Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1026: Vs. Yu Wenfeng

After Lu Chen walked down the ring, he didn't care much about the various sights he had projected. He found a relatively secluded place, sat down cross-legged, and practiced his breath to restore the strength he had consumed in the previous battle.

In the battle with Tengli, Lu Chen consumes few elements, but he has always been cautious, and he will not slacken because of this. He will greet the next battle in the strongest and highest state.

After a few minutes of closing his eyes and practicing, the sound of discussion around him suddenly increased. Lu Chen exhaled a white breath and opened his eyes, just to see Peng Qi slowly ascend to the ring, and his opponent, not others, was Shen Lang. !

Shen Lang, Venerable Realm Extreme Cultivation, although defeated by Niu Santong in the first game because of ignoring the enemy, its strength, after all, cannot be underestimated, and has the top five combat power of the group.

Peng Qi, the half-step demon Saint Xiuwei, the strength is still unknown, because Tengli fights with one, automatically admits defeat, giving people an unfathomable feeling, at least in the eyes of everyone, Pengqi's strength is in Teng Lili.

Shen Lang played against Pengqi, and he was not in the battle of Lu Chen and Tengli.

Peng Qi slowly climbed into the ring, stood still, his face calm, he could not see the slightest tension, but from his eyebrows, he could vaguely see a hint of laziness. Obviously, for Peng Qi, he and Shen Langyi Warfare is not something that deserves attention.

After Peng Qi came to the stage, he slowly saw no action from Shen Lang. Suddenly, countless countless eyes fell upon Shen Lang's body under the No. 8 ring.

Under the eyes of countless eyes, Shen Lang struggled for a while. He was very clear that he was not the opponent of Pengqi. In the battle with the latter, he was likely to end in a serious injury. In that case, he entered the top ten of the group. The top 100 is in danger, so he hesitated and did not dare to take the stage ...

At this time, there was a burst of discussion on the audience. People were not stupid. Seeing Shen Lang's struggling look, he had already guessed what. The crowd was mixed, some people agreed with Shen Lang's approach, and some opposed it. Scold loudly.

When the crowd was talking, Shen Lang finally had a choice. He saw his teeth clenched sharply, his hand raised above his head, his voice hoarse, and he spit out the words hard, "I admit defeat!"

The last word fell, the crowd first calmed down, and then the overwhelming noise swept the audience stand around the No. 8 ring.

Even those audiences who have been mentally prepared for a long time and even agreed with Shen Lang's approach, but when they heard that the latter really admitted directly to Pengqi, they were still disappointed and shook their heads.

From now on, the contradiction between the contestants of the two races of people and monsters has been publicized. Although it has not reached the endless level, it has been witnessed by Shen Lang who has been hoped for, and even against Pengqi. Without courage, he automatically confessed and hit the morale of the human race.

Feeling the overwhelming screams, Shen Lang looked a bit gloomy, the subconscious fists clenched, humiliation, anger, unwillingness and other emotions accumulated in the chest, and finally turned into a cloud of turbidity , Spit out slowly from his mouth and nose.

Before shouting the words "I admit defeat", he realized that there will be a scene now, but compared with the top ten of the Wenjin group, the scolding and disappointment of everyone is not worth mentioning.

On the other hand, if he knew that he would lose to Pengqi, he would go to power and fight against the latter in a single breath, and if the contestants of the human and demon races are now nervous, he has no doubt that Pengqi He will definitely not keep his hand. In that case, depending on the gap between him and Pengqi, more than 50% of them may end in a serious injury.

On the one hand, it is in the top ten of the group, it is more than the top one hundred, and it is in the thousand kings palace. On the other hand, more than 50% of them may be seriously injured and lose. They will be out of the game early and miss the top hundred. Choose one of the two, at least not a fool. Presumably most people will not hesitate to choose the first. Even if they are misunderstood, even if they are abused in public, they will not shake his choice.

For Chen Lang ’s choice, Lu Chen does not evaluate it. He knows that this battle will be lost, and he has the risk of losing more than 50% of his serious injuries. Even if Lu Chen chooses, most of his choices will be the same as Shen Lang. It's cool to fight for a while, but the consequences are not affordable for ordinary people.

