Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1797 Breakthrough, Breakthrough Again!

"The dragon's blood is so rich, which is beyond my expectation."

Chu Chen looked at the mutated Dragon Eagle in the sky and sent a spiritual message to Ling Xuan below.

"It seems that it is still unable to completely control the power of the true dragon bloodline, so it is suppressed in the body on weekdays and only displays the vicious eagle bloodline. Now it is forcibly activated, and it is the rarest bone dragon bloodline among the true dragon bloodlines in ancient times. It is extremely ferocious. , you should be careful yourself.”

"I know."

The girl in black on the high cliff responded softly, but she still held the sword tightly with both hands, ready to support Chu Chen at any time.


After the evolution, the two-headed dragon eagle suddenly roared in the sky. The bone dragon head covered with bone spurs, like a hedgehog, opened its mouth, and a gray-white dragon's breath turned into a torrent. The sea swept toward Chu Chen below!

The dragon's breath instantly flooded the sky!

The Bone Dragon was also called the Dragon of Death in the mythical era, so its dragon breath is filled with an extremely strong aura of the undead, dead, and withered.

As long as human beings in the world take a breath of such a breath, they will immediately lose their vitality and become unconscious undead zombies, which is the most terrifying attribute.

Facing the mighty death dragon's breath, Chu Chen's silver roc body let out a long chirp, and faced the billowing dragon's breath with his whole face without dodging.

It was still a simple and crude direct impact, and Chu Chen did not use any of the magical powers and secrets of Pengniao's lineage.

The rich torrent of death drowned the silver roc?


Like a huge river hitting a hard stone, it slid smoothly from both sides, unable to cause any damage to the silver roc!

The eyes of the two-headed dragon eagle were filled with incredible light!

Seen from a distance, the silver roc was swimming upstream against the impact of the tsunami of Death Dragon's Breath, like a sharp silver sword, cutting through the raging gray tsunami!

Even its speed was not affected much, and it once again hit the direction of the double-headed dragon eagle in the most brutal and direct way!

A brutal collision without any skills!

It goes against the dragon's breath and is quickly approaching me!

The strong aura of death caused the scales on the double-headed dragon eagle's body to stand up in an instant. The silver roc, which could only be regarded as a small sparrow compared to its size, actually felt it at this time. Strong smell of death.

Almost subconsciously, it suddenly raised its two sharp claws in front of it, trying to block the flying silver roc.


With a muffled sound, the silver roc's dark golden beak easily penetrated the dragon eagle's sharp claws. Its streamlined body was like an unstoppable light shuttle, directly piercing the thick dragon claws to create a bloody hole more than ten feet wide. !

The smell of blood began to permeate the air.

The next second, the two sharp claws of the silver roc clamped one of the dragon's claws, and violently flapped its wings and pulled it back.

With a dull sound of flesh tearing, a huge dragon eagle's thigh was torn off by it!

A torrent of blood rained down!

Accompanied by the dragon eagle's huge roar of pain.

The silver roc's attack still didn't stop. It moved like lightning. It flapped its wings violently, tearing through the void like a dark silver lightning arrow, and pierced straight into the dragon eagle's body!

In Ling Xuan's field of vision, the silver roc seemed to disappear out of thin air?

Just as the girl was feeling uneasy, the huge back of the double-headed dragon eagle was suddenly torn open!

A small silver shadow rushed out.

Chu Chen unexpectedly entered its body, and then penetrated out from behind it, tearing open a terrifying blood hole.

In an instant, the double-headed dragon eagle was pierced by a small silver roc!

The long dark golden beak and sharp claws of the silver roc are indestructible! !

After one strike, it circled back and continued its attack!

The proud and powerful body of the double-headed dragon eagle was torn apart like paper, repeatedly pierced, and riddled with holes.

In just a few breaths, the silver roc charged back and forth in the void more than ten times. Each time it charged, it left a terrifying blood hole in Longying's body that penetrated from front to back! !

The sky has been dyed red with blood!

The two-headed dragon eagle had completely lost its ability to resist, and kept letting out death wails as the silver roc's death penetrated it.

And the silver roc turned into the coldest and sharpest executioner, not affected by the wailing at all, and its movements did not stop at all.

Finally, the three-hundred-foot long Dragon Eagle's body was covered with dozens of horrific wounds, and when the silver roc flew on the Dragon Eagle's back again, endless killing intent burst out from the Peng's eyes.

Silver light burst out from its two roc claws, transforming into two giant light claws that were tens of feet long.

Then they grabbed Long Ying's body one by one and pulled hard from left to right!


With a dull loud noise, Dragon Eagle's riddled body was completely torn in half by two giant roc claws.

A pouring rain of blood, organs, broken feathers, and debris poured down, and the rich smell of blood enveloped an area of ​​several thousand feet.

Powerful, violent, and ruthless!

In this middle-earth demon realm, the great demon who controlled an area of ​​​​air has just died!

Seeing the silver roc flying in the death vortex made of the flesh and blood of the two-headed dragon eagle, the girl was dazzled and sighed secretly in her heart.

This silver little roc really turned killing into an art form. It made no unnecessary moves during the battle with the dragon eagle, and used the simplest, most efficient, and cruelest way to kill this arrogant monster. Completely beheaded.

Absolutely strong!

The golden-winged roc is indeed a race born for fighting! !


The wind suddenly rose and after tearing apart the two-headed dragon eagle, the silver roc fell from the sky and landed next to Ling Xuan again.

The girl discovered that during the whole process, there was not even a trace of blood on its dark silver feathers.

When the blood drips onto it, it completely slides off, leaving no trace of dust on it.

After falling back, the silver roc suddenly stretched out a wing to block Ling Xuan's head. Before the girl could react, she heard a crackling sound, but the blood of the two-headed dragon eagle exploded on it. On the wings, it was as dense as a heavy rain.

This little guy has habitually shielded himself from the wind and rain!

And Ling Xuan also accepted its protection with peace of mind.

No matter how the world is destroyed, the girl has nothing to fear as long as the little eagle is guarding her.

The next moment, the silver roc's pointed long dark golden beak suddenly opened slightly and spit out a ball of pale white jade the size of a fist.

The jade ball looked like the product of some kind of colloid condensation, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

"What's this?"

Ling Xuan asked curiously. This jade ball looked like a freshly cooked egg, but the color was clearer, like some kind of snow-white nephrite that was half solidified.

From inside this jade ball, one can feel waves of extremely pure spiritual energy.

"This is the origin of the dragon soul of the double-headed dragon eagle that has not yet evolved."...

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