Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1761 Elders have wine

Qi Fei and Chu Chen flew through the air, and soon flew to the edge of the Buddhist holy land. When they were about to leave, the sky in front of them suddenly collapsed!

This is a very strange feeling. The originally good sky suddenly collapsed, revealing an irregular shape of black nothingness.

It is truly absolute nothingness in which nothing exists.

It felt to Chu Chen as if the entire space was a perfect glass cover, but now someone had forcibly broke a gap.

Just a few breaths later, a vast silver-red light suddenly emerged from the broken space gap!

The mighty silver-red stream of light is dazzling, dazzling and gorgeous, as if a god who is superior to all living things has descended into the world, with a sense of superiority.

In the strong silver-red light, a god-like old man in white, with a high crown and broad belt, flying clothes and a peaceful face, flew over.

The layers of silver-red light transformed into clouds, mist, flowing water, pavilions, lakes and other illusions under his feet. At first glance, it seemed as if the place where he stood could form a world of its own and become a pure land!

Qi Fei and Chu Chen both stopped, Qi Fei's whole body muscles were tense, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The more than a hundred black long swords inserted into his body trembled slightly and made faint sword sounds!

These swords seem to sense the enemy.

And Chu Chen silently pushed the spiritual power in his body to the extreme.

A Tianhe-level powerhouse, and a Tianhe-middle-level powerhouse, this kind-looking old man was even more powerful than the old Tao and the black-haired old man they had spent so much effort to kill!

"Little guys, stop running around with dangerous things."

The old man in white flew to the space above their heads, raised his eyelids slightly, and slowly took out a black jade gourd from the storage space.

As soon as the stopper of the black jade gourd was pulled out, a refreshing aroma of wine filled the entire space.

The aroma of this spiritual wine was something Chu Chen had never encountered before. It could directly attract people's soul.

The old man in white slowly raised it and took a sip, "The magic weapon that can interfere with the secret of heaven is not something you can touch. Put it down as soon as possible. Since you have not completely refined it, hand it over yourself, and I will consider giving it a lighter punishment." you."

The old man's tone has always been gentle, and there is no hint of threat at all. Instead, he seems like a kind elder chatting with the younger generations and caring about them.

But the faint black light of the black jade gourd made Chu Chen and Qi Fei tremble in unison, and a great terror enveloped them.

The black jade gourd that looked like just a wine vessel had the aura to easily crush the two of them into powder! !

"What a powerful magic weapon!"

Both Chu Chen and Qi Fei felt the great suppressive force.

The black jade gourd held by the old man in white didn't look big, only slightly bigger than a palm. At first glance, it looked very old and ordinary.

But when Chu Chen's spiritual consciousness spread, he could not detect the details of the gourd at all. It was like a bottomless abyss, swallowing up all his spiritual consciousness.

“Young people are motivated and want to try everything, which is a good thing.”

The old man in white slowly took another sip of wine from the gourd and looked at the two of them with a smile.

"But everything must be done in a certain degree. This ancient magic weapon is enough to interfere with the secrets of heaven, and it is an object of divine punishment. Even if you forcibly subdue it with the method of blood refining, or seal and freeze it with the method of Yang Yan, it is only a temporary solution. If you are not careful, it will eventually backfire. Now that the power of blood refining has not penetrated deeply into the soul, you leave this ancient magic weapon and let you go. Our Jiutian is an authentic sect, and I will definitely keep my word."

The old man in white seemed to be very patient and taught the two of them earnestly. At first glance, he seemed to be a caring elder who was full of care for the two of them.

Chu Chen and Qi Fei are both strong men who have survived many battles.

How could he be easily deceived?

But I don’t know why, but I always felt that the words of the old man in white were particularly reasonable, and I wanted to do what he said. Their eyes gradually became cloudy.

Chu Chen soon discovered that it was probably the aroma of wine that was at work.

Understanding the key point, Chu Chen's eyes flashed, and a golden roc phantom rose into the sky from his body. With Chu Chen's body as the center, a dark golden ripple quickly spread to all sides.

Wherever he passed, not only did all the aroma of the wine disappear, but even the pressure from the black gourd in the hand of the old man in white was greatly weakened!

The expression of the old man in white changed. "Humph, it seems that young people don't know how to make progress unless they endure some hardships."

As he spoke, the entire space began to shrink.

The old man in white slightly shook the black jade gourd in his hand, and immediately a stream of clear light rushed out from the mouth of the gourd. It exploded in the air and turned into a translucent light mask with a radius of a hundred feet and fell down, instantly covering Chu and Chen. Cover.

In an instant, both of them trembled fiercely, as if they were being pressed hard by an invisible mountain.

The pressure inside the mask was thousands of times higher than outside, making their bodies instantly become extremely heavy. The blood and internal organs in their bodies felt like they were about to be squeezed out.

Chu Chen's face turned gloomy, and he tried to spread his fingers. This was an almost completely subconscious action on weekdays, but at this moment, he almost had to use his spiritual power to reach its peak state before he could barely do it!

This black gourd is terrifying.

Chu Chen could hardly move, and Qi Fei's situation on the other side seemed even worse!

Because the blood refining was not thorough, the hundreds of long swords on his body seemed to be trembling slightly under the pressure of huge gravity, and his body seemed to be falling apart at any time.

What's disturbing and weird is that no trace of blood flows out of Qi Fei's many wounds. It feels like the blood in his body has already been transformed into something else, into a stream of faint red light. , is tightly confining each long sword, preventing those long swords from causing greater damage.

Checking and balancing each other?

Moreover, those red lights seemed to be constantly corroding every long sword. Some of the long swords had traces of bright red lines on their dark bodies.

This is real blood training!

Qi Fei's real life depended on the long sword formed by the blood-refined demon Yantian Jipan.

When the long sword that pierced his body all turned crimson, it meant that Qi Fei had truly and completely controlled this ancient magic weapon!

The two of them were restrained by the transparent light shield. Chu Chen could not move the bomb. Qi Fei, who was still refining the magic weapon, looked like a bomb that was about to explode at any time.

The two of them are in danger!

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