Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1729 Unknown Strange Cave

The dragon roared, and the appearance of nine evil dragons that were tens of feet long immediately filled the entire space with a sense of oppression.

These flaming dragons are lifelike, golden in color, with bright red lines flashing on their scales.

The most shocking thing is that the dragon's eyes are pure blue. At first glance, they look as pure as sapphires, as if they come from the sky!

They are no different from real creatures.

As soon as the nine blue-eyed golden dragons appeared, they began to spin wildly, turning into nine huge tornadoes and rushing towards the earth.

Each dragon is like an extra-long giant drill. With the help of nine dragons, the digging speed suddenly speeds up!

Only the roar of the earth was heard, the whole world was shaking, Chu Chen's Nine-Headed Dragon Diamond was sinking at a crazy speed!

Outside the super giant pit, the monks in white clothes of Jiutian, with the advantage of more versus less, fought steadily and gradually gained the upper hand.




Dozens of flying swords were twisted, and the last black giant python exploded with a "bang" and turned into black mist and dispersed!


The remaining white-clothed monks formed three large attack formations. As the white figures shuttled back and forth, the sky was filled with sword light. Qi Fei's blood shadow hand missed several times and was cut off repeatedly!

The bloody spiritual light on Qi Fei, who was hanging in the void, became increasingly dim, as if it would go out at any time.

"Nie Zhan, you are so brave, you dare to go to my land of Jiutian to commit murder!"

Suddenly, a vague roar came from the distance.

Qi Fei looked around, and in the thick fog on the far horizon, he could see wisps of silver light flying like lightning, flying through the void and flying towards here.

From a distance, I could feel the endless anger bursting out from the depths of the silver light, making heaven and earth tremble.


The silver-haired old monk is still far away, but he has already made a move.

Silver shadows flashed from the horizon, just wisps of sharp sword intent, but layer upon layer, covering the sky and the sun.

Under the cover of this powerful sword intent, all the monks in the Immortal Crystal Canyon felt a biting chill rushing to the back of their heads.

It seemed that in the next second, he would be cut to pieces.

The legendary middle-level expert in Tianhe, Mr. Tao, is here!

A trace of fluctuation appeared on Qi Fei's fierce face. As a monk who also majored in swordsmanship, he knew very well how domineering Tao Lao's swordsmanship was.

The Tianhe mid-level was obviously not something he could compete with.

Mr. Tao was thousands of miles away from Qi Fei, but he locked onto him through his consciousness. This was to completely kill him, the uninvited guest who had been causing trouble for nine days.

Qi Fei sensed abnormal fluctuations in the distant sky, and a sword energy broke through the thick fog, approaching in his direction!

That ray of silver sword energy rose up against the storm, seemingly ignoring the distance of space, piercing through layers of space, and instantly reached a thousand feet in front of Qi Fei.

The terrifying silver sword light suddenly transformed into a sky-reaching giant sword that was more than ten feet long.

Sharp and fierce, it seems that it can even cut through the heaven and earth!

However, Tao Lao's sword intent had already been tightly wrapped around Qi Fei, not allowing him any chance to dodge.

This sword will kill him!

Qi Fei smiled, the blood-red light all over his body disappeared, and the five fingers of his left hand were grasped on the right wrist that was slowly raised.

If you can't escape, then fight to the death!

Wisps of blood energy began to emerge from Qi Fei's clenched right fist, and countless blood energy quickly rose from the fingers of Qi Fei's right fist.

Looking from a distance, Qi Fei's right fist emitted a large amount of blood energy that had filled the space and turned into a bloody world.

At this moment, the energy reaction of Qi Fei's right fist was rising steadily!

The white-clothed monks retreated violently. They instinctively sensed that this punch seemed to shatter the world!

This fat man actually wants to hit Tao Lao's "Sword in the Sky" with his fist?

Brave or crazy? !

These nine-day white-clothed monks all know how terrifying the silver-haired old monk's "Sword in the Sky" is!

The tall, fat man actually wanted to fight this sword with his flesh and blood!

All I can say is that he is crazy!

Qi Fei, whose right fist was full of energy, suddenly grinned, showing his white teeth, and released his tight grip on his right wrist with his left hand. The giant sword had already flown within 500 feet in front of Qi Fei.

Just when Qi Fei was about to make a desperate move, his eyes suddenly darkened?

A towering, majestic shadow suddenly appeared in front of Qi Fei...

That's a mountain!

A hill about a hundred feet high, completely purple, with billowing golden and red smoke rising around it.

Although the mountain doesn't look big, the aura it exudes is particularly ancient and majestic.

The white-clothed monks in Jiutian looked up and saw that there seemed to be a vaguely ancient mountain stretching across the sky and the earth!


The bright silver sword slashed hard at the ancient purple mountain that appeared out of thin air, and the world suddenly became silent.

A moment later, there was a loud bang!

The blazing purple silver energy roared and exploded, boom! boom! boom!

It was like dozens of thunders exploding in the sky.

The huge ancient mountain covered with cracks instantly fell apart, and purple brilliance shot out in all directions!

However, Qi Fei felt his body light up and was grabbed by a big hand, leading him to fall quickly downwards.

The person who dragged Qi Fei crashing down was none other than Chu Chen. He had a cold look on his face. He grabbed Qi Fei and quickly fell downwards, but a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The power of Tianhe's middle-level monks is indeed unbelievable, and the swordsmanship monks are the most powerful, fastest, and most destructive lineage.

A sword energy released from a distance of tens of thousands of feet, although part of its power was blocked by Zishan, it spread to Chu Chen who released Zishan.

Let him suffer a slight injury!

As expected, the Jiutian Formation Breaking Group had acquired countless secret techniques in the Little Immortal Realm. In the past, Chu Chen used the giant mountain furnace to resist attacks. Even if the giant mountain was shattered, it would not affect his origin.

The silver-haired old monk's sword actually touched his own origin. Fortunately, it was only a superficial wound.

With Chu Chen activating his spiritual power at full speed, he and Qi Fei quickly fell more than three hundred feet deep and reached the bottom of the mine.

The coolie monks in Chu Chen's team had already retreated to the bottom of the pit early.

"Junior Brother Chu!"

"Senior Brother Chu, what should we do now?"

"Are you going to enter this pit?"

Chu Chen let go of Qi Fei's hand and nodded to the monks, "Follow me!"

At this time, the sky was already silvery white, and the silver-haired old monk arrived in just a matter of breaths, and there was no room for anyone to hesitate.

Chu Chen cast a questioning look at Qi Fei, do you want to come together?

Qi Fei nodded heavily. It was obvious that he suddenly appeared this time because of this black ruins.

Now that he had the opportunity to enter the black ruins, Qi Fei had no intention of hesitating.

Chu Chen took a deep breath and jumped into the large cave he melted through with sky fire!

Qi Fei also kicked off his feet, soared into the sky, then swooped down and fell into the big black hole.

The other coolie monks, although their hearts were full of unknown fear of this big black hole, didn't want to choose first, so they flew up one by one.

The girl monk in pink shirt and the girl monk in white shirt were the last two. They looked at each other, cheered each other up, and then joined hands to jump into the black hole and into the unknown darkness.

There was not a single person in the entire super pit, and outside the super pit, there were countless monks in white clothes who were hesitant and stopped moving forward. ...

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