Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1083: Ancestor of Long Family

Feeling the fiery blazing palm wind of the landing dust, the face of the Dragon family suddenly changed, and he actually noticed a strong threat from the big red hand that fell down.

how is this possible? !

He almost shouted.

He is a saint's triple cultivation, looking at the entire Donghuang, and is also a well-known strong man.

In his view, Lu Chen was just a stinky kid, not even a saint. In front of him, he was no different from ants.

But now, he suddenly found that he was wrong, and the error was very ridiculous.

From the huge flames that swept through the flames and whistling, he clearly felt the pressure and danger.

"Dangerous here, retreat quickly!"

The head of the Long Family reminded the people behind him loudly, and then his eyes were cold, his fingers clenched, and his fist burst out.


A deep collision sounded loudly, and the aftermath raged, and the ground below collapsed suddenly. The face of the Long family was slightly pale. In hundreds of shocked eyes, the body shot directly backwards, and the feet plowed out on the ground. Two deep ravines.


Absolutely quiet!

Outside of Qiu Mountain, there was a quiet, all you could hear was the sound of swallowing saliva. The hundreds of martial artsmen of the Dragon family all glared and looked at the scene that shocked them.

The homeowner has fallen into the disadvantage? !

You must know that the Dragon Family Master is a trio of saints. Among the Dragon Family martial arts, it is a symbol of invincibility, but today in the confrontation with Lu Chen, one move fell into the disadvantage.

The warriors of the Dragon family only felt their heads buzz, and some could not accept it.

Since he chose to tear his face with the Long family, Lu Chen would not let the Long family owner so easily. After repelling the latter, he chose to pursue the situation without hesitation.

"call out!"

Yuan Li surged, his fingers volleyed a bit, a finger with violent energy, swept Ling Ling, and shot away at the Dragon Master who had just stabilized his body.

The goal is directly at the eyebrows of the Dragon family.

Since the owner of the Long family has killed him, Lu Chen has no plans to keep his hand. If he can kill the opponent, he will never keep his hand.

The owner of the Long family only felt the tingling of his brow and heart, which was a sign of the body ’s instinct for danger. He looked at the finger that burst out at the speed of the electric light and flint. The figure quickly blurred.


The looted finger swept across the body of the Dragon family owner.


The void exploded underfoot, and Lu Chen's figure flashed out like lightning.

"The thieves are rampant, everyone listens to orders, and kill with me!"

Seeing Lu Chen pressing the Dragon family master step by step, the elders of the Dragon family, that is, the saint who was a heavy warrior, his heart sank, knowing that he could not drag on any more, he immediately roared, his body surged, and he killed the landing dust In the past.


"Shoot together, kill this hawk!"

"The thieves are mad."

Hundreds of Dragon Warriors did not hesitate, took out their weapons one after another, and swarmed to kill the landing dust.

Lu Chen glanced at the rushing crowd, although these people could not bring him the danger of life and death, but the number was too large, and it was a trouble after all.

He glanced at Ying Sheng. The latter realized that he didn't dare to have any delay. He shot immediately and punched the elders of Longjia with a punch.


Elder Longjia ’s face changed, but before he responded, Ying Sheng ’s fist had already appeared in front of him, and his fist was roaring. With a muffled sound, the elder Longjia came quickly, He coughed up blood and flew away.

While Ying Sheng struck the elders of the Flying Dragon family, Lu Chen had already fought several punches with the Dragon family owner. The latter lost, and retreated, falling into absolute disadvantage.

The Zhanzi decision is certainly strong, but the requirements on the body are too harsh. With Lu Chen's current physique, he can't urge the Zhanzi decision for a long time, so he is ready to make a quick decision as soon as he comes up.


With a loud noise, the owner of the Long family fell into the downwind again, snorting backwards.


Just at the moment when the Longjia head flew, Lu Chen urged the mystery of the wind to the extreme, his body flashed, and he directly deceived himself in front of him.

The owner of the Dragon family was shocked. When preparing to mobilize the elemental defense, Lu Chen's right hand was already attached to the chest of the Dragon family with lightning.


The indifferent voice came from Lu Chen's mouth, and then, the surging Yuan Li burst into his palm.

The owner of the Dragon family was horrified, and he looked desperate. At the next moment, he only felt the energy of his chest, and his body strength collapsed instantly.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

The owner of the Long family had a slight depression in his chest, and his body was shot like a heavy blow.


In the smoke and dust, the owner of the Long family fell to the ground like a dead dog.

At the same time, the battlefield of the other side has also come to an end.

Relative to Lu Chen, Ying Sheng is obviously afraid of the Longs, so his shots seem to be fierce, but few deaths.

The elders of the Dragon family were seriously injured and nearly injured. Hundreds of warriors of the Dragon family were wounded and fled, but the deaths were only handful. Only a few dozen people were still stubbornly resisting at the moment.

Seeing that the battle between Lu Chen and the head of the Long family had ended, Ying Sheng did not dare to neglect it. He shot it directly and directly hit dozens of people who were stubborn against the corner.

Lu Chen stopped running, and immediately felt a little tired. His fingertips swiped in the storage ring, took out a pill, and swallowed it in his abdomen. The rich medicine poured all over the body, and there was no time for fatigue. It is much better.

Looking around, almost all of the powerful dragon family were seriously injured here.

Finally, his eyes fell on the head of the Long Family, who was suffocating. He sighed and said, "If you obediently admit the account and hand over the original meaning of the original meaning, why is this ?!"

"Hehe ~"

To Lu Chen's surprise, at this moment, the owner of the Long family not only did not fear, but smiled instead.

"Lu Chen, you are too small to look at my dragon family. The dragon family dares to compete with the Tenjin Academy. Do you think the background is so shallow?"

"Listening to what you mean, there are strong men in the Dragon family ?!" Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

The owner of the Long family laughed terribly, "Yes, the ancestor has received my voice. Today, you are in a disaster ..."

The voice of the Long Family Master had not yet fallen, and Lu Chen had already felt something. He looked up at Qiu Mountain and saw a gray-haired old man with white hair striding forward.

Ancestor of the Dragon Family! !

Seeing the moment of the ancestor of the Long family, Lu Chen felt a pressure from the other party. This pressure was felt only by the dean of the Tenjin Academy.

The dean of the Tenjin Academy is a veritable saint's quaternary cultivation act. The dragon ancestor who came in front of him in a big step is also a saint's quaternary cultivation act.

The sage is fourfold!

Lu Chen looked at the ancestor of the Dragon family that was getting closer and closer. In his eyes, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but the war spirit was boiling ...

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