For example, if Shen Lang didn't admit defeat in this battle, but went to the field with a stubborn blame, with Lu Chen's analysis of the combat power between Shen Lang and Peng Qi, the final result was that Shen Lang will definitely lose, and there is a great possibility of success. A serious injury.

On stage.

Hearing Shen Lang's self-confidence, Peng Qi passed a trace of regret that was hardly noticeable to outsiders.

In fact, before taking office, he was ready to hit Shen Lang.

Because Lu Chen struck Tengli seriously, the morale of the human race was greatly boosted, and the morale of the demon race was weak. Therefore, before he came to power, he was ready to hit Shen Lang's battle and win a game.

As a result, it was contrary to his expectations. Shen Lang confessed automatically, even without the courage to fight. As a result, I wonder if Shen Lang should be said to be cowardly, or should he praise him for his situation and his progress.

Whether it is cowardice, or knowing to advance or retreat, in short, Peng Qi is quite satisfied, because Shen Lang ’s automatic admission defeats the morale of the human race, which is more effective than directly defeating the latter.

"Peng won seven games in this battle!"

At this moment, the voices of the eight groups of referees sounded, suppressing the overwhelming noise.

The eight groups of referees are human saints, and they also strongly agree with Shen Lang ’s defeat. He is a saint, and not comparable to those who entered the saint first. At that time, he knew that the latter's strength is far from that of ordinary Venerable Realm Extreme Warriors, but Shen Lang's strength is not bad, but it is still not comparable with Peng Qi. If Shen Lang insists on the first battle with Peng Qi, the final ending need not be I can guess ...

Therefore, when Shen Lang conceded, he was one of the few people on the field who chose to agree.

On the second day of Dabi, Shen Lang came to an end with automatic defeat, and countless spectators around the No. 8 ring with anger and anger, some chose to get up and leave, while others chose to stay, apparently preparing to spend the night here.

End of the second day.

Lu Chen's record is, 19 games, 19 wins, zero losses!

The records of the rest of the eighth group are:

Peng seven, nineteen games, nineteen wins, zero losses!

Yu Wenfeng, twenty games, twenty wins, zero losses!

Nine tees, 19 games, 19 wins, zero losses!

Shen Lang, 19 games, 17 wins, two losses!

Tengli, 19 games, 17 wins, two losses!

Makino, twenty games, eighteen wins, two defeats!

Su Li, 20 games, 17 wins, 3 losses!




In addition, the success and failure of the other students of Tenjin Academy are as follows:

The wind is silent, twenty-one games, twenty-one wins, zero defeats!

Qiu Shaoping, 22 games, 17 wins, 5 losses!

Pei Shaoqing, twenty-one games, sixteen wins, five defeats!

Ji Yao, twenty-three games, nineteen wins and four defeats!



In the early morning of the third day of the competition, as the contestants and spectators entered one after another, the game started on time.

"Tengli vs. Suli!"

The eighth team, the first battle, let countless spectators rejuvenate on the spot and looked excitedly towards the ring.

Tengli, a half-step demon Saint Xiuwei, with his strength directly chasing Shen Lang and Yu Wenfeng. During the peak period, the voltage regulator Su Li headed off, but yesterday he battled Lu Chen and was hit with an eye by Lu Chen. His head was also There is a recession, the injury is extremely heavy, and there is no one in the battle ...

Su Li was also uncomfortable. He was hit hard by the latter during the battle with Peng on July 1st, and his combat strength also declined sharply. He recovered overnight. Although the injury has improved, his combat strength can only play 50% or 60%. To deal with the ninth peak of the Venerable, it is acceptable, but once it is the ultimate warrior or the half-step demon saint of the Venerable Realm, it is definitely a loser.

Teng Li and Su Li have different injuries. How about the victory?

In fact, in the eyes of the discerning eye, this battle has already achieved results.

Tengli will definitely lose.

