystal hoe and crystal gravel colliding on the ground.

As time went by, not only this group of people, but also other groups of coolies around them also noticed this place.

Newcomers are not allowed to approach the location of other teams, but other teams can come over.

Men, women, old and young, demonic and righteous, everyone loved to see the excitement, and a large group of monks gathered around them.

Because the noise Chu Chen made was not like digging soil, but destroying the world.

boom! boom! boom!

Thunder-like impact sounds continued to be heard from the deep pit. Chu Chen's crystal hoe flew around, and the sand and soil cracked, making loud noises one after another.

He scooped up a pile of sand and threw it directly out of the pit, forming a hill over a hundred feet high.

He dug out a mountain by himself, in such a perverted place as the Xianjing Ancient Mine!

This terrifying power of moving mountains, let alone Lingxi, may not even be able to move half a step across the Tianhe River! !

What on earth does this terrifying little monk from Lingxi want to do?

More and more coolies from other teams came to watch. Although they were all stunned, they did not dare to communicate or get too close.

Just keep a certain distance and watch!

The Jiutian Formation Breaking Group is very strict about the management of the coolies here and does not allow casual communication between coolies from different teams.

So everyone just watched Chu Chen digging in silence.

However, the white-clothed monks from Jiutian quickly rushed over and quickly dispersed the surrounding coolie team.

As time continued to pass, the hole Chu Chen dug became bigger and deeper.

A whole night passed, and Chu Chen was still fighting sleeplessly. In the blink of an eye, the sun set in the afternoon, and the place where he stood had turned into a large pit with a radius of several thousand feet.

The excavated crystal gravel has even piled up into more than a dozen hills, which looks quite spectacular from a distance.

Members of Chu Chen's team, under the leadership of Ye Man, began to assist in transporting soil.

When the light of the setting sun gradually faded away, a group of people in white came from behind, carrying a faint aura of danger.

The monk walking at the front looks young, only in his twenties. He is very heroic, his white clothes are whiter than snow, and he has a bit of a heavenly appearance.

But his eyes were cold, as ruthless as everyone else was like ants.

He is one of the five supervisors of this canyon. Zhao Hai, an elite member of the Nine-Day Formation Breaking Group, only gave everyone a three-day deadline.

"There is only one stick of incense left! If you don't find the ancient ruins, you will all die!"

Zhao Hai's voice was ethereal and distant, as if coming from the clouds, but all the monks felt as if they were falling into the abyss.

Everyone had a chill running down their spines, and they stopped all movements at a loss.

The people of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group are extremely ruthless and decisive in their actions. If these coolies cannot dig out the ancient ruins within the specified time limit, they will definitely kill all the monks on the spot!

In the eyes of Jiutian, it is not a pity to die for each of these "evil heretics", so they will be killed!

The time was about to expire, and the faces of the monks all showed expressions of despair. Only Chu Chen was still digging in the huge pit. ...

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