Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1085: Feng Wang Keqi

The ancestor of the Long family didn't know Lu Chen's identity. Seeing that the latter was only the ultimate practice of the Supreme Realm, he only thought that Lu Chen was concealing his cultivation practice, and his true cultivation practice was like a sage.

So, for a while, he did not move rashly, staring at the dust with a serious face.

"In Xia Luchen, a disciple of Heavenly Divine Academy, the Supreme Realm's realm of virtue is cultivated. The Qiushan Dragon family is here to ask for debts. It is a pity that the Dragon family's behavior is shameful, so there is only a scene now."

Lu Chen said slowly to the ancestor of the Long family.

After listening to Lu Chen ’s words, the ancestors of the Long family were horrified. He never thought that the young man on the opposite side was really just the ultimate cultivator.

He let out a long sigh of breath, and after pressing down the shock in his heart, his eyes became fierce again. "Debt? What debt? Who owes you debt?"

The owner of the Long family asked three questions in a row.

He didn't shoot immediately, not the Tenjin Academy behind Lu Chen, but Lu Chen himself, a Venerable Realm Extreme Warrior, would be able to take a blow of his 70% combat power, and already had a combat power that was not on the triple peak of the saint. These characters are called evil spirits, and it is better not to be guilty if they can be guilty.

Faced with the harsh tone of the Dragon family ancestor, Lu Chen's face was calm and faint, "23 original mysteries. For specific reasons, you can ask Long Ze."

When the Long Family ancestor heard Lu Chen said that the debt was twenty-three mysterious source crystals, his pupils shrank.

He is the ancestor of the Dragon family, and he knows everything about the Dragon family.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the Dragon family's heritage is extremely rich, but it is not an easy task to come up with twenty-three mysterious original crystals.

He turned to look at the crowd, and his eyes fell on Longze. When he saw the latter's face was pale, a pair of miserable appearances were suddenly gloomy.

Longze's talent turned against the sky, and at a young age, he broke into the saint's double. More importantly, Longze is a disciple of the Eastern King. It is extremely important to the family. Extremely angry.

Long Ze saw his ancestors' eyes, and the vitality was transmitted, and he explained the ins and outs of things in general.

After listening to Long Ze ’s story, the ancestor of the Long family was completely gloomy, his eyes drooped slightly, and after a moment of pondering, he suddenly looked up and stared at the dust, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, you have nothing to say. IOU? "

Lu Chen's palm turned over, and the note written by Long Ze appeared in his hand that day, "This is the note!"

With that said, he shot it directly at the Dragon Family Ancestor.

When the ancestor of the Long family saw it, a glimmer of cold light glanced under his eyes. The detective caught the stub, and his eyes instantly became somber and sharp. It is fifteen pieces of mysterious original source crystals. How dare you open your mouth and need twenty-three pieces. Really my dragon family can't be bullied?

Indiscriminately in my Longjia site, hurting hundreds of children in my Longjia, today I will not give an explanation, I would like to leave safely. "

With a pinch of the ancestors of the Long family, the owe was directly turned into powder.

Lu Chen raised her eyebrows, jokingly, "It seems that you are not going to repay the debt? And want to leave me completely?"

The ancestor of the Long family's killing intention to Lu Chen is not hidden, staring at the latter's eyes, the killing intention is surging, "full of nonsense, boy, this is the Longjia site, and you cannot be mad here!"

As the words fell, the mighty and pure Yuanli was like a raging dragon, screaming out of the dragon's ancestors. Between the surge of the Yuanli, it released the terrifying oppressive force.

Obviously, the ancestors of the Long family did not want to repay their debts, and they were ready to kill Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at this scene, his face slightly dignified, but the fighting in his eyes was not reduced but increased. From the beginning, he had never thought that the Long Family ancestors would honestly repay their debts. Because in the present situation, IOUs have little effect, and you only have to rely on absolute strength to get your own things from the Dragons.

If you do n’t give it, I ’ll beat you up and get it yourself.

As for the ancestors of the four-layered saint's dragon family, although it is more difficult, Lu Chen is confident of a battle. Taking a step back, even if he can't overcome the other party, he wants to leave safely.

Long Family ancestor Ling Kong stepped forward, staring at the landing dust, sharp and indifferent, "Boy, you have to admit that your talent is really evil, and even I am a little jealous, but the Dragon family is not humiliating, everyone who dares to provoke , You have to pay the due price, so ... "

At the end of the day, the main character of the Long family was in a good mood.

He sneered, wasn't nonsense, his hands snapped together, and suddenly the magnificent elemental force around him turned into a torrent, roaring and rushing towards the landing dust.

The Yuanli torrent rushed out, and the voids that had passed were signs of cracking.

The owner of the Long family shot fiercely.

Lu Chen's eyes reflected a torrent of Yuanli torrents, while his eyes were dignified, his fighting intentions skyrocketed like a volcanic eruption.


The first layer of the warfare decision suddenly runs!

In the terrified eyes of everyone, Lu Chen's breath suddenly doubled.


The palm of the hand is empty, and the Sword of Broken Cloud is in hand!

Long sword in hand, Lu Chen's breath suddenly changed, sharp and overbearing, sharp and tough.

"call out!"

The Yuanli torrent swept through the unstoppable momentum, screaming and rushing to kill, Lu Chen screamed, without the slightest fear, the long sword in his hand shook, it was facing forward, and the sword flowed above the tip of the sword, just like a bit cold. , Stabbed fiercely on the whirling Yuanli torrent.


Above the sky, the moment when the sword tip collided with the Yuanli torrent, the devastating fluctuation of the Yuanli burst out, and then a scene that surprised everyone happened. With a snorting, a little coldness directly tore the Yuanli torrent.

"This breath can't be wrong, this is the legendary sword meaning !!!" The ancestor of the Long family stared, shocked.

He breathed heavily, staring at the dust, "Boy, do you understand the sword?"

Lu Chen raised his sword and stood, looking at the ancestor of the Dragon family who was shocked and unbelievable across the opposite side, "How is it, how is it not?"

The ancestor of the Long family heard the words and jumped sharply in the corner of his eyes. "It seems to be true. Unexpectedly, the old man saw the sword intention again in his lifetime, and he realized the limit of the realm of the realm of the realm. Your talent is not under Master Dongwang. If you can grow up smoothly, Feng Wang can be expected. "

As soon as the words of the Long Family ancestors came out, all the people present were shocked, their eyes widening one by one, and they couldn't believe the landing dust.

If this word comes from someone else's mouth, everyone in the Dragon family may sniff, and will not believe it, but it is the strong presence of their ancestors and sages.

Talent is not under the East King?

Can Feng Wang be expected?

Shocked and jealous eyes fell on Lu Chen.

"Feng Wang Ke Qi ?!" Lu Chen smiled, noncommittal.

He looked at the ancestor of the Long family and said, "It is comparable to the gift of the Eastern King, so you don't want to let me go?"

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