Because Tengli's injury is too heavy, and he has no strength to fight anymore. In contrast, although Su Li is injured, he still has the strength to fight. Under the steady fight, he also has more than 90% of the opportunities to enter the top ten of the group. .

Sure enough, the result of this battle was Su Li's victory.

Teng Li's injury was too serious. He didn't directly attend today, and was finally regarded as an automatic defeat by the referee. Su Li won easily.

At this point, Tengli, a powerful demon who is not under Shen Lang, missed the top ten of the group stage and has been eliminated in advance.

The battle continues.

"Huang Tao vs. Liu Feng!"



"Makino vs. Liu Sanhe!"

"Bull three links against Man Mountain!"



"Lu Chen battles Yu Wenfeng!"

As the voices of the eight groups of referees fell, the spirits of countless audiences around the No. 8 ring lifted slightly, because, once again, there was a war worth noting!

Lu Chen played against Yu Wenfeng.

Lu Chen said more, although it is only the ninth cultivation of His Holiness, but his strength is unmatched. He has easily eliminated Su Li, Makino, Tengli and other strong men. His strength has been recognized by most people. It is a strong competitor expected to compete for the first place in the eight groups.

Yu Wenfeng, the realm of the Supreme Realm, and is also the legendary Tuyuan body. There has been no defeat in the battle so far, the strength is unpredictable, and it is also a strong competitor for the first in the eighth group.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Lu Chen and Yu Wenfeng successively took the stage!

"I am not your opponent!"

Yu Wenfeng looked at Lu Chen on the opposite side and said lightly, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear any unwillingness and anger.

Lu Chen heard this, froze for a moment, and then looked at Yu Wenfeng unexpectedly. He didn't expect that the latter would say something calmer than himself when he came to power.

Yu Wenfeng's voice was not deliberately suppressed, and it came into the ears of countless audiences, causing a sudden uproar.

Lu Chen looked at Yu Wenfeng and did not rush to speak, because he knew that the latter had something to say. Sure enough, Yu Wenfeng paused and continued to say slowly in a calm tone: "Although I am not your opponent, but I Will not admit defeat, today you and I fight ... "

Lu Chen moved slightly, and asked a question in his mind, "I don't seem to have a grudge with you? Why was it the first time you and I were at the Tianxiangyuan banquet, no, strictly speaking, it should be the second time Meet, do you look at me with a bit of hostility? "

Lu Chen's perception is very strong. At the Tianxiang Garden banquet, he felt a bit of hostility from Yu Wenfeng. He originally thought that he felt wrong, but these days, he and Yu Wenfeng were both members of the eighth group. After several contacts, he clearly felt the latter's irresistible hostility towards himself. At this moment, the latter knew that he was not his opponent, but still stubbornly refused to admit defeat, but it confirmed his guess.

Seeing Lu Chen take the initiative to mention this matter, Yu Wenfeng's long-suppressed anger finally broke out, and his eyes were about to breathe fire, and his breath became thick with anger.

"You still have a face to ask? Just a few days, you have done a good job and forgot? Pretend to be crazy and sell silly?"

Yu Wenfeng thought that Lu Chen was deliberately pretending to be crazy and selling silly. Then he was completely angry, and he could not be restrained. Even if he was not Lu Chen's opponent, today he would let the latter know that Yu Wenfeng and the Yuwen family were not troubled.

He stretched out his fingers and gave a sharp grip.


The air in his palm was squeezed and burst, and immediately, the surging Yuanli rushed out, directly condensing into hundreds of spears in front of him, and a strong and heavy breath emanated from the spear, making it The void is showing signs of breaking!

Lu Chen saw it, raised his eyebrows, and saw a dignified color in his eyes. Yu Wenfeng was indeed the first genius in the Yuwen family since the millennium. The Tuyuan body was also well-known. It has far exceeded the limit martial arts in the realm of the first enemies, and its understanding of the earth's mysteries has also broken through the boundaries and entered a realm of revolution.

Turning the earth's mystery, the increase in strength is not a bit of a star. The hundreds of force spears containing the earth's mystery, even Lu Chen felt a trace of danger!

