Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1773 The reversal of the cat-and-mouse game


With a wave of Hengtian's right hand, nine pure sword lights flew out one after another!

Every time the sword flew out, the mighty sword energy was like a river falling from the sky.

When the nine sword energies cut through the air and slashed at Duan Ji at the same time, it was as if there were only these nine pure lights in the entire world, and the world was dark.

"Well done!"

Duan Ji snorted coldly, grinned, and punched nine times in the direction of the sword light in the sky.

Every punch struck out, leaving a faint black fist mark in the void.

The fist mark spread to the sky, like an invisible giant mouth, and was swallowed up by the sword light that hit like a Milky Way.

After the nine punches, the world was clear, and all the pure sword light was swallowed up by Duan Ji's black fist.

"It's just a clone, but you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

Duan Laomo smiled at "Hengtian" in the distance. The monk in white clothes darkened his eyes. He seemed to realize that something was wrong and turned around to run away.

He escaped extremely fast, and his advantage as a strong swordsman was revealed at this moment. The almost white figure was already thousands of feet away as soon as he moved.

"Ha ha!"

Duan Ji, who was laughing, did not move. He just stretched out his left palm in the direction of Hengtian's escape, and slightly bent his palm to face the void.


Thousands of feet away in front of Duan Ji, an invisible huge hand appeared!

This giant palm of energy that covers the sky and the sun can only see the outline of the energy flame.


A giant palm hundreds of feet long grabbed Hengtian fiercely. Hengtian, who turned into a white light, had no resistance at all and was immediately grasped by the giant palm.

"If you can crush the clone of Jiutian, I can brag about it for the rest of my life, haha!"

Duan Ji smiled ferociously and clenched his left palm suddenly.


The invisible giant palm covering nearly a thousand feet of space in mid-air also clenched tightly, crushing Hengtian with a bang! .

After the giant palm disappeared, there was only a white mist left in the void, slowly dissipating!


Lan Xuan couldn't help but cheer, "One of the Nine Heavens was crushed to death so easily? This is just like a dream!"

"It's still early."

Chu Chen on the side shook his head gently, "He is just a clone created by Hengtian using the art of incarnation. There are eleven more clones like this. It is said that they are close to the strength of the original body and are at the same level. In front of the strong man, the clone is just a phantom bubble. "

Lan Xuan looked like he understood and nodded slowly.


A long roar of a tiger suddenly sounded from the north!

Shi Yuyan, who was dressed in white as snow, made a careful movement, and the old monk Xuan Ke immediately clenched his fist.

At this time,

Seven giant shadows poked out from the depths of the thick white mist.

They were seven ferocious giant white tigers, and each of them carried a monk dressed in pure white. These were seven members of the Nine Heavens Formation Breaking Group.

This is the first nine-day search team to find Chu Chen and others.

"Quickly, report to Hengdian that we have found the target!"

"There are more target people than expected. Be careful, they are not controlled by crystal cuffs and are very dangerous!"

"Don't get close, just surround and follow from a distance, and wait for others to arrive..."

The seven people who discovered Chu Chen and others seemed to be a small team. They looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, and strong auras bloomed around them.

Knowing that this group of people was not theirs to deal with, each and every one of them reported that they would use their defensive magic weapons to the limit, and were on full alert.

Facing the seven people going out in the fog, Duan Ji frowned, as if he saw an unpleasant fly, and then waved his hand casually, as if to drive away the flies around him.

As he waved his hand, an invisible giant hand nearly a thousand feet appeared silently in the sky above the area where the seven people were. The mist it brought up when it trembled faintly outlined its outline.


The invisible giant palm penetrates straight down!

Like Mount Tai, the seven people and the white tiger beneath them were shot into seven shocking pools of blood and mud!

The earth was deeply sunken, with the shape of a giant hand hollowed out.

It seemed that Duan Ji took it seriously as if he had swatted a few flies to death.

To Duan Laomo, the life of the monk Linghe seems to be worse than a fly.

While everyone was sighing, they did not expect that Chu Chen was actually controlling Duan Laomo at this time.

At the same time, deep in the thick fog, at the top of the bloody tower that towered into the clouds, when Hengtian felt that one of his clones was being squeezed to death by Old Demon Duan, there was an indescribable disgust on his expression.

"Old bastard, if you destroy my clone, you will leave your life in Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain!"

As one of the founders of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group, he is one of the top combat forces in the entire small fairy world. Normally, when others encounter Hengtian, they can only bow their heads and beg for mercy.

This was the first time that this clone had been destroyed, which made him shocked and angry.

You can't let your clones die in vain. After all, every clone you destroy will cost you a point of vitality.

"All clones, come back!"

Hengtian's eyes darkened and he gave the order to retreat to his remaining eleven clones.

All the clones have returned, and after integration, they will fight against the old devil!

Strong invisible thoughts spread rapidly in the air.

Eleven waves of spiritual consciousness were released, but only ten received responses?

The last remaining scene was that of Duan Ji suddenly tearing apart space and appearing next to the speeding clone, and blasting the clone with a simple and rough punch! !

"Duan Lao Mo, you actually hunted down my clone!?"

Hengtian's handsome face was instantly distorted, and his fluttering white clothes almost exploded in his rage!

He was frightened and angry!

I never imagined that in this area of ​​thousands of miles, the cat and mouse game has not ended yet, or it has just begun!

It's just that now the positions of cat and mouse have been swapped!

Duan Ji became the murderous demon cat, while Hengtian's clones became the bereaved rats running around!

The entire space was completely violent. As one of the most powerful people in the evil way, Duan Ji's methods were simply unpredictable.

Hengtian himself has deep knowledge of space-related magical powers, but the clones' ability to manipulate space is not proficient enough.

Duan Ji is more like a vicious dog than a cat!

He directly tore apart the space and looked for the breath of Hengtian's clones.

This peerless old devil doesn't have any fancy moves. He just locks the position of a clone, tears open the space in the most primitive way, catches up with Hengtian's fleeing clone, and without saying a word, presses forward and punches it. burst.

Then he locked the position of the next clone again, quickly and violently tore apart the space, came to the other clone, and repeated the same method.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a few breaths, Hengtian lost six clones! ...

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