Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1073: Refining and absorbing Jianyi to turn Jianyi

Lu Chen's fighting intentions gradually rose in his mind, sweeping the previous decadent state!


The surging consciousness was released, and at the next moment, Lu Chen's complexion changed slightly, because he found that the consciousness he released now contained a hint of the mystery of war.

Unyielding, tenacious, fearless ...

Feeling the unyielding nature of God's consciousness, Lu Chen's heart was ecstatic. At this moment, his God's consciousness did not increase significantly in 'quantity', but the earth-shaking changes in 'quality' occurred, and It's not the same thing before! ! !

Lu Chen carefully realized and analyzed it, and finally came to a conclusion that surprised him. It contains a sense of the mysterious character of war, and its strength and toughness are three to four times that of the previous one.

In other words, before resisting a wave of Jianyi, it took ten shares of consciousness, but now only three shares ...

In the end, consuming the remaining time of the sword king's breath in the sword will also save three to four times, or even more.

There is hope, even great hope! ! !

Lu Chen was overjoyed, and his heart was beating with unbearable ‘pounding’.

Although there is only a wisp of sword meaning in the inherited stele, after all, it is left by the sword king. If he really absorbs it and refines it in the end, the benefits he obtains can never be imagined, let alone say, the sword sword can at least enter in one fell swoop. It's not impossible to turn to the peak level, or even to turn to the peak level.


The surging consciousness seemed to flow into the sea like the Yellow River, and it poured into the stele of the king of the sword madly.

next moment.

The sword exploded, and the king breathed away.

"Oh ~"

Under the breath of the king, Lu Chen's consciousness lost a part.

Lu Chen was not surprised, because the loss of consciousness was really not as good as the previous third.

There are plays.

On Lu Chen's pale face, a smile appeared strangely.

Next, things are much simpler.

Lu Chen manipulated the consciousness, and consumed the wisp of the king's breath again and again.

After consuming nearly half of the consciousness, he began to take a lot of Tiancai Dibao to recover.

Unconsciously, another seven days passed.

Lu Chen had only twenty days left.

And the remaining breath of the sword king in that ray of sword is also consuming about one third!

It was another seven days, and the remaining breath of the sword king consumed two thirds!

There was only six days left until the time when the Thousand Kings Hall was closed and Lu Chen ended his enlightenment on the Sword King's inheritance. That is, at the end of the day, the remaining breath of the sword king disappeared in that wisp of sword meaning!

Along with the dissipation of the sword king's breath, the wisp of sword's meaning is similar to the general origin of the original meaning, which can be absorbed by people.

However, next, Lu Chen's complexion changed slightly, because after the wisp of Jianyi lost the sword king's breath, it was gradually dissipating. Although the speed of dissipation was very slow, it was indeed dissipating. Even if Lu Chen gave up at this moment Refining and absorbing, the sword will not last long.

After discovering this, Lu Chen didn't dare to stay for a moment, directly wrapped the wisp of sword with his consciousness, and began to frantically refine and absorb.

Although the sword meaning is only a ray, the unowned sword meaning contained in it is extremely rich.

In just one day, Lu Chen's sword intentions went from a trace to a half-step level.

On the second day, the breakthrough again, Jianyi entered a level of change in one fell swoop.

On the third day, a mid-term change.

On the fourth day, a late turn.

On the fifth day, it turned its peak.

On the sixth day, go one step further and enter the second turn!

Two turn sword meaning! ! !

At this moment, the wisp of sword was completely dissipated.

Even though Lu Chen desperately absorbed the energy in the sword, he wasted a lot in the end. He absorbed about 50% of the energy at the most. If he completely absorbed the energy in the sword, he would enter the peak of the second turn. Have 30% certainty.

In this regard, Lu Chen did not have much regret. He was able to elevate Jianyi to the pre-second-level level, and he was already extremely satisfied.

At the same time, there was only one or two hours left before the Qianwang Hall was closed.

Lu Chen opened his eyes and saw that many people had finished their enlightenment. The expressions of the people were different. Some people rejoiced, some were worried, and those who rejoiced naturally benefited from the inheritance of the stele.

But those with sad faces, on the contrary, get nothing, or gain the benefits, not as great as imagined, not too satisfied.

What makes Lu Chen gratified is that Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing in the crowd seem to have a good harvest.

Although the two are trying their best to control their emotions, from their slightly raised corners and flying eyebrows, they can see that the two must have gained a lot, at least the two feel that this trip is worthwhile.

Some people rejoice, others worry!

Lu Chen saw Longze in the crowd, and his gloomy face was almost dripping out of water.

It seems that the gains are not great.

Lu Chen doesn't care how Longze gains, he only cares about when he will receive the latter's original source.

The fifteen mysterious origin crystals are not a small number. At least ordinary saints, or saint-level forces, cannot be obtained.

And Lu Chen also just needs these fifteen mysterious source crystals to improve their strength.

In order to receive the fifteen original mystery crystals as soon as possible, he felt he needed to remind Long Ze.

Lu Chen got up, strode into the rest area, and then came to Longze, reminding the latter, "Do n’t forget the fifteen original mystery crystals. After going out, I hope you will raise them to the God Academy as soon as possible!"

Long Ze, who looked so gloomy and watery, heard Lu Chen's words, and his face was not only gloomy, but even twisted.

He now regrets very much, regretting that he has not hesitated to spend fifteen mysterious original source crystals to take the opportunity to participate in the inheritance of the King of War.

Because, fifteen mysteries of origin, he couldn't get it out at all.

If he had gained something in the Warlord's Inheritance Stele, he paid fifteen pieces of mysterious origin, and he didn't have two words, and he didn't have much resistance. Now, the reality is that he has no gain in the Warlord's Inheritance Stele.

Now, Lu Chen reminded him to repay fifteen Yuanyi Jingyuan Jing after he went out. He spit blood in his heart depressed, and even had a feeling of being blackmailed by the former. The discomfort in his heart was self-evident.

After Lu Chen reminded me, I saw Long Ze's face sullen, didn't reply, didn't say much, and didn't say anything harshly, just left a sentence, "One month. I think one month is enough for you to raise the source After a month, I hope to receive fifteen mysterious source crystals. Remember, there are fifteen, no more, no less. "

Having finished speaking, Lu Chen no longer ignored Longze and turned directly to the area where Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing were located.

After Lu Chen left, Long Ze's heart was filled with endless suffocation and anger.

Who is he?

He is a disciple of the Eastern King, a young master of the Long family, and a noble saint. Wherever he went in the past, all the major forces sat on the guest. Even the master of the nine forces and the hidden family, he was afraid to face him. Slack.

However, since he met Lu Chen, he was first defeated by the latter with Venerable Ninefold Peak Repair, and then threatened by him ...

Want me to be willing to present fifteen mysterious source crystals and dream!

I am a disciple of the Eastern King, and I am the young master of the Dragon family. I will not give you fifteen mysterious source crystals. What can you do to me? !

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