Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1041: Challenge the ape


Under the pain from the wound and stimulated by the anger hurt by Lu Chen, the basin-sized eyes of Ape Ling were quickly covered with scarlet blood, and the whole body seemed to be boiling magma, which was more violent and fierce.

"Damn, damn, Lu Chen, you humble ants, even hurt me, you angered me, you **** it!"

The anger is full of roaring roars of endless violence and murderous intentions, which came out from the awful mouth of the ape Ling.

The roar of the roar fell, and I saw that the ape Ling, which was dominated by anger and killing intentions, was actually madly striding the pace of the mountain, not hiding or shining like a high-speed train, directly swept the fierce Qi, hit Lu Chen in the past.

"Booming ..."

The ape was standing a hundred meters tall, and his breath could not be converged under his anger. The violent elementary force was crazy and did not take a step forward. The ring was slightly shocked, and there was a thunderous sound of impact.

Lu Chen looked at the Ape Ling who was rushing towards him madly, instead of showing a panic on his face, a sneer appeared.

Loss of reason means that there is chaos, and when the chaos is chaotic, the moves will become unruly. In that case, it is no different from the beast, and it is naturally easier to deal with.

Compared to the calm-headed Ape Ling, the latter who is caught in madness is undoubtedly easier to cope with.

Under the stage, the two saints of the human and demon clan shook their heads when they saw the scene on the No. 8 ring platform. The demon clan sighed repeatedly, and the disappointment on their faces was difficult to hide.

"That ape Ling is also a demon-level strong man anyway. Unexpectedly, his mentality was so unbearable that he fell into madness after less than a quarter of a battle. According to this situation, this battle ape Ling will definitely lose!" A human saint He shook his head and said with emotion.

As soon as this remark came out, another human saint answered: "The saints are all ants, and the ape became a demon sage at a young age. His high spirits are also justifiable, and he was used to being tall and used to. A human warrior whom he regarded as a ant challenged him in public, and in the hands of the ants he ate big losses one after another, and it was strange not to be angry. "

"Yes, a tall deity, suddenly one day when a ant is in front of countless people, pulled from the **** position, anger is the proper emotion, but the ape Ling is completely mad in the air There is no way to disappoint.

Moreover, no one thought that Lu Chen was hiding so deep that his strength was almost inferior to that of Ape Ling. Furthermore, he had an advantage in speed, which just suppressed Ape Ling. "

"If that ape Ling Wen grasped and played steadily, it was easy for Lu Chen to have the upper hand. It was not easy to defeat him. Under the steady play, the two will have a hard time. ... "

The saints communicated with each other, and the look on their faces seemed calm, but there was already a turbulent wave in their hearts.

Once Lu Chen defeated Ape Ling, his influence is definitely not trivial.

Taking Venerable Nine Heavy Peak Cultivation as the defeat of the demon saints, these actions against the heavens were not achieved even when the Eastern King was young.

After today, the name of Lu Chen will spread to every corner of the East Continent, no one knows no one knows.

At the same time, on the stage, Lu Chen took advantage of the speed and was at ease in the crazy attack of Ape Ling.

He seemed to be a swimming fish, shuttled around the ape Ling, even though the latter roared angrily and attacked frantically, he could not cause substantial harm to him.


Lu Chen exerted his speed to the extreme, dangerously avoiding the violent collision of Ape Ling, and waiting for the latter to launch the offensive again, the broken cloud sword in his hand floated with cash and brilliant colors, and then suddenly a golden sword gas appeared between the world and the earth. Severely cut above the ape.

"Intermediate Austrian Wu Yi School, Jin Zhi Hurricane!" Lu Chen snorted in his heart.


Only with the sound of ‘chirping’, the golden sword gas tore the body strength of Ape Ling, torn the hard fur on the surface of the body, and cut deeply into the body of the latter, leaving a sword mark with visible bone on the body!

"Roar ~"

Once again hurt by Lu Chen, the only trace of reason remaining in Ape Ling's heart was completely annihilated by anger, with a roar, the long ape arm stretched out and angered the landing dust.

