Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1075: Meet Ying Sheng again

Lu Chen left Tianshen Academy and flew away to Qianluo City in the southeast direction.

Qianluo City is a superior city. There is a medium-sized teleportation array in the city, which can transport the warriors 100,000 miles away. The use of the teleportation array can save land dust for several months.

Qiushan Dragon's family is a million miles away from Tianshen Academy. Without the teleportation array, even if Lu Chen's speed is not under the saint's speed, and he travels both day and night, and within a few months, he would like to rush to Qiushan Dragon's family.

The teleportation array is different. The medium-sized teleportation array can transmit 100,000 miles at a time, and Lu Chen only needs to transmit a few times, which will take no more than ten days.

Of course, with the background of the Tenjin Academy, it naturally has a teleportation array, and it is a large teleportation array that can transport millions of miles. However, in order to hide the purpose of this trip, Lu Chen finally gave up the use of the teleportation array.

When Lu Chen left Tianshen Academy and hurried to Qianluo City, two figures on the top of the mountain not far from Tianshen Academy, two figures whispered to see the back of the landing dust.

"That's Lu Chen. He finally walked out of the Tenjin Academy. Let's go. Our task is completed." The man speaking was a long-faced man, and His Holiness was later trained.

The other person hesitated at the moment, and expressed concern in his tone, "Brother, it is said that Lu Chen has defeated the saint, but it is not easy to provoke, if you and I are monitoring Lu Chen here, if the latter is known, with your strength It can't bear Lu Chen's anger. Moreover, the man asked you and I to monitor Lu Chen here, obviously with mischief. I guess the man is probably preparing to deal with Lu Chen ... "

The long-faced man also hesitated after hearing the words. After the fermentation of this period, Lu Chen had defeated many saints and demon saints successively, spreading almost every corner of Donghuang.

The Venerable Realm Realm is extremely powerful, but has the power to defeat the saint. At this moment, Lu Chen is no different from the saint. He is respected and awed by countless people!

The long-faced man only hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "You are right, that person is likely to be unfavorable to Lu Chen. The two of you and my brother can't offend Lu Chen, can we offend that person again? The man ordered you and I to monitor Lu Chen here. If we let that person know that you and I are afraid of Lu Chen and see Lu Chen's trail but do not report it to him, will you and I have a chance to live? "

The other person heard the words for a long time, and the long-faced man said it well. Their brothers and sisters were only Venerable Martial Artists. No matter in front of Lu Chen or that person, they were just like ants, and they were being killed by that person at the moment. Hold it in your hand, as long as you have a heart of resistance, you will end up dead.

"You go to report the person, I trail behind Lu Chen." The long-faced man ordered the tone.

The other person did not dare to refute the word and nodded, then flew away toward the distance.

At the same time, the long-faced man flew up and chased the direction in which the landing dust disappeared.


"What, who asked him to track Lu Chen without authorization? He was only a seven-fold repair of Venerable Venerable, followed Lu Chen, didn't he tell Lu Chen someone to follow him?"

In a valley, after hearing another person's report, Ying Sheng was not angry at all, but angry.

"Damn idiot!"

Ying Sheng stomped his feet, only to feel that there was no anger in his chest, and his fierce eyes fell on the person opposite him.

The man was stared at by Ying Sheng's fierce eyes, only to feel that the whole body was cold, and a sense of crisis originated from the bottom of his heart, so that his body could not help but shudder.

And just as the man was about to ask for mercy, the fierce light in Ying Sheng's eyes grew stronger, and he shot it fiercely.


With only a muffled sound, the man's body exploded and opened.

"Waste is not enough, but waste is more than enough, death is not a pity!"

With a palm to kill the man, Ying Sheng still couldn't be relieved.

The reason why he did not personally monitor Lu Chen outside Tianshen Academy was not because he was lazy, but because he was afraid of playing grass and frightened the snake. After all, he was a demon saint.

The two Venerable Martial Artists sent by him to monitor Lu Chen are different. For Venerable Martial Artists, Lu Chen is no different from ants.

Lu Chen may be alert to Saint-level strong men, but he will never be alert to ants that can be pinched to death. Because of this, he will order the two to secretly monitor Lu Chen.

But when Bai Mi was sparse, he had never expected that one of them would follow Lu Chen privately without his consent.


Ying Sheng couldn't sit still. He waited a full month for this opportunity for Lu Chen to go out alone, so even if Lu Chen was aware of it, he would have to shoot.

Killing Lu Chen is the purpose of his trip.

Lu Chen's growth rate is too fast, let Ying Sheng feel an imminent sense of crisis, during this time, he also understands Lu Chen's style and character.

Candidates must be reported!

The surface of Lu Chen seems to be gentle, but in fact it is a must-have person.

