Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1767 Chu Chen’s Fury

Qi Fei was certain to die. His physical body was already on the verge of collapse. With the impact of multiple forces within his body and the attack of the magic weapon, he was unable to struggle at all.

He was like a piece of duckweed in a huge whirlpool, sinking involuntarily until he was destroyed.

"Do your own thing."

Chu Chen said coldly, parted his palms, and with the aura shining, a guqin appeared in front of him.

Chu Chen didn't say a word, just sat cross-legged in the void.

Qi Fei, whose consciousness was gradually blurring, saw that Chu Chen rejected him, and he closed his eyes weakly, ready to let the darkness swallow him up at any time, ending this endless pain and tearing.

For Qi Fei, the whole world has become like a dark abyss. He is sinking continuously and is about to be swallowed by this endless abyss.


Qi Fei, who felt that everything in the world was blurred, suddenly heard the sound of a piano coming from a distant place.

In the sea of ​​​​Qi Fei's consciousness, in the dark world, a little light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and it became brighter and brighter, turning into a bright star in the blink of an eye!





Stars rose slowly in the sky one after another, making Qi Fei's dark world actually rise into a sparse starry sky.

The darkness was gradually driven away by these starlights, and Qi Fei, who had been falling into the depths of darkness, slowly stopped falling.


At this moment, something suddenly rose from the deepest part of the dark abyss? !

Amidst the huge roar, a huge black disk covered with mysterious runes emerged from the depths of darkness, and countless black mist emerged from the huge disk.

These black mist turned into flying ropes, tightly wrapping Qi Fei's body and trying to force him down.

At this time, six bloody skeletons emerged from the void. They grabbed them together and dragged them downwards.

Qi Fei, who had stopped falling, was once again dragged into the depths of darkness.

The speed of this fall can be said to be as fast as lightning! !

Zheng! Zheng!

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

As the crazy music of the piano continued to sound, starlets appeared one after another in the dark sky. Just between the lightning and flint, there were already stars!

The sound of the piano did not calm down, but became more and more rapid and violent. The sound of the piano has turned into the sound of gold and iron clashing with thousands of troops going into battle!

The clanking sound of the piano grew louder and louder, instantly flooding the world.

The stars covering half of the sky were all shining brightly, and the sky had turned into a dazzling screen.

These violent starlights quickly illuminated the entire dark world and the entire dark abyss!

The huge black plate made a "bang" sound,

It turned into a huge cloud of smoke and dispersed in all directions.

The six bloody skeletons also continued to shrink, turning into six bloody crystals, suspended in the void, no longer moving.

too bright!

too bright!

Thousands of stars illuminated Qi Fei's eyes, as if he was going blind. He suddenly closed and opened his eyes, completely leaving his world of consciousness.

Back to reality, back to the Buddhist cave space that was in chaos and collapsed everywhere.

Everything was still in chaos, but he had broken free from the darkness of death.


Along with the last wisp of the piano sound, Chu Chen's hands slowly left the strings. With a pale face, he opened his mouth and let out a rain of blood with a "wow" sound.

"Xiaochen you!"

Qi Fei hurriedly flew towards him. Chu Chen, who was expressionless, waved his hands slowly, indicating that he was fine, "I am still a little reluctant to play this piece of music. It is too urgent. It will be fine if you slow down."

As soon as he finished speaking, he spat out another mouthful of red heart blood. After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, Chu Chen, like a magic trick, took out four or five vials of different colors from his arms, and poured out dozens of auras. The sparkling elixir fell into the palm of his hand.

Then he stuffed it into his mouth and drank the elixirs like chewing jelly beans. He was obviously seriously injured!

"Did you just use the ancient tune of stars to save me?"

Qi Fei was shocked. He never expected that Chu Chen would forcefully rescue him in this way.

"It's just a short fragment of music..."

"What short fragment of music? Even the monks in the Tianhe Realm dare not play this ancient tune of stars. You...you..."

Qi Fei was angry and moved.

"It doesn't matter, I have medicine, it'll be fine."

When Chu Chen, who was chewing the medicine, spoke, another stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Qi Fei was anxious and wanted to go up to help him, but he knew that his energy was completely incompatible with Chu Chen, and taking action casually would only make things worse.

At this time, Qi Fei could not do anything else but open up his black sword domain to prevent any collapsing void from affecting Chu Chen's healing.

In fact, what Chu Chen played could not be considered as the remnants of the ancient tunes of the stars, because his playing could only have an impact on the soul level and could not have an impact on the real world.

Chu Chen couldn't master this piece of music at all. If he mastered it and forced it to be played, he would definitely die.

He could only remember the charm of this fragmented score, and imitated it by force, risking his life to save Qi Fei, whose energy and body were both out of control.

He also suffered a huge loss of vitality.

As time passes, this Buddhist cave space will soon undergo complete collapse.

This means that this place will soon become a dark void space. Even the Tianhe monks cannot survive in such a forbidden space.

Chu Chen and Qi Fei will obviously die.

But Chu Chen still closed his eyes tightly to heal his wounds. Qi Fei could only wait. The black sword field he opened with force was forced by the void storm to become smaller and smaller, leaving only a three-foot-wide protective field.

Moreover, the domain was constantly being torn apart by void storms. Qi Fei was almost hurriedly filling the gaps, waiting for Chu Chen to finish healing.

Because this time, Chu Chen risked his life to play the residual music of the ancient tune of the stars and was seriously injured, so the healing period was also very long.


Under the pressure of the endless void storm, Qi Fei's black sword domain shrank to a radius of more than ten feet!

"I'm ready!"

Just when Qi Fei had no way to retreat, Chu Chen finally opened his eyes. His face was still very white, but there was already a trace of blood.


Qi Fei took Chu Chen and flew upward.


With a loud bang, in the independent space where the Buddhist cave was located, the originally fragmented sky exploded and completely turned into nothingness.

The originally gray-white sky completely turned into pitch black, as if a pitch-black endless abyss had been opened!

At the same time as the sky collapsed, the earth also collapsed in large areas, revealing the endless void space behind.

Those black void cracks in time and space exude a strong aura of death. Once you fall into those places, you will probably wander in the cracks between time and space forever, and will never be able to return to the original world.

Fortunately, the two of them were very close to the exit of the broken space. Looking at it at this time, the space at the exit of the Buddhist cave was shattered into pieces, with only a light door leading to the outside world.

At this time, the light gate was also shrinking rapidly!


Seeing this, the two of them did not dare to waste time. They pushed their speed to the limit and turned into two streams of light, one black and one red. Qi Fei half took Chu Chen with him, passed through the light door at the last moment, and returned to the outside. In the world!

Return to the normal world of Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain, which is so bright that you can't even open your eyes. ...

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