Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1753 Qi Fei took action against Chu Chen?

Chu Chen always felt that Qi Fei was a genius born for fighting.

The secret technique he used in the process of refining the Demonic Heavenly Disk actually allowed him to use the evil energy of this ancient jade disk for his own use!

From a distance, Qi Fei looked like he was wearing a huge set of black armor.

Chu Chen could clearly sense that the black evil energy transformed chains manipulated by Qi Fei had extremely powerful confinement capabilities.

The black chain flashed with blood-red dense lines and glowed with a cold metallic luster, like it was cast from some kind of strange black divine iron.

All the rampaging monks were firmly imprisoned.


The locked coolie monks were shocked and angry, but they could not break the chains on their bodies, and they roared like trapped animals.

Like a group of demons crying at night!

The sound was extremely shrill and the demonic sound was raging, as if there was an invisible sledgehammer hitting people's heads.

This is a soul shock!

The coolie monk who was cursed not only suffered physical changes, but also had the energy of soul impact, which can directly harm the soul of living beings!

Chu Chen's eyes flickered. Considering the strength of his soul, he could naturally ignore these soul impacts.

But Qi Fei was greatly affected. After a wave of harsh and sharp roars, Qi Fei's pupils shrank violently, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and traces of blood overflowed from the corners of his eyes and nose, looking extremely miserable.

Qi Fei did not have the soul power that was as powerful as Chu Chen's. If he didn't check for a while, he was continuously injured by the soul impact of these coolie monks!

"Ho ho ho..."

The coolie monks who were chained by black chains saw that the soul impact was effective, and their roars became even sharper, and they all tried their best to activate their soul origins.

There was even a middle-aged monk who roared and his head exploded with a "bang", turning into a ball of crimson essence that surged crazily towards Qi Fei.


In the midst of the stormy soul shock wave, Qi Fei roared, and a rich dark blood burst out all over his body, passing through like a big net, completely extinguishing the invisible soul cannon.

On the other hand, Qi Fei continued to speed up refining the magic weapon.

Pulled by the eight chains, the black demonic energy on the Moyan Tianji Disk washed into Qi Fei's body, and a black halo enveloped his entire body.

At this moment, Qi Fei was like a demon.

The frantic coolie monks, under the guidance of the magic weapon, seemed to explode one by one, becoming even crazier.


Amidst the dull loud noise, Qi Fei took a step forward, and he took the lead in taking action.

He rushed directly towards the nearest young monk. The young monk was shocked and used tens of meters of tentacles formed by his hands to stop him. However, no matter how airtight those tentacles danced wildly, they could not stop Qi Fei's progress at all.

In an instant, a palm filled with billowing black energy, as if made of steel, broke through the layers of void and stretched out to the young man's neck, clenching it fiercely.

The young monk's trembling body suddenly stiffened, and his body that had been baptized by the evil spirit quickly shriveled up.

Streams of dark red light spurted out of his body, and disappeared into the Demonic Heavenly Disk.

In just one breath, the dead mutant monk was completely swallowed up by the Demonic Heavenly Disk.

Qi Fei, who caused all this, appeared next to the second monk with an expressionless face and killed him with one strike without hesitation.

The evil energy surging all over his body seemed to have changed Qi Fei. He particularly preferred this simple and violent method to kill enemies.

Before Chu Chen could react, all the mutated monks were killed one by one by Qi Fei.

The Moyan Tianji Disk mercilessly swallowed up all their souls. In the black mist, Qi Fei's palms were completely stained red with blood.

In Chu Chen's eyes, it was like a scarlet devil's palm extending from the depths of hell.

After all the mutant monks were killed, Qi Fei seemed to be still looking for a new target?

He paused for a moment, then walked directly towards Chu Chen.

The blood-red demonic hand covered with blood stretched out to Chu Chen without any hesitation.

Chu Chen's eyes moved.

Qi Fei's big bloody hand exuded strong and endless murderous intent and evil spirit, and the smell of fresh blood on it was even more disgusting.

Before Chu Chen could make a move, several black energy chains flew out of Qi Fei's evil energy armor, completely entangling and binding him!

This is?

Qi Fei's bloody hands are getting closer and closer!

Just when Chu Chen's pupils shrank to the limit, Qi Fei's bloody hand stretched out but didn't grab his neck?

Instead, he stretched out a red index finger and touched Chu Chen's eyebrows like lightning.


Chu Chen's body shook violently, and the world fell into darkness. He felt as if a bloody lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck hard in his soul.

In a daze, a crack seemed to be split deep in the soul!

Wisps of dark, cold, evil, and full of violence and destruction black threads spurted out from the cracks and sank into Qi Fei's bloody magic hand.

This is...an ancient curse!

The ancient curse released by Moyan Tianji Disk was swallowed up by Qi Fei!

When the last ray of curse power was swallowed up completely, Chu Chen's soul felt as if an invisible prison and burden were suddenly lifted from the depths of his soul, and his whole person became lighter.

In an instant, he seemed to have come from hell to heaven.

The power of the ancient curse is extremely mysterious and powerful. Even though the power of his soul is unparalleled, and the source of the spiritual platform is protected by the divine fire from the heavens, it can be temporarily protected from erosion. The layer upon layer of curse power still envelops him like a black carapace. The power of the soul is firmly locked.

When the power of the curse disappeared, the power of his soul surged proudly, like an eagle breaking free from its shackles and soaring into the nine heavens.

Seeing that Chu Chen's curse had been lifted, Qi Fei returned to the jade plate again and continued to refine the magic weapon.

On Chu Chen's side, it took about half a stick of incense to recover from the shock of his soul breaking free from the shackles of the curse.

The powerful, vast and indescribable soul power slowly gathered and retracted, and finally lurked in the depths of his sea of ​​​​consciousness and completely calmed down.

The surrounding void also became truly quiet.

Moving his eyes downward, he saw that the black chains wrapped around his body were still not loosened, and the bloody secret patterns on the surface seemed to have become more dense.

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Qi Fei who was refining the magic weapon not far away, "What, is it fun to tie me up?"

If Qi Fei wanted to harm him, just now was the best opportunity.

But now, having broken free from the shackles of the ancient curse, his soul power has fully recovered.

By this time, the evil black chain could no longer trap him. He was just not sure what kind of medicine was sold in Qifei Gourd? nt

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