Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 991 The Old Woodcutter in the Giant Mountain

Seeing the figures of the two leaping towards the giant mountain, Fang Rentang's complexion suddenly turned green and pale, and finally he sighed helplessly.

"Cripple, do you think you can escape from my palm?"

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his figure turned into a light and shadow, chasing after Elder Lingxin in the direction where he left.

"Well, this direction... yes, turn left ahead, go forward for a while and then turn into the mountain road on the left..."

Under the warm sunshine, Elder Lingxin walked like flying with Chu Chen's figure on his back. Under his command, he kept crossing one forest after another.

\u0026nbs Island\u003eNovel www.zuzud; I have to say that this huge mountain is really big, and when walking on it, I feel like I am in an endless mountain range.

After following Elder Lingxin and walking in the direction Chu Chen pointed out for several hours, Fang Rentang's complexion became more and more ugly.

Because the surrounding environment seems to be getting more and more desolate, and the trees and bushes I see are getting less and less. The dense forest that I saw before has turned into a barren rocky area, a dead silence.

This... What the hell is this doing?

Could it be that you are courting death?

A discerning person can tell at a glance that if you go further, it must be a dead zone, and there are no ghosts. Is he going to bring them to the dead zone?

Just as Fang Rentang was about to explode, he suddenly heard singing faintly coming from ahead.

The singing voice was vigorous and powerful, sad and vicissitudes, it was the voice of an old man, drifting over with the wind.

"Watching chess Ke Lan, cutting wood Tin Ding, walking slowly at the mouth of the valley beside the clouds..."

"Selling salaries and selling wine, laughing wildly at the pottery. The green path is high in the autumn, and the pine roots are pillowed on the moon, and the morning dawns..."

"Recognize the old forest, climb the cliff and cross the ridge, break the dead vine with an ax..."

Lingxin couldn't help but stop when he heard the singing, "There are still woodcutters in this place?"

Fang Rentang was very nervous, "Where is a woodcutter in such a place, be careful."

This voice gave Chu Chen a sense of déjà vu. He was wondering who it would be, when suddenly he broke through the sky and flew over from the sky.


An old man in black with a black dagger,

It fell straight down from the sky and landed in front of the three of them.

The old man was not tall, with a round face, his eyes narrowed when he smiled, and he looked very kind and friendly, but the moment he landed, the breath of the whole space changed.

It seemed that in an instant, both the sky and the earth were imprisoned by this old man.

The whole world has become dark.

Fang Rentang felt that he was brought into a closed space in an instant, and the scenery around him did not change at all.

This kind of terrifying space confinement, even the strong in the Linghe realm may not be able to do it.

How could there be such a super existence in this giant mountain? Fang Rentang secretly yelled "unlucky", and the resentment towards Chu Chen in his heart increased a bit.

"Hello, old man, I want to ask for directions."

The old man in black looked at the three of them with a smile, and Fang Rentang suddenly felt that his soul would be seen through by him. Although the old man was smiling, judging from his domineering way of sealing off the space, he was obviously a person in the evil way.

This kind of person in the evil way, whose strength is against the sky, kills people like mowing grass. It is very likely that he will kill others directly if he is unhappy with a word.

With strength above the Linghe realm, Fang Rentang knew that he didn't even have the ability to resist, his heart began to sink continuously, and cold sweat kept breaking out from the palm of his hand.

Lingxin was much calmer in comparison, the frost on her face remained undiminished, and she said flatly, "Old man, I'm afraid you may have asked the wrong person, we are also looking for our own way."

"Oh, I'm also a pathfinder from the end of the world, there is a destiny, a destiny, but this little brother..."

When the eyes of the old man in black circled around the three of them, they stopped on Chu Chen's face, and his eyes lit up, "Boy, we are really destined to meet again, but why are you different from before? "

In fact, Chu Chen had already guessed that Kěnéng was him since he heard his singing, and it turned out that he was indeed one of the top ten evil overlords in the world.

This money-greedy old man is elusive. When he first saw him, Chu Chen's first thought was to hide. After all, in the Medicine Palace's pharmacist competition, Gong Mu, who walked the world as the descendant of the top ten evil overlords, ate it in Chu Chen's hands. Big loss.

Chu Chen was very worried that Duan Ji would immediately settle accounts with him if he recognized him, but after Duan Ji recognized him, he looked surprised as if he met an old acquaintance in a foreign land, and it seemed that he would not trouble him.

"Ahem... I had a little accident with my leg, so of course it's different from before."

Chu Chen knew that what Duan Ji said was that his face was different, of course he would not admit it, he deliberately said it was his legs, and while speaking, he winked at Duan Ji, signaling him not to expose himself.

Duan Ji understood, and smiled, "Little brother, I know it, well, it's fate that we all know each other, please introduce us to each other."

As soon as Duan Ji finished speaking, as his body trembled slightly, the sky and the earth lighted up again, and the confinement was instantly lifted.

"This is Elder Lingxin, the great pharmacist of Biquan Immortal Sect, and this is Sect Master Fang Rentang of Chunyang Sect."

After Chu Chen introduced the two people around him, he pointed to the old man in black, "This old man's name is Duan Ji."

Hearing the word "Duan Ji", Fang Rentang felt struck by lightning. He never dreamed that this smiling old man in black was the most difficult, mysterious, and money-grubbing old devil among the ten legendary overlords of evil ways.

The top ten overlords of evil ways are all heroes of one side, powerful enough to cover the sky with one hand, some of them own a big sect, some of them own a country, only Duan Ji is the most special.

Legend has it that every time he appears, he is alone, lonely, eccentric, always smiling, but if anyone offends him, a sect or a country will disappear forever overnight.

His strength is said to be among the top three monsters among the top ten evil overlords. His only shortcoming is greed, chasing wealth, and chasing treasures.

However, he has always claimed to be a businessman. If he wants to get anything, there is a way to trade. He said that he is a businessman who talks about rules.

It was once circulated on the mainland that he took a fancy to a legendary ancient sword in the Izumo country, and he traded it with the royal family of the Izumo country. He used the lives of more than 300 people from the royal family of the Izumo country to trade that sword. Take the legendary ancient sword.

This made everyone speechless. This very principled businessman actually did anything for the sake of treasures, because his principles were in his hands.

Fang Rentang just wanted to escape at this moment, but although the imprisonment disappeared, he felt that his courage to step forward in front of this evil giant disappeared.

Lingxin frowned, she thought to herself how could this Tong Hu know such a notorious old devil?

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