Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1775 The End

Boom...! !

There was another extremely violent explosion, which made the world tremble uncontrollably, and the entire land became as undulating as the sea surface.

The rapidly running white tiger had to slow down slightly to avoid the violently shaking ground.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and something like a small mountain flew out from the high sky in the distance and slammed down on everyone.

The sky above everyone's heads was obscured by this flying object!


Chu Chen flew up from the white tiger, jumped into the void, snorted coldly, retracted and extended his palms, the golden light exploded in his palms, and the Nine Sun Burning Sky Seal turned into a blazing sun and rose into the sky, flying directly towards it. The "hill" hit it.


The golden sun exploded, shattering the hill into pieces.

It wasn't until the debris flew everywhere that everyone on the White Tiger realized that it was not a hill, but a broken hall, as if someone had chopped it off directly from a certain palace!

"These two people are fighting until the world is turned upside down! Will they not stop until they destroy this world?"

Lan Xuan, who was at the tiger's tail, frowned and couldn't help but sigh.

Hengtian and Duan Ji's original battlefield was thousands of miles away, and even their impact here was very limited. But now it seems that this mining area has become their battlefield!

These two super strong men who are good at space movement completely caused chaos in the entire Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain.

"You coolies... actually want to take advantage of the chaos and escape!"

The rapidly galloping white tiger suddenly stopped. In front of everyone, there were three white tigers lined up.

The members of the Jiutian Formation Breaking Group on the tiger's back looked at several people with vigilant eyes, with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Get off the tiger immediately, kneel to the side, and be captured without any effort. Be as obedient as a dog. I can still give you a chance to survive."

These three white-clothed monks seemed to be a small team, and the middle-aged monk leading them had half the strength of Tianhe.

As he asked, he drew out the long knife he was wearing, and the light of pale white spiritual power boiled instantly, apparently pushing his spiritual power to the limit.

"Yes, but you don't have any life left..."

Before Chu Chen finished speaking, his body turned into a gray phantom that circled around the three of them, and then flew back to the back of the white tiger's neck.

The whole process takes less than one breath.

When Chu Chen's figure sat down on Bai Hu's back again, the three people in front of them exploded one after another, and rain of blood spilled all over the ground.

"Protect the white tiger. If it dies, you will be blind in the mist."

The little hamster reminded everyone that Shi Yuyan, Xuan Ke and others recovered from the shock.

This time Chu Chen entered the Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain, he actually became a lot stronger!

Wasn't he obviously captured as a coolie? Is there still time to practice and become stronger?

Lan Xuan could only sigh in his heart, comparing people to each other is irritating.

Facing someone like Chu Chen, who can even breathe stronger, what else can I do besides being envious?

Therefore, under the protection of Chu Chen, everyone hardly had to do much whenever they encountered the patrols of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group.

Basically, Chu Chen took action quickly and killed the opponent directly.

Chu Chen will basically clear all the obstacles ahead.

Shi Yuyan was responsible for mopping up the pursuers in the rear.

Shi Yuyan held a white long sword and sat at the end of the white tiger, always on guard for the enemy's sneak attacks and pursuits from behind.

Her important task is also to protect the safety of the white tiger under her.

Now in the fog-filled ancient mountain area of ​​Immortal Crystal, this gifted white giant tiger is the most important means of transportation. Everyone knows that once the white giant tiger is gone, it will become a blind eye in the boundless fog. blind.

Therefore, many Jiutian monks planned to kill the giant tiger first and then force them to stop.

However, these nine-day monks have become the dead souls of Shi Yuyan's sword. This demonic enchantress kills people, but she is not merciless at all.

Lan Xuan half-jokingly praised Shi Yuyan as the protector of white tigers.

The further you go to the periphery, the more Jiutian monks are patrolling everywhere, so no matter how fast or ruthless Chu Chen and Shi Yuyan strike, their positions are gradually exposed.

The number of monks who came to encircle and suppress them also continued to increase.

Fortunately, Chu Chen and the others were not the only coolie monks who were taking advantage of the situation to escape. The other coolie monks also fled violently under the charm and instigation of Shi Yuyan, a witch along the way.

It can be regarded as dispersing a lot of firepower for everyone.

But as they gradually reached the edge of leaving the Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain, the firepower inevitably began to concentrate.

Because no other coolie rushes to such an outskirts!

The patrol team began to encounter Chu Chen and his party in large waves, and sometimes they could even encounter dozens of Jiutian monks at once.

These monks with the lowest cultivation level all have the strength in the middle and late stages of the Linghe Realm. Once the number of people reaches a large scale, even Chu Chen cannot kill them cleanly and has to get into a fight with them.

In this way, more and more patrols were encountered, and the killing speed of Chu Chen and his party became slower and slower. They seemed to be trapped in a huge invisible quagmire.

Slowly being dragged into a stagnant rhythm by the endless patrols of the Nine Heavens Formation Breaking Group.

By the time they reached the red eye, the giant white tigers around their field of vision were almost too numerous to count.

They are surrounded by a sea of ​​white!

At this time, Chu Chen was flying in the void. High in the sky, three strong men of the first level of Tianhe gathered to fight with him endlessly. These strong men had long energy and seemed to have been recharging their energy for a long time.

On the other hand, Chu Chen had been fighting for so long, and the spiritual power in his body had already been exhausted. No matter how strong his fighting power was, he still felt that it was at its limit.

And those three people seemed to be deliberately consuming Chu Chen's spiritual power. The three people's joint attack was indeed focused on defense, and they did not give Chu Chen a chance to fight for his life.

It seemed that they were determined to drain Chu Chen's spiritual energy alive and finally capture him alive! !

As for the others, except for Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke were all injured at this time, and Qi Fei was still unconscious.

Although Shi Yuyan was not injured, the aura in her body was somewhat ups and downs, and she had obviously consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

She is trying her best to protect the white tiger from being hurt by the flying arrows!


Suddenly, a small sun-like Nine Sun Burning Sky Seal blasted out, forcing the three great monks several hundred feet away.

Chu Chen took the time to look around, and his heart suddenly sank.

Just in front of them, a monk named Jiutian Breaking Formation Group had assembled into a huge formation of white-clothed monks, completely surrounding them.

At a glance, there are thousands of people around, and they are all elites of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group!

They have been completely trapped! !

"You can't escape."

Spiritual power surged, and the spiritual light of thousands of white-clothed monks infected the entire world into a colorful and magnificent light group, like a gorgeous sea of ​​spiritual light, completely submerging several people. ...

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