Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1800 Something more interesting than shopping

Facing the girl who didn't want to go shopping, Chu Chen was speechless for a moment.

"How about this, you accompany me to see this colorful world. You also know that I am a little eagle growing up in the wilderness. I am actually full of curiosity about the human world. Take me around. It’s also good to have something delicious.”

When Chu Chen's plan failed, he made another plan.

"I remember that you didn't like to eat anything but ore."


Chu Chen thought to himself that a girl's memory should not be underestimated, "Ahem, it's precisely because I can't eat, so when I see something I want to eat, you will eat it for me. That's the decision."

"All right."

Ling Xuan couldn't resist Chu Chen, so she had no choice but to agree.

"Let's go shopping."

The girl nodded with a confused look on her face, and took Chu Chen to the most crowded place, because Chu Chen said that she wanted to go shopping where there were the most people.

For her, shopping seems more difficult than killing someone.

Tiannan City is indeed very prosperous, with a rough and heroic imprint that is completely different from the Central Plains Territory appearing in every detail.

Along the way, Ling Xuan often discovered many strange and bizarre things that she couldn't name.

Especially along the way, Chu Chen kept letting her eat all sorts of random foods, colorful, sweet, bitter, and spicy.

Moreover, Chu Chen also asked her to try on various clothes worn by secular girls.

It made her feel even more confused.

However, it also made her originally cold and frosty face become slightly relieved.

Not long after shopping, Ling Xuan's face turned cold again.

Not far behind her, there were always a few people hanging near or far away, and they couldn't shake them away.

"It seems like a few hooligans are targeting you."

Chu Chen stood on Ling Xuan's shoulder and sent out a spiritual thought, "The cultivation quality of the gangsters in Tiannan City is very high. One of them actually has the strength of the Spirit River Realm. Tsk tsk..."

This was not because Chu Chen was deliberately sarcastic, but because he was truly surprised by the strength of the monks in Tiannan City.

In the Linghe realm, this kind of cultivation is called a strong person in the monk world.

If this was placed in Dongyuan Territory, it would be worshiped by one party no matter where it went, and it would be treated as a guest in any small or medium-sized sect.

To put it bluntly, as long as such a person is willing, worldly power, wealth, and beauty are all within easy reach.

As long as you don't commit suicide and make people angry, you can live a comfortable life and be a local gangster. There is no need to take a promising career like a gangster or a robber.

But here, a super strong man from the Linghe Realm took the lead and brought a group of monks from the Lingxi Realm to surround a young girl. This kind of behavior is completely unthinkable in the Dongyuan Territory.

You must know that Ling Xuan has completely restrained her cultivation. From the appearance, she is just a beautiful mortal girl.

"Very good. Shopping is boring, and they just delivered it to your door."

A trace of joy actually flashed across Ling Xuan's face, which made Chu Chen speechless. She was unhappy about shopping, but she felt happy about this kind of thing.

"Find a place where no one is around. Don't do anything in this busy city, so as not to involve innocent people."

Chu Chen's face turned dark.

Ling Xuan nodded, and then walked against the flow of people, intentionally or unintentionally, towards a place with fewer people.

When the group of malicious monks saw that this beautiful oriental girl was so successful, they were all overjoyed. They looked at each other and followed Ling Xuan calmly.

The further they walked, the farther they went, and Ling Xuan came to a remote cloud-watching platform as if she was just strolling around.

This is also a unique building in the Nantian Territory. After all, in other places, it is impossible to just build a platform and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the rising and falling clouds.

"Hahaha... This little lady knows how to be charming. Knowing that I have fallen in love with her, I specially found a deserted place to enjoy the blessing of double cultivation."

The middle-aged monk who looked like a giant bear in the Linghe realm laughed, his face full of lust.

"This little beauty from the East is really a rare beauty, and we are so lucky to have it. Brother, while you are waiting for you... you have to leave some soup for the brothers to drink!"

"Hahaha... But this girl looks cold and tasteless. Don't look like a piece of wood and it will be boring."

"What do you know! The colder a woman looks on the surface, the more interesting she is!"

Seeing that those people completely regarded Ling Xuan as a piece of fish on the chopping board, they spoke unscrupulously and filthy words.

Ling Xuan herself remained expressionless, but the murderous intent on her body became more intense.

Chu Chen on the other side was already furious. These bastards were tired of living.

It suddenly roared at everyone, and the powerful soul power rolled away along with the roar, turning into invisible spikes and piercing fiercely into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the monks.


The faces of the laughing monks suddenly changed, and the bodies of the weaker ones among them instantly bowed into the shape of shrimps. The face of the giant bear monk suddenly changed, "Soul impact! The little bitch raised that head." The eagle is weird, everyone, be careful!”

The soul impact came and went quickly. When the force of the impact disappeared, the monks did not suffer any serious injuries except that their faces were slightly pale.

At most, he was the one with the weakest cultivation. His seven orifices were shaken so much that a trace of blood spilled out, and he did not suffer any original trauma.

Chu Chen sneered when he saw this scene. It was not prepared to directly attack with its soul to kill them, otherwise it would be too easy for them.

Now, Chu Chen had successfully attracted the anger and hatred of these monks to himself.

I saw the monk who looked like a giant bear staring at Chu Chen's silver roc with a ferocious expression, "Get rid of that weird eagle first! Without that pet, this girl won't have any resistance." You have enough power, let us slaughter you!”


There was another clear and long chant, and when all the monks were shocked and dizzy, Chu Chen suddenly flapped his wings from Ling Xuan's shoulders and soared into the sky.

Upon seeing this, the giant bear monk smiled ferociously and waved his hand fiercely, "This bird wants to escape, vulture, go up and kill that damn eagle for me!".

"No problem, brother, watch me pluck all the feathers from this feathered bird and stew it for you to replenish your body!"

A tall and thin monk in the crowd screamed strangely, and gray-white spiritual power shone around him and soared into the sky. He was as fast as lightning, flying and shouting, "Miscellaneous feather bird, look at grandpa's sky-breaking rotor for you." Shave!”

Before he finished speaking, he was about to catch up with Chu Chen like lightning. His figure shook in the void, and a gray-white spiritual light feather burst out of his body, completely surrounding the half-foot-long silver eagle. ...

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