Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1764 Dragon Brothers and Tiger Brothers

The terrifying blue blade light was only half a foot in size just after leaving the ax blade. On the way to Chu Chen and Qi Fei, it actually began to absorb the spiritual power of the world and the surrounding void on its own. Wherever it passed, the space was annihilated!

The ax glow is getting bigger and bigger!

By the time the ax beam reached the two of them, it had already grown to a size of a thousand feet.

The naked eye could only see a mighty and sharp light coming angrily, as if a blue sea was pouring down from the sky!

Qi Fei's eyes narrowed, and suddenly he grabbed the two long swords pierced into his waist with both hands and pulled them out fiercely. The wounds on his waist suddenly gushed with blood.

However, the gushing blood did not spray on the ground. Instead, it swung along the two sword edges in the void, turning into two crossed bloody sword lights. It rose in the wind and slashed at the surging ax in mid-air. Blade blue light!

Heaven and earth are silent.

In an instant, the entire world seemed to be enveloped in the cross-shaped bloody sword light and the mighty blue ax blade light.

The huge roar was as continuous as a thunderstorm, and the light energy was scattered in all directions. The bloody cross slash actually cut the ocean-like ax blade light into four pieces with a bang!


The blue ax blade that was cut into four pieces exploded and turned into countless blue aura fragments flying everywhere!

The entire void turned into a world of countless floating blue stars.

The bloody cross continued to split through the air, and the death cross was firmly aimed at the bald old man. He instinctively wanted to escape.


The center of the huge bloody cross was accurately embedded into his chest, and his whole body was torn into pieces, with his body and head missing!

After the huge bloody cross sliced ​​the old man apart, he slid forward into the chaotic void ahead.

The place where the bald old man's body and head were separated was filled with blood, and it was too horrible to see.

Chu Chen discovered that even the long-handled silver battle ax in his hand had been cut off!

The strangest thing is that the large amount of blood spurted out by the bald old man did not fly away, but flew towards Qi Fei, as if it was attracted and swallowed by something, and turned into a streak of scarlet red and sank into Qi Fei's body.

Nourished by this blood glow, Qi Fei, who was white and pale, let out a long breath, and the aura on his body began to rise steadily.

Qi Fei changed in an instant!

Chu Chen vaguely felt that Qi Fei seemed to have evolved!

Although it has only evolved a little bit, it also means that Qi Fei can now evolve and improve by killing and devouring enemies.

This is very scary!

The middle level of Tianhe increases his strength by 1%. If it is the lower level of Tianhe, it will be at least about 5%. After killing a large number of Tianhe monks, Qi Fei's future will be very scary.

At this moment, Chu Chen felt that Qi Fei had completely become the incarnation of the evil god.

Not himself anymore!

Chu Chen thought that as long as Qi Fei still had a trace of his own sanity, he would not do anything to him, but this last sanity might disappear at any time.

"Let's go! They are coming soon..."

Qi Fei's voice was too hoarse to sound like a human being.

After Chu Chen approached, Qi Fei's black smoke field spread again, and the close distance allowed Chu Chen to more clearly sense the terrifying rhythm on Qi Fei's body.

Like a weird alien heart?

Chu Chen stopped talking. His whole body seemed to have completely entered a state of silence, and he just followed Qi Fei quietly.

Qi Fei took him and continued to fly upward.

Chu Chen couldn't help but guess in his mind, when he refined the white plate, what kind of more tragic changes would happen?

I don’t know if I will refine the white disk by myself, or if I will be controlled by the magic disk and lose myself like Qi Fei?

This magic weapon is really too dangerous!

Even if Qi Fei is divided into two and has only refined the black disk, he is now in a state of being devoured by himself.

But the white plate was in Chu Chen's body, and he had to practice it.

What a headache!

Because if you don't refine it, it will be like a time bomb. You don't know when it will explode, leaving you dead without a burial place.

The black plate represents the most yin and evil power, and the white plate represents the most yang and strong power. When Chu Chen wanted to refine it,

Maybe it won't be as bad as Qi Fei's current state, right?


However, this magic disk is obviously not just as simple as yin and yang and strength and evil, it also has many hidden attributes in it.

Now Qi Fei is slowly showing some hidden special abilities because of the black disk.

And the white plate in my body should also have some hidden attributes, all of which can only be revealed when it is refined.

This Moyan Tianji Disk can be said to be the ultimate evil treasure. I absorbed it myself, but I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse?