After understanding Lu Chen's must-have personality, Ying Sheng felt the sense of crisis became more urgent.

He first aimed at Lu Chen, and then bought the turtle and wind and the mouse Luo Tian, ​​wanting to be detrimental to the latter, it can be said that he has torn his face.

With Lu Chen's character, as long as he grows up, he will never let him go.

Therefore, Ying Sheng, who felt the threat, finally chose to take the initiative to strike, before Lu Chen grew up, strangling it in the cradle.


After exiting the valley, Ying Sheng's speed instantly rose to its peak, and he flew away in the direction of landing dust.

Bringing speed to the peak, Ying Sheng's speed is extremely fast. Under a flash, it is a kilometer distance, a few breaths, and the figure has disappeared into the sky.

After a full hour of flying at full speed, Ying Sheng only noticed privately that the speed gradually slowed down, and then landed on a bizarre mountain below.

After falling, Ying Sheng saw a corpse that had not died long ago in a ruin in that mountain, and the face of the corpse, he was very familiar with, was the Venerable Realm who privately followed Lu Chen.

Although I had expected it in my heart, when I saw the corpse in the ruins with my own eyes at this moment, the last luck in Ying Sheng's heart was also destroyed.

Ying Sheng's eyes flickered and analyzed: "Lu Chen found someone secretly monitoring and trailing. I thought he already knew that someone wanted to deal with him, but fortunately he should not know that person is me, I still have a chance ..."

"No, you have no chance."

Just then, a sudden voice came from behind Ying Sheng.

Ying Sheng heard this at first glance, and his heart jumped fiercely. Someone behind him approached, but he didn't realize it in advance.

Ying Sheng turned around and saw a young man looking at him with a smile.

And that young man was no one else, it was the goal of her trip, Lu Chen!

After seeing Lu Chen, Ying Sheng was relieved to be able to conceal his perception, and the person who approached him silently and silently, most of his strength was above him, and when he saw Lu Chen, he overturned the previous It is speculated that he must have been careless just now, and then he would be approached silently by Lu Chen.

It is undeniable that Lu Chen's strength is indeed quite good, and he has defeated Xiong Batian, which is comparable to the saint's double. On, he is 10,000 do not believe.

Therefore, in his view, it was he who took the opportunity to approach Lu Chen under his care.

In short, one thing is, he does not believe that Lu Chen has the ability to surpass him.

"Seeing me, not only did not escape, but appeared automatically, Lu Chen, aren't you afraid that I'm not good for you?" Ying Sheng's cold eyes fixed on the landing dust and asked Yin Yun.

Lu Chen Xiaoyinyin didn't answer the question, "I know that it's you, and I still take the initiative to show up. Do you think, how confident are you to leave me?"

Ying Sheng was a little shocked in his heart, alerting all around.

Lu Chen still took the initiative to show up when he knew that it was him. In Ying Sheng's opinion, the former must have relied on it.

rely? !

What is it? !

Could it be that the dean also followed? !

Thinking of this, Ying Sheng's face changed slightly. If he guessed right, the deputy dean of Tianshen Academy was really hidden in the dark. Today, he is likely to die for a lifetime. After all, the latter is a saint's fourfold cultivation, with the ability to crush him. Fighting power.

Lu Chen saw that Ying Sheng's face suddenly changed slightly, thinking that the latter felt a threat from him, but after thinking about it, he probably guessed the real reason.

"Don't worry, I'm the only one, and the vice president didn't follow me."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Ying Sheng let out a sigh of relief and at the same time, there was a burst of anger rising.

What did the vice president not follow?

What he said was as if he was afraid of the vice president.

Lu Chen touched his finger on the storage ring and looked directly at Ying Sheng, saying: "If I guess right, the person who followed me is under your instructions, and your purpose should be to kill me, after all, I The growth rate is too fast, you feel threatened, want to take the initiative to strike, strangle me in the cradle, eradicate the troubles. "

After learning that the vice president had not followed, Ying Sheng was full of confidence. Naturally, he would not deny Lu Chen's guess, and he sneered and nodded directly: "You guessed it well, hahaha, are you afraid?"

"Afraid? It doesn't exist! If you have the sage's four-fold combat power, I would be afraid of one or two, but, unfortunately, you are not." Lu Chen shook his head, and then looked at Ying Sheng with a hint of warfare , "If I am not wrong, your strength should be comparable to that of a saint. It is just right. I will practice with you today!"


Ying Sheng heard that, his face was somber.

"Are you arrogant? Ha ha ~ In my opinion, you are ignorant. Before entering the palace of the thousand kings, I had the fighting power that was not under the double of the saint. !!! Without the assurance of defeating you, do you think I will show up automatically ?! "

Lu Chen smiled coldly. At the next moment, the Tianyin Battle Set and the Broken Cloud Sword appeared in both hands at the same time.

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