Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1750 The black pillar reaching the sky

"it's over!"

Chu Chen let out a long breath. The ancient volcano crystal core was his biggest trump card. He had exhausted all his trump cards and the crisis was over.

"How many more... of this thing do you have?"

Qi Fei didn't know when he came to Chu Chen's side.

Chu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but glare at him with contempt.

"How many? Do you think you can grab a lot of this thing! This is the only ancient volcanic crystal core I have found in the entire Little Fairy World, and this is the last time I will use it."

Qi Fei was speechless and nodded. His expression looked a little haggard.

The black pythons that restrained the black-haired old man at the last moment were integrated into his natal sword soul, otherwise it would not have been possible to restrain the black-haired old man for a few breaths of time.

Just being forcibly restrained for a few breaths caused Qi Fei's sword soul to suffer a lot of damage, and now he can hardly speak.

The two found a relatively safe place to practice their breathing.

At this time, the dozen or so coolie monks who had fled in all directions returned to them one by one, because the impact of Chu Chen's ancient volcano extinguished many remaining fires around them.

So they finally dared to enter the burning ruins.

But he still looked cautious.

After Chu Chen and Qi Fei repaired a little, they heard that the coolie monks also wanted to go deeper, so they led the coolie monks towards the Supreme Mahavira Palace.


As everyone moved forward, many of the burned halls began to collapse and collapse.

Chu Chen seemed to be leading a group of people walking in a dark world that was gradually collapsing.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive in front of the magnificent Grand Palace again.

This dark majestic palace also began to collapse layer by layer due to the sky fire!

As the main hall of the entire Buddhist holy land, the Mahavira Hall has the largest area, like a complete small world.

At first Qi Fei ventured into only the front hall.

There is a continuous apse in the rear, seemingly endless.

Chu Chen, who was standing in front of the hall, discovered that at this time, it was destroyed by the aura of the sun contained in the divine fire of heaven. The entire back hall also began to disintegrate layer by layer, and the building was about to collapse!

Qi Fei also raised his hand to signal the coolie monks following behind not to move forward yet.

Everyone stopped at the same time.

Immediately, a huge black beam of light suddenly rushed out from the apse, penetrating the sky and the earth!

This, this is...

Chu Chen, Qi Fei and the other dozen monks were all stunned for an instant. The black beam of light was extremely majestic and vast, with a radius of several hundred feet, and there was a strong and unimaginable evil surrounding it. A dark, cold atmosphere.

This evil intention rushed with the black light pillar, shrouding the entire ruins.

not good!

Chu Chen secretly screamed that something was wrong.

Among the group of coolie monks behind them, several of them suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed, twisting their bodies in great pain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Groups of shrill bloody halos exploded around them, and their bodies became twisted and violent in an instant.

Some monks grew more than a dozen long tentacles on their arms, some turned into half-human, half-animal aliens, and some had their right hands twisted and twisted into a long blood whip...

The eyes of these monks became extremely red, as if they were filled with blood.

The aura on their bodies also surged to an incredible level in an instant. There was no sense left in their red blood eyes, leaving only the aura of endless killing and destruction.

...The condition of these people is exactly the same as that of the monks who were driven mad by the curse in the foggy mining area!

Puff puff...

Seeing that five people began to mutate, Qi Fei's eyes narrowed and he waved his hands coldly.

He saw a ray of blood-colored sword light dancing in the void, flying past the five people in an instant.

The next second, with the blood light passing by, the five people who had not completely transformed into madness exploded into a ball of blood mist with a bang.

Kill five people with one strike!

Qi Fei's ice eyes looked even colder at this moment after he killed the five coolie monks neatly and neatly.

The remaining coolie monks felt that their legs were weak, Qi Fei was too scary!

The one-armed old man coughed and spoke first, "Junior Brother Chu, Junior Brother Qi, that black light must be the source of the ancient curse, the most evil thing that has been suppressed. You two go and solve it. How about us?" Good news waiting for you outside."

As soon as the words fell, the remaining coolies hurriedly activated their spiritual power to turn into streams of light and escape in all directions.

He was afraid that if he ran too slowly, he would be cursed and become mad, and then be eliminated by Qi Fei in an instant.

Qi Fei, who had taken the blood back into his body, turned to look at Chu Chen.

"It seems that that thing should be the goal of our trip."

Chu Chen looked at the magnificent black light pillar in the void and felt the overwhelming evil energy surrounding it from all directions.

This black beam of light seemed to be alive, and it had actually sensed Chu Chen and Qi Fei.

Chu Chen frowned slightly, "Such a strong evil spirit...it's really beyond imagination."

"If it weren't for the strange fire you released that was burning and consuming the evil energy restraint all the time, I'm afraid that thing wouldn't be willing to come out."

Qi Fei said to Chu Chen with some envy, "You have good true fire. With such a strong true fire protection, this evil spirit can't do anything to you."

"But I'm still cursed."

Chu Chen said calmly.

"It doesn't matter."

Qi Fei looked at the black light pillar soaring into the sky. He was not afraid, but showed a hint of smile and a hint of excitement.

"Well, let's go in and take a look at it?"

Chu Chen's eyes flashed.

"When we finally waited for this moment, there was no reason not to break through."

Qi Fei clenched his fists again, opened his arms, and two treasure-level long swords appeared in his hands. A brilliant light burst out in his pupils. He activated the Blood Demon Sword Soul to quickly absorb the essence of the two long swords. gas.

Chu Chen also took out several small jade bottles, poured out more than a dozen aura-filled elixirs of various colors into his hands, and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

Driving the ancient volcanic crystal core was a huge load for Chu Chen.

After entering the black ruins, he drove the crystal core twice in a short period of time. If he wanted to return to his best condition, he had no other choice.

The only option is to take large amounts of elixirs, but no matter how pure the elixirs are, swallowing large amounts will inevitably have negative effects.

At this moment, Chu Chen couldn't care about so much.

The two of them had adjusted their cultivation to the extreme state they could reach in a short period of time, and were about to break into the depths of the Great Hall to see the most evil thing suppressed by the Buddhist Holy Land.

At this moment, the clothes on Chu Chen's chest shook, and a furry little head emerged.

"Are you really planning to go in?"

The little hamster asked in a mysterious tone.

"We can only go in. Now that we are here, we must lift this ancient curse. There is no other choice." Chu Chen nodded.

"In this case, I won't follow you blindly to join in the fun. I will help you collect those black crystals. If you can come out alive and collect the Buddha crystals, you should be able to break through to the spiritual river realm."

The expression of the little hamster was a little strange. From time to time, it glanced at the black beam of light in the distance, with a trace of uncertainty deep in its eyes.

It seems that I can't believe it, but I am also afraid to confirm it?

Does it know what is in this black light pillar? ...

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