But if you suck it, you can only look at your own luck!

Also, refining it must be done after entering the Spiritual River Realm.

It's better to forget about this headache for now.

The first priority right now is to survive.

The first is to leave the Buddhist cave space alive first, and the second is to escape from Hengtian as the little hamster said!

Chu Chen suddenly discovered that unknowingly, the two of them had been flying in the chaotic void for a long time.

Now we are about to leave the Tibetan Sutra space.


Two rounds of blazing sun suddenly flew out from the black gap in the void at the edge of the space? !

It seemed like I had been waiting for them for a long time!

Chu Chen and Qi Fei had to stop forcibly. In an instant, the aura of the entire space was changed. Two strong auras like bright sun shattered the chaos and disorder in the void.

The world has returned to light and clarity!

Two old monks in white clothes from the Tianhe level came together. The one on the left was tall and thin and missing a left leg.

The person on the right is a little short and fat, and is missing his right leg.

Two old men in white clothes, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, both carrying canes, looked particularly weird.

The two of them made Chu Chen feel like they were the same person?

A complete living being?

This feeling is really weird, but weird is weird, the spiritual pressure emitted by the two old monks with similar auras is exceptionally vast and powerful.

The techniques they practice should come from the same source. The auras of the two superimpose, evolve, and merge with each other, and the pressure that bursts out has even surpassed the level of Tianhe Intermediate Level!

The two of them stood in the void, as if ten Tianhe mid-level monks were no match for them.

"Leave the lame man on the left to me, and leave the one-armed man on the right to you. Try your best to destroy the alliance between them, and don't let them use the combined attack technique. Then we still have a chance..."

With the enemy at hand, Chu Chen didn't care whether Qi Fei had been controlled by Moyan Tianji Pan and lost his mind. He said something in a low voice and activated his spiritual power to prepare for the first strike!

Unexpectedly, Chu Chen's figure suddenly moved, and a long black sword exuding a lot of blood suddenly stood in front of him, blocking his figure.


Qi Fei's voice was hoarse. The black long sword he held in his hand seemed to have just been pulled out from his body, with a large amount of blood-colored mist on the sword's edge.

The bright red sword edge was still surrounded by layers of sword light, flowing endlessly like small snakes.

Chu Chen could only restrain his figure helplessly.

The two old monks with stumps in the gap in the black space were looking at Qi Fei carefully, with admiration in their eyes.

The tall and thin old monk chuckled, "Senior brother, this kid's state is indeed strange. He is controlled by the Moyan Heavenly Disk, but he doesn't seem to have lost his mind?"

"The magic skills he cultivates are very strange, and they seem to be in perfect harmony with this ancient magic weapon. Junior brother, you still have to be careful. Although this guy's cultivation is not very good, he is already considered to be a weapon of the Magic Evolution Heavenly Disk to a certain extent. Now that it’s working, we can mobilize the power of this ancient magic weapon, which can even kill ordinary Tianhe mid-level people. We can’t be careless.”

The short, fat old monk looked at Qi Fei warily.

"What a great thing. It is indeed the legendary ancient magic weapon that can interfere with heaven's secrets and change destiny. It is half blood refining and half weapon spirit. It can actually transform a monk who has not reached the Tianhe level into such a powerful state. Senior brother , we have practiced the Taiyan Dragon and Tiger Secret Technique for many years, and now we can happily use it together to test the quality of this magic weapon, and then get it for our use. "

The tall and thin old monk laughed loudly, his figure shook, and a huge red light suddenly surged out from above his head. In an instant, the temperature of the entire space began to surge!

The blazing red light burned like the scorching sun, and faintly transformed into a ferocious hundred-foot-long red fire dragon in the air.

The fire dragon was obviously formed by condensing spiritual power, but it had all its scales and claws, and every trace of its body was extremely clear.

The moment the fire dragon appeared, an extremely powerful dragon's pressure radiated in all directions, making this space fragile.

The dragon is the supreme being of all things, and the power of the dragon inherent in it has the power to suppress all living creatures in the world!

When the short, fat old monk on the other side saw his junior brother sacrificing the dragon soul, he also let out a long roar, and dazzling blue lights suddenly burst out around him.

The blue light turned into a flame and burned brightly.

But the flame didn't have any heat at all, instead it was bitingly cold. Waves of freezing coldness radiated in all directions as the icy blue flames burned, causing the air to condense into layers of ice crystals! !

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