Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1057: Play against the bully

"Lu Chen, you and I didn't need a war. If I were you, I would never choose to challenge me stupidly, but choose to challenge Xiao crack in the No. 6 ring. With your strength, it is almost a victory to challenge Xiao crack. , But you chose the stupidest way! "

Xiong Batian saw that Lu Chen was really on the stage, his eyes suddenly froze, and he stared coldly at the landing dust, with an undisguised coldness in his tone.

"Since you are in the ring, now, even if you want to repent, you are too late!"

Saying that, Xiong Batian's big fan-like hand clenched into a fist, only to see that the surging force was like a tide, roaring and rushing out of his body, and his foot took a step forward suddenly. The Yuanli shock wave erupted from his feet, and the strength of the Yuanli force was not something that ordinary Saint-level strongmen could radiate. It was more powerful than Longze!

"You can defeat Long Ze, it is undeniable that it has some strength, and after breaking through to enter the limit of the Venerable Realm, the strength must have increased a lot,

Today, let me take a look. How dare you dare to challenge me. "

After talking, the surging elemental force of Xiong Batian suddenly changed. At first, it boiled violently like boiling water. At the end, it was a flashing silver thunder snake ...

In a flash!

Xiong Batian's entire body is like being wrapped in a Razer. The lightning flashes and jumps, which is extremely dazzling and dazzling. At the same time, a heart-pounding breath is also diffused from Xiong Batian. The warriors are all trembling, and the fear from the bottom of his heart appeared on his face.

Countless warriors who are concerned about the No. 4 ring, after seeing this change in Xiong Batian, they opened their eyes one by one, and then gasped!

Thunder attribute is unanimous!

And it's not a level of one turn, it's a peak level of one turn, I'm afraid it's only one foot away from the second turn!

The mystery of thunder, on the destructive power, is still above the mystery of fire. It is the real attack and destruction of the mystery. Generally, the people who master the mystery of the thunder attribute are extremely dreadful. The powerful kind.

When Xiong Batian and Long Ze battled, they did not show the connotation of thunder property, but at the moment, the battle with Lu Chen, at the beginning, showed the connotation of thunder property. From this point, we can see that Xiong Batian Lu Chen is not as despised as it seems on the surface, and attaches great importance to it.

"It is good to master a variety of mysteries, but the shortcomings are also very obvious. It is a waste of time to say nothing, and there are not many expensive essences. If you have more mysteries, I will break it all!"

After Xiong Batian finished speaking, he looked up at Lu Chen, and then his expression was slightly stagnate, because after Xiong Batian spoke above the words, Lu Chen skimmed his lips contemptuously, and obviously disagreed with the former's words. It ’s not expensive, it ’s true, but it ’s more expensive, and it ’s another reason!

He has mastered the four mysteries, gold, wind, fire, and earth. The mystery of fire has reached a peak level. It is not much different from Xiong Batian ’s thunder property. As for the other three, gold, wind, and earth Upanishad also reached at least a mid-level level.

Therefore, as far as Lu Chen is concerned, the four mysteries he masters are both excellent and numerous. As Xiong Batian said, he is not at all involved at all!

"It seems that you are not agreeing with me!"

Xiong Batian saw Lu Chen dismissed his lips contemptuously, and his heart suddenly rose with anger, his eyes narrowed, and the tone was slightly bad.

Lu Chen didn't speak, just shrugged, but the meaning was already obvious, yes, I really don't agree with you.

"If something is arrogant, then let me show you your strength ..."

"Boom ~"

Before the sound dropped, a more terrifying breath came out of Xiong Batian's body. At the next moment, I saw the violently flashing silver thunder in Xiong Batian's body. The dust roared away, the lightning flashed, the thunder rolled, and countless lightnings converged into a river. It was only the breathing time, which was the distance across the kilometer, directly covering the area within 100 meters of the land dust!

Numerous spectators off the stage saw Lu Chen flooded by Leihai, all of which could not help but exclaimed, his eyes wide open, staring at the area flooded by Leihai in the No. 4 ring, wanted to see See how long Lu Chen can persist in Leihai.



At the same time as countless people exclaimed, there was a burst of golden sword light in Leihai. When the golden sword light came out, it directly opened a channel in Leihai in an overbearing manner.

As Lei Hai was split into a passage, a slender figure stood up and walked out of the depth of Lei Hai. The Lei Hai on both sides of the passage failed to hurt him.

The person who walked out was none other than Lu Chen.

"You have some strength!"

Seeing Lu Chen unharmed, Rao Xiong Batian could not help but praise.

"My strength is naturally not bad, I just don't know, do you have any strength?"

Lu Chen finished speaking, before waiting for Xiong Batian to break out, he continued: "I just picked you up, and now you try it out!"

Before the sound had fallen, Lu Chen shot abruptly, and the Profound Truth erupted. Under the blessing of the Profound Truth, the figure turned into a streamer and burst out. The speed was so fast that it was astonishing, as if it appeared to be directly moving In front of Xiong Batian, the left fist flashing with four colors of light, carrying the power of destruction, exploded the air, shattered the airflow, disturbed the elemental force, and shattered the void. The incredible speed blasted Xiong Batian's chest.

For that punch, Lu Chen didn't keep any hands. When he shot, he used all the functions. The four mysteries of gold, fire, wind, and earth all operated. At the same time, the seven-star **** soldier Tianyin battle set was also urged by him. The explosive power is stronger than the punch that defeated Longze!

The fist lingering in the four-color element force, sweeping the power of ruining the world, rapidly magnified in the eyes of Xiong Batian. At this moment, Xiong Batian felt an unprecedented crisis. From that punching wind, he Keenly smelled the power that was not under his full blow, even more so!

The punch that came to him in front of him, in terms of power, surpassed his full punch. This result made Xiong Batian's pupils shrink suddenly. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to accept it.

"This kid is just the cultivation of the Supreme Realm. It can't be so strong. Even if he urges the Seven Star Divine Soldier, it's impossible ..."

Xiong Batian was shocked in his heart. After the shock, the next question came. He wanted to stop Lu Chen's full blow, and the fighting power that he could explode with his human form was obviously unacceptable, so, Immediately, with a roar, it directly became the ontological form!

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