Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1741 Resurrection

"Damn it! These treasures are clearly in front of you, but...I can't take any of them!"

"No, you can't touch the things in these Buddhist temples. Even if we are lucky enough to find the most evil treasure, we won't be able to lift the ancient curse!"

"Are we all dead??"

Many monks had expressions of despair on their faces. Compared to being chased by Tianhe-level powerhouses or being corroded by the power of ancient curses, not seeing hope frightened them the most.


"Everyone think of a way..."

The monks were still discussing in panic, but the whole Buddhist temple suddenly trembled violently?


Then there was a loud bang, like something heavy fell to the ground?

Is there something huge that has broken free of the restrictions?

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound. They were all dumbfounded and completely speechless.

Right in front of the sight of the monks, in the right row of the two rows in the main hall, there was a seated statue of the Protector of Heavenly King Buddha. It seemed to have suddenly taken on a life of its own and stood up from the spot with a bang.

At the same time, the originally light golden Buddha light on its body also turned into jet black, and the black light flickered, making the originally kind-faced Buddha statue of the Heavenly King also reveal a lot of ferocity.


After the hundred-foot-sized statue of the Protector Heavenly King stood up, it suddenly let out a low roar.

This roar rushed out of his mouth and immediately turned into a black light wave that spread out. The two closest monks were touched by the black light wave and silently turned into bloody powder and disintegrated.

Countless cracks quickly appeared on the floor of the hall!

Black light waves continue to impact everyone!

"The ancient Buddha's mantra... No, this is the ancient Buddha's magic mantra!"

Qi Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly let out a roar that soared into the sky!

Amidst the roaring sound, a red rainbow rushed out and split into dozens of sword-shaped lights and shadows in the sky.

The dozens of red sword shadows crisscrossed and slashed at each other, instantly condensing into a huge network of light to face the incoming light waves.

"Chi chi chi..."

The unparalleled blood demon sword soul light network cut the black light waves into pieces, then rushed past, regrouped in mid-air into a bloody giant sword more than ten feet long, and flew upward diagonally. , stabbed into the chest of the statue of the Protector of Heaven with a bang.


Another strange roar rushed out from the mouth of the Buddha statue.

Only this time, all its power was gathered together, forming a black ball of light that blocked the front of the Blood Demon Sword Soul.

No matter how the blood-red sword light rushed left and right, it would only collide with the light waves and consume them, without causing any substantial damage to the Buddha statue!

Qi Fei let out a long laugh, soared into the sky, formed seals with his hands frequently, and remotely controlled the Blood Demon Sword Soul to launch more violent attacks.

The bloody sword soul is ever-changing and unparalleled in its sharpness.

And that huge statue of the Heavenly King is extremely powerful, every move is so powerful that it can shake the entire space.

It kept hitting the bloody light hard and defended it tightly, causing all Qi Fei's attacks to fail.

Time passed quickly, Qi Fei suddenly let out a long roar, and finally spotted a gap. The Blood Demon Sword Soul burst out with a bright red light, making the entire hall a blood red.

A red rainbow that was more dazzling than the sun swished into the chest of the statue of the King of Heaven.


In the huge explosion, the huge statue of the King of Heaven was torn apart, collapsed, and quickly turned into countless rubbles that exploded in all directions!

The inside of the rubble had turned pitch black at some point, as if it had been dyed with ink.


Seeing the Buddha statues being killed by flying enemies, before the monks had time to be happy, there were roars one after another.

At this moment, the remaining Dharma-protecting Buddha statues in the surrounding two rows came to life one by one. The giant Buddhas stood up one by one and forced themselves towards the crowd...


Everyone discovered that there were more than just these two rows of Buddha statues protecting the Dharma.

At this moment, the large and small Bodhisattva, Golden Body, Dharma Protector, Vajra and other Buddha statues in this huge Buddhist hall all woke up and stood up.

All the Buddha statues are filled with a strong black light. From a distance, it looks like the demonic Buddha army in ancient times went out to destroy all life!


Accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, the largest statue of Medicine Master Light King Buddha in the lobby of the Buddhist temple finally stood up from the throne.

That Buddha statue alone is hundreds of feet tall. The other Buddha statues are only about half as tall as it is, and the top of its head is close to the top of the hall.

After the monks sensed the breath of the Buddha statue, everyone had only one thought, that is to escape, and retreated towards the exit one by one.

Its breath is like a supreme being, the top of the food chain, and all living beings are food.


The statue of Medicine Master Light King Buddha stood up and rubbed his hands together without saying a word, and then rubbed out a ball of rich black magic light.

The magic light showed a huge "swastika" shape, and there was even a hint of golden light in it. It was the great magical power of ancient Buddhism to subdue demons!

"Let's go! Medicine Master Light King Buddha is one of the highest leaders in ancient Buddhist legends. His power is incalculable and we can't possibly hold him back!"

Qi Fei's expression suddenly changed, he pulled Chu Chen aside who was frantically scanning his soul, and rushed out of the hall crazily.

The others immediately pushed their body skills to the limit, almost turning into rays of spiritual light and rushing towards the palace gate very quickly.

The huge "swastika"-shaped black light seemed to be possessed of magic, and a huge attraction arose inside, like a black hole.

You can see the broken stones and utensils around them rising from the ground one after another, and being swallowed up by the black light with a whoosh.

The monks fled out of the door one by one, knowing that if they were slow, they would be sucked into the black hole of Buddha nature!

When everyone rushed out of the Buddhist temple and fled far away, the void suddenly fell silent?

Everyone nearly a thousand feet away felt that the terrifying spiritual pressure and the powerful swallowing and sucking power disappeared in an instant.


A few monks plucked up the courage and approached the hall anxiously.

They found that silence had returned to the huge Buddhist temple.

All Dharma protectors, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and golden bodies returned to their original positions.

Even the largest statue of Medicine Master Light King Buddha has returned to the central throne.

The light golden Buddha light enveloped the void, and except for the traces of damage in the main hall, it was quiet as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the monks came outside the hall again.

Although they were still looking at the situation in the hall from a distance, everyone was unconsciously sweating.

At this time, the silence in the Buddhist temple had an unparalleled strange and sinister flavor in the eyes of the monks.

There is no pure land in the restricted area of ​​life! ...

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