Yu Wenfeng's outburst of combat power under the anger is absolutely amazing. The Supreme Martial Warrior like Su Li definitely insists on ten moves in his hands.

"Boo babble babble babble ..."

The bleak and sharp sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and I saw the hundreds of Yuan force spears that contained the mystery of the earth turning. With Yu Wenfeng's right arm waving fiercely, he suddenly swept the sharp breath and overwhelmed him. The landing dust burst.

Lu Chen looked at the hundreds of Dao Yuan force spears that slammed into himself, and finally he was also angry. This Yu Wenfeng was hostile from the day he saw himself. It was Lu Chen who did not want to grudge with others. At this moment, he was also angry, his anger rising in his eyes.

Lu Chen seemed to be stunned by anger. Facing Yu Wenfeng's fierce and murderous offensive, instead of avoiding it, he slowly extended his palm, and shot with a light flutter during the force surge.

He actually shook the hundreds of Dao Yuan force spears from the stab with such a relaxed and casual palm.

"This is your own death, seriously injured, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Seeing Lu Chen's move, Yu Wenfeng's eyes flashed coldly, and he shot angrily, which can be described as exerting his own strength to the extreme. Hundreds of Yuan force spears containing the mystery of turning the earth are enough to positively reinvent a respectable realm Extreme Warrior, Lu Chen faced his offensive and was so arrogant that he just shot a palm!

Yu Wenfeng's speech fell into place, Lu Chen's seemingly random palm, the surging Yuanli moment burst in his palm, and suddenly, countless people were shocked to see, a huge Yuanli palm print, condensed from Lu Chen's body Formed, and then, with an unprecedented momentum, severely collided with the hundreds of Dao Yuanli spears.

"Booming Rumble ~"

In the moment of collision, Yuanli's palm print will destroy the decayed trend, ruthlessly crushing another Yuanli spear ...

Yu Wenfeng glanced at the shock in his eyes, he knew he was not Lu Chen's opponent, but what he had never expected was that he was furiously beaten by Lu Chen's palm, and it was not only so simple to resist, After the Yuanli Palm smashed hundreds of Yuanli spears in a ruinous manner, sweeping the terrible breath, he continued to slap him against him.

Yu Wenfeng runs the whole body of Yuanli, punching on the palm of Yuanli with that fist.


With a loud noise, Yuan Li's palms collapsed and collapsed, and Yu Wenfeng was also affected. His face was slightly white, and his body was staggering back.

Yu Wenfeng had just stabilized his body, only to see that the light in front of him was dim, and he looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly, Lu Chen did not know when he was lying in front of him quietly, looking at him with a cold face.

Lu Chen looked cold and stared at Yu Wenfeng, who was very close. When he learned from the beginning that the latter was hostile to himself, his first thought was to prepare to calm down with the latter to resolve the misunderstanding between the two parties.

However, Yu Wenfeng's sharp shot finally angered Lu Chen.


Then continue to misunderstand it.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes became more and more cold, and the right fist clenched into a fist, carrying a deep voice of breaking the sky, slammed into Yu Wenfeng's abdomen without mercy.


A dull voice resounded through the audience, Yu Wenfeng wowed out a spit of blood, and his body also flew down the ring as if the kite was broken.

Looking at Yu Wenfeng in the ring that vomited blood and flew down, the faces of countless audiences at the same time froze at the same time. Then, all of them looked at Yu Wenfeng's body that fell to the ground with incredible eyes.

Two tricks.

Only two strokes were used before and after, and Yu Wenfeng, who was expected to compete for the first place in the eighth group, was defeated.

There was a sound of breathing air.

Apart from the shock, some of the audience started to frown slightly, because they felt that Lu Chen ’s shot was too cruel, and he was very spicy towards the demon race participants, and they were happy to see it. some……

Lu Chen did not feel that he was fierce. He even intentionally kept his hand at the last minute. Otherwise, if that punch was exhausted, Yu Wenfeng would not be much better than Tengli. Although Yu Wenfeng was injured at the moment By the way, the impact on the next battle is not great, as long as it is played steadily, entering the top ten of the group is a matter of firm determination.

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