Feeling the violent breath coming from the face, Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and a flash of light flashed between the eyebrows. This battle has continued for a long time, and it will continue to consume, even if he finally defeats the Ape Ling, the body's strength is mostly The seven seven eight eight was consumed, but once the yuan force was consumed seriously, in the quarter hour of the rest, he could not replenish all the yuan force consumed, then he will be very passive for the next challenge!

Therefore, in order to save the strength and meet the next challenge, this battle should be over!

Thinking of this, the breath on Lu Chen's body suddenly sharpened, as if he was a peerless sword with a sharp edge, which is not to be ignored ...

Long sword, unsheathed, see blood, kill!

Due to the restrictions of the game rules, the last step of killing is not necessary, let the opponent see the blood at first sight.

In the end, Lu Chen's eyes fell on the gigantic ape arm that was coming from a raging fan, where there was a wound with deep bones.

"Puffy Puffy ..."

The bleak sound of gas bursts sounded one after another, and the ape Ling was furious, the power of which was conceivable, the ape arm swept the surging elemental force, and the air passed was exploded and formed a vacuum area.

"Is he ready to take a hard blow to Ape Ling?"

"Nonsense, Aling Ling made a furious blow, what a terrible thing, he was actually preparing to make a hard connection, it was really nonsense!"

"It was undoubtedly that Lu Chen would win this battle, but now it seems that the ending is still unknown!"

Seeing that Lu Chen did not hide or hide, the saints in the audience were ready to take a furious blow to Ling Ling. Suddenly, some people shook their heads, some were angry, and some sneered ...

"Die to me ~"

Seeing that Lu Chen was actually preparing to resist his offensive head-on, Ape Ling showed a grim smile. He wanted to seize this opportunity and shoot Lu Chen to death.

At the same time, Han Mang, like a blade, surged from Lu Chen's eyes, and the internal forces were all surging at the moment, and then he was instilled into the broken cloud sword ...


The bright and thick sword gas suddenly condensed from the broken cloud sword, and then with Lu Chen's arm shaking, the thick sword gas containing three mysterious meanings, suddenly, severely cut forward.

Target, pointing directly at the arm of Ape Ling angry fan.

To be more precise, it was a sword wound with visible bone on the arm of Ape Ling.

"What ?! He is ready ..."

At this moment, all the saints under the stage reacted and understood Lu Chen's true purpose.

"What a poisonous thought, Aling, be careful!" A demon Saint could not help but remind Aling.

If Lu Chen succeeds, Ape Ling ’s arm will end in a broken bone, even if it is not scrapped on the spot, without a peerless elixir, it will take at least a year and a half to complete recovery!

Once the ape Ling arm was hit hard, this battle, Lu Chen's chances of winning will reach more than 90%, almost a steady victory.

The demon saint kindly reminded Ape Ling, but everything was late, the sound had just been exported, and it had not yet entered Ape Ling ’s ears. The wound on the arm was deep in the bone.


This is the sound of broken bones.

"Roar roar ..."

The pain of broken bones reached the depths of the soul. Ape Lingtong almost passed out on the spot, but the huge pain also inspired the beasts in the depth of the soul of Ape Ling. The arm that suffered heavy damage continued to be angry at the landing dust. Fan down.

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, his face changed. He didn't expect that Ape Ling could sustain the subsequent offensive under the severe damage. At this moment, he wanted to use the advantage of speed to avoid it. It was too late. He can grind his teeth, and the force of his body is instilled into the black cloud armor.

"Bang ~"

A large, disc-like hand slammed on Lu Chen's body fiercely, and a terrifying force exploded, directly pulling Lu Chen out.

Lu Chen, who was flying upside down, spit out blood in the air.

Although the strength of Ape Ling is not obvious, after all, it is a demon saint, a blow with anger, its power is unimaginable, even the saints dare not have the slightest heart.

Fortunately, Lu Chen had the black cloud armor bodyguards, otherwise this one blow, at least also had a heavy blow.

But now, he just spurted blood, and the injuries brought by Ape Ling were at least minor injuries, and he couldn't catch up with serious injuries.

