Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1070: Supreme Secret Suzaku Mud

Two days passed by.

During this period, Lu Chen swallowed a large amount of elixir that helped restore the essence of Qi, and finally recovered the lost essence of Qi to the peak period before the end of the second day.

Over the course of two days, one after another, some people left under the bronze pillars, and others vowed to believe that there were secrets in the bronze pillars and refused to leave.

Some people leave, some people come, and some people insist on staying. In short, these have nothing to do with Lu Chen.

On this day, Lu Chen opened his eyes, full of energy.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there were several eyes around him, all falling on his body.

Although Lu Chen doesn't think that these people can find out from the bronze pillars, there is no competitive relationship with him, but everyone's attention and surveillance are unpleasant after all.

and so.

When he noticed the gaze of those people, his face suddenly sank, his four nerves were running, and at the same time he used a trace of murderous power from the white tiger's attack and attack, and immediately snorted.

The cold hum is mixed with murderousness. Under the sweep of Yuan Li, it seems that there are invisible and quality arrows, which have slammed into the minds of people.

"Puff puff puff puff ..."

In an instant, either in the crowd or under the bronze giant column, a total of six people were shocked, as if they were hit hard, and at the same time spurting blood!

This scene shocked everyone.

Everyone in the rest area looked at Lu Chen with a horrified look, and the gaze to Lu Chen was filled with endless horror, shock and awe.

With a cold hum, at the same time hitting six people at the same time, the strength that Lu Chen showed was really scary.

You must know that among the six people, there is the Supreme Warrior of the Supreme Realm, and one of them has even reached the top 50. Although he ca n’t compete with the saint, but the saint wants to defeat the man, there are no two or three moves. It can't be done.

However, at this moment, what did they see?

Lu Chen just snorted and hit the man hard!

Lu Chen's strength is a bit stronger than when it was compared, and the strength growth rate is impressive.

"This time is just a small warning. If you dare to monitor me again, you won't be able to expose it so easily next time." Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and he glanced coldly at everyone, and then stood up in the awe of everyone. Go to the next bronze pillar.

This bronze giant column is the same size and material as the previous one, the difference is that the white tiger is engraved on the surface, and this one is a flying Suzaku in front of the eyes!

Mystic Suzaku!

Lu Chen murmured in his heart, and then sat down with his back, leaning against the bronze pillar, silently running the four nerves.

"Boom ~"

There was a roar in my mind.

next moment.

Lu Chen is already in another ‘space’. This is a vast land. In front, I do n’t know how many miles away. Several ancient beasts swept the power of destruction and attacked and fought against each other. One of them was the mythical creature Suzaku!

It was only in a blink of an eye that the picture changed again, and Lu Chen found that on the vast ground, several other beasts had disappeared, leaving only a bloody, unbelievable beast, Suzaku!

The mythical beast Suzaku was extremely injured, and the body was covered with gritty scratches and teeth marks, and the blood flowed like a flame, and a magma had formed below.

"Uh ~"

The mythical creature Suzaku crowed up in the sky, with a hard-to-cover exhaustion in his voice, showing the seriousness of his injury.

And at the next moment, a shocking scene happened.

I saw the mythical beast Suzaku, whose flames rose up, wrapped his body, and covered his injuries. However, what really made Lu Chen stunned was that wherever the flames covered the flames, the injuries started to recover at an incredible speed.

Covered with flames, within a few breaths, the wounds stopped bleeding, scarred, and then the scars fell off, recovering as before!

It was only a short time before Suzaku, a mythical beast with a bad breath, had recovered to its peak.

Lu Chen looked dumbfounded. This speed of recovery was really terrifying, and some peerless potions could not be compared with it.

When Lu Chen was shocked, a name appeared again in my mind.

The supreme mystery, Suzaku Mud.

Another supreme secret.

On the difference between value and divinity, it is not under the white tiger attack.

"Uh ~"

At this moment, another cry was heard in Lu Chen's ear.

Lu Chen heard that a thunder suddenly exploded in his head. A flower in front of him, when he opened his eyes again, he had left the space and appeared in the Palace of the Thousand Kings.

And the moment he opened his eyes, his thoughts moved, and then there was a mysterious and obscure message in his mind whistling, 'presenting' in front of him.

"Supreme Secret Technique Suzaku Mud Surgery!"

Lu Chen said to herself, the eyes are full of fiery, Suzaku mud mud surgery is a secret technique to restore the injury, master this technique, as well as having an undead body, as long as it is not beaten to death by a blow, no matter how serious the injury Will resume as before in a short time.

"Mastering the battle character battle, the white tiger attack and killing, and the Suzaku mud sculpting technique, my strength is at least three times stronger than before entering the thousand king palace. Even if it meets the triple of saints, it is also powerful."

The tone is filled with endless confidence.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, pressed down the ecstasy in his heart, and then condensed his mind, and began to enter the state of enlightening the Suzaku Mud.

Just like the white tiger attack, after half a day, Lu Chen opened his eyes leisurely, and there was a burst of joy in his eyes.

For half a day, I mastered one-tenth of the progress of Suzaku's Mud Surgery. Speaking of the speed of enlightenment, it is much faster than the time of enlightenment of the white tiger attack.

Next, Lu Chen entered the cultivation of Suzaku's mud mud.

On the first day, Lu Chen realized that one-fifth of the Suzaku's mud mud surgery.

On the second day, one third.

On the third day, three fifths.

On the fourth day, nine out of ten.

On the fifth day, thoroughly understand the Suzaku Mud Surgery!

As with the white tiger attack and killing technique, Lu Chen thoroughly mastered the Suzaku Mud Technique, and it still took five days before and after.

In the rest area, a group of warriors have been convinced that Lu Chen discovered the secret in the bronze giant pillar, but because of the powerful strength and domineering posture that Lu Chen showed five days ago, no one dared to step forward and ask.

I did n’t dare to inquire about Lu Chen, so I had to explore it by myself. No, when Lu Chen opened his eyes, he found a strange scene. In the palace of the thousand kings, there were four bronze giant pillars. Close to it, a large number of warriors surrounded by three other bronze giant columns!

These people did not practice the four nerves, and naturally they could not find the secrets in the bronze giant pillars, so let them guess that there are secrets in the bronze giant pillars, and the so-called secrets should not be small, at least not under the inheritance of the central king, and even with the higher ranks. Compared with the inheritance of the king, the result was nothing, and it was unavailable to defend Baoshan.

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