Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1790 Wasteland Demon Realm

The Central Plains Territory is located in the most central area of ​​Xuantian Continent.

But it is the most deserted place among all areas!

In this extremely vast land, there is an endless wilderness, like the most primitive world.

But in the endless wilderness, there are abandoned cities one after another.

It seems to be telling people that this was once a prosperous world with countless people living in this area.

But for some unknown reason, this colorful world that is often bustling with traffic has become completely deserted overnight?

There are only empty cities left one after another, gradually aging, decaying, and collapsing as time goes by.


The wind roared, and the high wind fell from the sky, blowing between the broken city walls and making a dull whimpering sound. It sounded like some ancient and dull wailing, resounding between heaven and earth.

This is a huge, dilapidated city. Broken walls and collapsed halls can be seen everywhere. Thick black smoke is rising in many places. It seems that it has experienced extremely intense battles, and even after tens of millions of years, the smoke of war still lingers. Destroy!

The huge city was extremely desolate, with a few monks here and there rummaging through the ruins. Not only did they not appear popular, but they looked even more decadent.

In this decadent and dangerous city, there is a beautiful figure that adds a touch of brightness.

It was a girl wearing pure black clothes. Her complexion was as white and delicate as snow jade, her face was pure and beautiful, and her beauty revealed a coldness that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Just one look at it makes one's heart palpitate, and one doesn't dare to offend him at all.

There is innocence and primitiveness in her eyes.

She is like the most innocent girl in the world, and also like the most pure tool in the world that is born for killing.

The girl in black walked expressionlessly on the street, her cold eyes seemed to be covered with an invisible layer of frost. Wherever her eyes looked, it seemed as if a layer of ice had condensed into a shell, with a rustling spray. Air-conditioned.

When she walked to a dilapidated ancient well, the girl's eyes fell on a certain place, and the frost and cold air contained therein suddenly disappeared without a trace.

In this dangerous world, she suddenly restrained her murderous intent.

Only the innocent girl with clear eyes was left.

Because she saw a little girl who was only about seven or eight years old. The girl had snow-white skin and looked extremely cute.

A pair of big, watery eyes, innocent and helpless, can't help but make people feel love and pity.

But the clothes on her body were a little dirty, the shoe on her left foot was stained with dust, and the shoe on her right foot fell somewhere, revealing her white feet, with a few blood stains on them, which made people even more worried. Be compassionate.

The little girl was sitting on the edge of the ancient well, sobbing softly. She seemed to sense someone approaching. She raised her head and glanced at the girl in black timidly. She seemed a little scared. Her white and tender hands couldn't help but grasp the hem of her clothes, and she shrank subconsciously. Shrinking.

"What's wrong?"

The girl in black lowered her head slightly and looked at the little girl. There was a hint of inexplicable softness in her cold voice, "Are you crying?"

"I...I can't find my mother.


The little girl replied sweetly, and then looked up at the girl in black. Feeling that the beautiful sister in front of her didn't look dangerous, she lowered her guard slightly.

"You live in this place?"

The girl in black who had squatted down asked softly.

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded vigorously, "My mother took me to this place to hide from bad guys. This place is very dangerous. I dare not go home alone."

"Do you know where you are at home?"

The little girl nodded slowly again, tears still streaming down her face.

The girl in black gently stretched out her hand and carefully touched the little girl's head. Her movements were actually very unskilled, and she obviously did not do such movements often.

In fact, she didn't know how to comfort the crying little Loli at the moment, so she could only imitate the action in her memory.

She touched this little loli like a fluffy eagle.

The little Loli seemed to feel the kindness of the girl in black and gradually stopped crying.

The girl in black slowly stood up straight and gently extended her fair right hand to the little Lolita, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

"But...but it's very dangerous here. Is it okay, sister?"

The little Loli's eyes sparkled, looking both expectant and frightened.

"I can."

The girl in black's voice was soft but firm.

There was a hint of surprise in the little Loli's bright eyes, she nodded and stood up.

She stretched out her fleshy white hands and took the girl's slender white hands.

Once he held it, his small hand tightly grasped the big warm hand as if he was afraid of throwing it away. The other hand timidly pointed to the left front, "That's probably where I live!"

The girl in black didn't say anything, and coldly held the little girl's hand and walked slowly.

After all, the little girl has the heart of a child and is innocent. After walking for a while, she discovered that although this fairy-like sister looked cold, she seemed to be a good person.

She actually took the initiative to chat with the girl in black.

"My eldest sister is so beautiful. I have never seen my sister be such a fairy-like figure. Is the fairy sister here to destroy monsters and ghosts?"

"No, although demons are rampant here, it has nothing to do with me."

The girl in black is obviously not very good at chatting. No matter what topic she talks about, she will quickly talk to death.

But the little loli's childlike innocence was still there, and she didn't care whether the other party could chat or not, she just curiously asked the girl in black questions.

"Why does sister come to this place?"

"Because there is a reason to come."


"My mother said that people with insufficient cultivation level would not dare to step into this place. What kind of cultivation level does my sister have?"

"Ordinary cultivation."


If it weren't for the little Lolita's resilience, this awkward conversation would definitely not have lasted.

The two people seemed to be talking about their own things.

One is calm and concise, the other is excited and gushing.

Two people, one large and one small, walked deeper and deeper into this desolate and abandoned city.

As you enter the inner city from the outer city, you can see towering trees growing out of various buildings, and there are countless huge plants that are devouring this originally prosperous city wantonly.

Most of an hour passed in the blink of an eye. When the two reached a dilapidated intersection, the girl in black finally stopped.

"How far away is your home?"

"It's right in front, almost there."

The little Loli ran a few steps, looked around, clapped her hands, and said with a sweet smile, "I followed my sister so fast. If I came back alone, I don't know how long it would take..."

Before the tone of the little girl's word "jiu" had completely fallen, the void suddenly became quiet, and the girl in black had her eyes focused, a faint light bloomed on her right palm, and a white long sword with a cold light suddenly rushed out. .

"What's wrong? Is it dangerous?"

Little Loli also realized something was wrong and asked with a blushing face.

The girl in black didn't answer her, she just waved the white sword in her hand forward.

The invisible frost breath suddenly broke out!

The condensed white sword light flashed a shrill cold light in the void, and slashed straight towards the little Loli!

Cut the little Loli's frightened expression and her young body into two halves.

"Sister, you..."

The little loli's eyes were full of helplessness! ...

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