Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1035: Third pass

"Lu Chen wins this battle!"

As the voices of the eight groups of referees fell, the thunderous cheers from the audience resounded, and countless people stood up directly, applauding and cheering. The battle between Chen and Peng was the most exciting.

Moreover, the victory is Lu Chen, a warrior on the human side. With millions of spectators present, human warriors account for more than 90%. Compared with Peng Qi, the people who support Lu Chen naturally occupy most of the ...

In the cheers of the sky, Lu Chen took the initiative to meet the prince ’s sharp gaze without any fear, and then looked at the three breaths for a long time before calmly regaining his gaze, then bowed respectfully to the eight groups of referees.

The eight sets of referees are human saints. If the other side had just shot in time, under the prince's angry blow, he would end up with a serious injury even if he didn't die. Therefore, the former was treated with respect.

At the same time, Pengqi has turned into a human form. Although he has never suffered a heavy blow, he has been hit very hard by defeating Lu Chen twice and being defeated by the latter.

Peng Qi, who was pale, struggling to sit up, looked up at Lu Chen, and in addition to his unwillingness in his eyes was resentment and hatred ...

Lu Chen, who had turned around and left, seemed to feel, paused, turned around and followed Peng Qi's gaze, then strode toward the latter under the gaze of those millions of eyes.

Seeing Lu Chen go back and come back to Peng Qi, the eyes of the demon clan's third prince suddenly froze. If Lu Chen dared to move, he would first strike to kill the latter.

"You lose, it's time to fulfill your gamble!"

In front of Xingzhipeng 7, Lu Chen ignored the third prince directly. His eyes fell on Pengqi, and he reached out and reminded.

After being reminded by Lu Chen, Pengqi only reacted at this time. Before the battle, he offered to wager on the initiative. As a result, he lost again like last time, and the price was something between six stars and seven stars. The defensive warrior!

Thinking of losing to Lu Chen a magical soldier between six and seven stars, he couldn't help but jump in the corner of his eyes.

He is a demon prince, heir is not fake, and his net worth is also richer than other warriors of the same level, but a magical soldier between six stars and seven stars is not meant to be taken out. The Divine Soldier between the Six Stars and the Seven Stars, in terms of value, is not under a single source of mystery. Even if he ca n’t use the defensive Divine Soldier, it is also good to exchange it with people for the equivalent of talent and treasure. Now because of gambling, he lost to Lu Chen, making him very unwilling and painful.

Seeing Peng Qiyi's unwilling and flesh-like appearance, Lu Chen frowned, slightly mocking in his voice, "You are going to fail to pay the bill? The bet between you and me, the millions of spectators present, are very clear, Even if you want to deny it, it wo n’t work ... "

Hearing this, Peng Qi snorted unpleasantly, "Who said I want to deny it? Isn't it a magic soldier between six stars and seven stars ..."

With that said, Peng Qi took out the defensive warrior from the storage ring, and threw it to Lu Chen, and took it, Lu Chen just glanced at it, then smiled satisfactorily, and put it into the storage ring, and then no longer Stay, under the gaze of countless eyes, stride meteor down the ring.

With the end of Lu Chen's battle with Peng Qi, the top ten of the eighth group was finally settled.

First place: Lu Chen.

Second place: Peng Qi.

Third place: Niu Santong.

Fourth place: Yu Wenfeng.

Fifth place: Shen Lang.

Sixth place: Su Li.

Seventh place: Makino.

Eighth place: Manshan.

Ninth place: Tiger Ben.

Tenth place: Xue Liangqiu.

Entering the top ten of the group means entering the top 100 and qualifying for the Thousand Kings Hall. Tomorrow's third round of qualifying is for the final ranking.

Compared with the second level, the third level may not be as long as the second level, but in terms of intensity and excitement, the third level is definitely not comparable to the second level!

The second level, in addition to the second group of ape Ling and Wang Chen, in order to compete for the first group, broke out the battle of the Holy Class, followed by the most exciting battle between Lu Chen and Peng Qi.