Black Cloud Battlegear is a defensive warrior between six stars and seven stars. Under full urging, it offsets 80% of the power for Lu Chen, and the last 20% of the power blasted into Lu Chen's body, although he was spitting blood on the spot and was injured. It is not too serious.

"Bang ~"

After flying hundreds of meters, Lu Chen unloaded his energy, and then stumbled.

Looking back at the ape Ling, after hitting Fei Luchen, the entire right arm seemed to have been discarded, drooping directly, and a lot of blood spewed out from the wound, ticking, dripping on the ring, staining a large area .

Around the ring, countless people looked at each other, and then the noise suddenly increased.

Whether it is a human race or a demon audience, this moment is a look of surprise. Obviously, the ape Ling of the demon Saint Xiu Wei has actually suffered such a miserable end. The right arm is unable to sag and is almost useless. The right arm cannot be used for at least a short time.

In the battle with Lu Chen, Ape Ling was already at a disadvantage. At this moment, he lost his right arm again, and the ending is obvious.


In the sudden uproar, Lu Chen slowly exhaled a turbid breath, looked down, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The Black Cloud Warframe is worthy of a defensive warrior between six stars and seven stars. It has withstood the angry attack of Ape Ling on the front, and it is still intact.

Judging by the power of the angry attack of Ape Ling just now, the ordinary Six Star Divine Soldier could not resist his offensive at all.

Fortunately, there is Black Cloud Armor.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but be grateful for Pengqi, who was really a good person. He first gave him the Broken Cloud Sword, and then gave him the Black Cloud Warframe ...

Lu Chen glanced in the direction of Peng Qi under the stage, with "sincere" gratitude in his eyes.

Peng Qi felt something, and he briefly looked at Lu Chen's eyes. Although he only looked at them briefly, he still saw 'thank you' from the latter's eyes.

The "gratefulness" in Lu Chen's eyes, for him, his breath and a sharp sword made his breathing slightly stagnate, the calm face that barely maintained, at this moment, he finally couldn't maintain it, his face The calm color disappeared instantly, replaced by anger and gloom.

Obviously, he also realized that if he had "given" Lu Chen's black cloud armor, the latter would never be able to stop the angry attack of the next ape Ling?


Lu Chen withdrew his gaze from Peng Qi, and looked at the ape Ling, whose right arm was abolished, threatened to diminish sharply. Then, as his thoughts moved, there was a strong red element in his palm. The breath of him diffused from him.

"The fire is burning!"

Under everyone's attention, a low drink came from Lu Chen's mouth, only to see that he slowly lifted the palm wrapped in red elemental force, and photographed it against the ape Lingkong.

Burning the Heavenly Fire, like Jin Zhihong, was obtained by Lu Chen from the remains of the Four Divine Sects, and is also a mid-level Austrian martial art. Its power is not comparable to that of Jin Hurricane.


The moment when the palm was photographed across the sky, the ring beneath the foot suddenly shocked, and even the air in front of it was under that palm, bursting.

Suddenly, a series of bleak explosions resounded through the audience and passed into everyone's ears, making everyone look moved.

Not only that.

Under that palm, Heaven and Earth's vitality also began to explode, sweeping through the terrible shock wave of madness, and finally slammed against the energy light curtain around the ring. Under the huge force, it directly made the energy light curtain shake Although it is not directly broken, it is extremely terrifying.

"Boom ~"

Between the heaven and earth tremors, a strong red elemental force roared out of Lu Chen's palms, and then quickly condensed into a huge red palm print. The red palm print contained a terrifying sense of fire. Burning the mountains and boiling the sea, and breaking the earth with horrifying destructive power.

"What! This breath is actually another mid-level Austrian martial arts! This Lu Chen is really lucky. Not only is his young age not only amazing, but also masters two mid-level Austrian martial arts, and I watch him perform. The power of this move should not be unexpected, and this martial art should be cultivated to the state of great success. "

Under the stage, a saint saw this scene. Rao was his powerful state of mind, and his pupils shrank, and there was a trace of admiration and shock in his voice.