The third level is different. In order to compete for the top rankings, fierce battles will inevitably erupt between the strong players of the Holy Class, and not only will there be fewer battles, at least not two games ...

Entering the third hurdle, entering the top 100, and obtaining the qualification of the Thousand Kings Palace is not the end. On the contrary, it is just the beginning.

Tomorrow, Dabi is more exciting! ! !

As the sun went down, the contestants and some of the audience in the performance martial arts field were leaving one after another. The rankings, which are larger than the top 100, have also been determined.

Tonight, some people rejoice and others worry.



Dawn, like a sharp sword, opened the silent night and ushered in the rising sun.

The Yanwuchang, which was silent for one night, was once again crowded, and thunderous cheers surged into the audience ...

When Lu Chen, Pei Shaoqing, Ji Yao, and others stepped into the Yanwuchang, the layout of the Yanwuchang was completely different from yesterday. Yesterday, there were only ten platforms. It was only one night. Fifty platforms have been successively discharged in the Yanwuchang. On the ring are marked "1", "2", "3" ... until "50".

Seeing the scene in front of me, Lu Chen combined with the rules of qualifying for the third pass, he probably understood.

The third round of qualifying is divided into two days. On the first day, the winners of the first to fifth place will be determined, and the second day will determine the ranking of 51 to 100.

In the third round of qualifying, the rules are like this. Take Lu Chen as an example. If Lu Chen ’s ranking is fifteen, he can board the ring 15 as long as he can withstand the challenges of others and keep the ring. The ranking is fifteen.

And once the defending fails, it can also challenge other champions.

Of course, everyone does not want to challenge, because each person has only three opportunities to challenge. Once the three opportunities are used up, they will lose the qualification to challenge others, and it is likely to end up in the lower ranking.

Moreover, in order to avoid the wheel battle, the lord can rest for a quarter of an hour after defeating the challenger. At this quarter, others are not entitled to challenge the lord.

"Student Lu Chen, it is no problem to enter the top 20 with your strength. Next, which ring will you choose? Choose to defend or challenge?" After entering the performance martial arts field, Pei Shaoqing looked at Lu beside him. Dust, curiously asked.

As soon as this remark came out, not only Ji Yao, but also the windless speech and Shen Lang, also moved in their hearts, Qi Qi set his eyes on Lu Chen. Obviously, they are also very interested in this question and want to know the answer from Lu Chenkou.

Lu Chen smiled and looked at the expecting Pei Shaoqing without answering the question, "Senior Pei, which ring would you choose?"

Seeing Lu Chen not answering questions, Pei Shaoqing did not show a dissatisfied look, he thought about it seriously, and said: "If you do n’t have the help of Lu Chen, I ca n’t even enter the third level. I do n’t dare to think about the rankings. About 80 people. If there is no accident, I will choose to challenge, or defend the ring 80. "

Lu Chen nodded his head, with respect to Pei Shaoqing's ninth highest peak repair, and there was little hope of entering the top 50, unless he broke through the limit of entering the Venerable Realm. Eighty, even seventy, can compete.

Lu Chen looked at Ji Yao without waiting for him to speak, and the latter said willingly: "About fifty."

It is said that Lu Chen frowned slightly, Ji Yao was the ninth peak of Venerable Cultivation. Although the real combat power is directly chasing the Supreme Martial Realm of the Venerable Realm, he even has the qualification to fight against the General Martial Realm Extreme Warrior. Competing for a ranking of about 50 people is still a bit difficult, and hope is not great ...

Ji Yao saw Lu Chen frowning slightly, knowing that the latter was worried about herself, and smiled lightly, saying: "Don't worry about me, I will do my best."

Lu Chen's frowned brows, because Ji Yao's words slowly unfolded, he was really worried that the latter would insist on competing for about 50 places. In that case, not only would the chances be slim, but the risk of serious injuries was also great .

At the same time as the group of people talking, they have already stepped into the center of Yanwuchang.