"That Lu Chen understood the mystery of the fire to the top of the pinnacle, and urged the mid-level mysterious martial arts with the attribute of the pinnacle of the fire to the top, and the comprehension of martial arts also reached the state of great success and exerted his full strength. Its power can already threaten the saints, even in the heyday of Ape Ling, he is not sure to take it. Now, his right hand is almost abolished, and under the circumstances of a sharp decrease in strength, he is less than 30% sure of blocking this trick. "

This man's voice just fell, and another saint answered: "Yes, Ape Ling's grasp of this trick is less than 30%. In order to avoid casualties, or end up with a serious injury, the most correct way for Ape Ling is ... ... confess defeat! "


The red palm imprint is coming, the palm wind with terrible power has been beaten up against the already scarred body of Ailing Ling. Under the pressure of the palm wind, the almost hemostatic sword wound on the body of Ailing Ling cracked again. The blood was gushing and the injury was three points worse.

In particular, the bones of the right arm were already broken. At this moment, under the pressure of the palm wind, the bone cracking sound of "Kaka Kaka" came again.

"Roar ~"

Ape Ling eats pain, scarlet eyes, growling again and again.

"It's not that easy to beat me!"

Ape Ling, whose right arm was abolished, has a sharp decrease in strength, but he is, after all, a demon saint strongman and has his own pride. It is impossible and will not admit defeat to a warrior who is not even revered as a venerable realm. Accept the result of losing to Lu Chen.

Therefore, in the face of the scarlet palms from the slap, his basin-sized scarlet eyes showed a murderous intention, and the intact left hand immediately broke out of the air, bursting into the air, sweeping through the sky. Yuan's Yuanli, not hiding or flashing, slammed into the scarlet palm print.

"Boom ~"

The offensives of Lu Chen and Ape Ling are extremely alarming. In the deafening explosion of the air, they directly slammed together.

The moment of collision, the soaring noise in the performance martial arts field, at this moment, all disappeared, and the field fell into a silence.

"Boom ~"

Silence only lasted for a moment, and then a deafening crash sound rumbling across the entire performance martial arts field, everyone could not help but shuddered, some weaker warriors were stung by the eardrums hit by the collision sound, His head hummed.

Even though the eardrum tingled and his head hummed, the countless audience present still refused to look away, his eyes staring at the No. 8 ring.

I saw that on the eighth ring, the heaven and earth were in a chaotic state, and a burst of shock waves that was visible to the naked eye swept wildly, and finally the "Bang Bang Bang" continued to impact the energy light curtain!

Taking into account the terrible destructive power of the Saint-level contestants, the energy light curtain has been specially blessed to withstand the aftermath of the Saint-level strong battle. However, at this moment, there is a crack on the energy light curtain. , As if some could not withstand the shock of the shock wave.

Fortunately, the energy light curtain can heal automatically, and the shock wave is subsequently weak. Soon, the crack on the energy light curtain will heal automatically.

Seeing that the cracks on the energy light curtain healed automatically, the audience close to the No. 8 ring was also relieved for a long time. They were not very high and their strength was average. If the energy light curtain was broken, they could not resist it with their strength. The aftermath of the shock wave.

When the crack on the energy light curtain healed automatically, the two sides on the stage finally separated.

"Poof ~"

A huge figure fluttered out in awkwardness, and finally only heard a loud bang from the "Boom", hitting the ring heavily.

After everyone saw the figure of the falling ring, the noise in the field suddenly increased. Before that, although they were mentally prepared, after seeing the figure, the millions of spectators present still couldn't help but take a breath. .

Because, it is not Lu Chen who fell into the ring, but the ape Ling with the demon holy cultivation!

The saints are all ants. This sentence has survived since ancient times and has also been deeply rooted in the hearts of people. Since ancient times, few people have been able to break this iron law. Today, Lu Chen has done it.

At this moment, Ape Ling has returned to his adult state. In the countless shocked and incredible eyes, he stumbled to his feet, his hair radiated, his breath was weak, and his arms were drooping. Obviously, after a collision just now Ape Ling also suffered a heavy blow to his left hand. At this moment, he looks both embarrassed and miserable.

Looking back at Lu Chen, his body stood steadily. Apart from his pale appearance, he couldn't see any injuries.

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