Compared with the first level and the second level, the third level is undoubtedly much less, only a hundred, the hundred participants are distributed in the large performance martial arts field, it seems empty and loose, but the audience cheered but It does n’t take a minute, or even worse.

Without letting everyone wait too long, the referees, led by the chief referee, slowly entered the field under the watchful eye of countless expectations.

Finally, as the referee dropped, the third round of the competition, the qualifying, officially started!

"The third level, qualifying, start!"

"Oh, uh ..."

The chief referee's voice fell, and there were more than a dozen figures among the contestants, who couldn't wait to plunder into the ring.

However, the ring occupied by these contestants is relatively backward.

Among the strong, especially the saint-level strong, seem to have their own fears. Therefore, the top 20 contests have no one on the stage for a while. Those who are on the stage first will be challenged one after another unless they are extremely confident in their own strength.

For ordinary warriors, it is okay to cope with one challenge twice, and ten times eight times. Even the Venerable Martial Artist must be exhausted, and the challenger will take advantage of it later ...

"Severe Venerable Jiu Chong's pinnacle of cultivation, Liu Changhe, do you deserve to occupy the 50th ring ?!"

Just between the holy-level strongmen, when they were afraid of each other, a violent drunk suddenly sounded through the audience. I saw Su Li's footsteps and directly looted the No. 50 ring.

Su Li is the ultimate cultivator of the Supreme Realm, but his combat power is ordinary. It is sensible to challenge the 50th ring.

On the 50th ring, Su Li came to power and was killed together with the warrior named Liu Changhe. Although Su Li's combat power is ordinary among the ultimate warriors in the Venerable Realm, the cultivation base is Liu Changhe after all. Above, just a few tricks, the warrior named Liu Changhe regretted losing!

While Su Li played against Liu Changhe, other battles on the ring broke out one after another.

The battle started.

It seems to be preparing to stand up to prevent other warriors from daring to challenge themselves at will. In the ring, the two warring parties are killing, ruthless, and fierce, and there is no sign of leaving.

The brutality and the degree of danger are not comparable at all.

In a short time, there were several figures, coughing up blood and flying down the ring.

Time passed slowly.

In the thunderous cheers, the top ten competitors finally got into the stage.

There is no holy-level practice, and no one dares to occupy the top ten rings, so the first contestant to board the top ten rings is the holy-level practice, and the contestant, Lu Chen, also knew that it was with him The demon holy ape Ling of some contention! ! !

The ring occupied by Ape Ling is the number six ring!

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen shook his head slightly, and sneered in his heart. Ape Ling was not a false demon, but his strength was among the most powerful in the Holy Class, occupying the No. 6 ring, he simply did not recognize himself. Strength and status.

In short, with the strength of Ape Ling, it is impossible to hold the No. 6 ring.

However, the appearance of Ape Ling broke the confrontation between Saint-level strongmen.

"Oh, uh ..."

The sound of breaking the sky sounded one after another.

In a flash, several contestants took the stage in the first ten rings.

The third prince of the demon tribe took the lead and occupied the first ring. The flawless valley Yechen boarded the third ring. The fifth ring was occupied by the demon demon fox Linger, and the fourth ring was occupied by the demon holy bear.

On the No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6 ring, there are already contestants on the stage, and all of them are Saint-level strong ...

The remaining holy-level strongmen who have not chosen to take the stage or challenge, there are six remaining, namely, Yuanhai, Longze, Feng Wuyu, Xiao crack, Gui Chengfeng, and Yang, the chief disciple of Yanyuemen, who has just broken through Hong!

There are eleven contestants in the two races of the human and demon. There are eleven holy-level strongmen, six human races and five demon races!

As the three princes, Yuanling, and others took the stage, and almost occupied the top ten front platforms, the remaining six holy-level strongmen such as Yuanhai and Longze will naturally not accept this result. Xiao Li flashed, appeared directly in the No. 6 ring, and challenged Ling Ling!

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