Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1092: Retreat and practice unexpected breakthrough

After solving the two elders of the Dragon family, Ying Sheng, under the direction of Lu Chen, stepped forward to search the storage rings of the two elders, and finally found a bronze key in the storage ring of the six elders.

The key coincides with the keyhole of the treasure door.


As the key was inserted into the keyhole and turned slightly to the right, the huge bronze door opened slowly.

Lu Chen stepped into it, and after a quarter of an hour, he walked out of the treasure house with satisfaction.

The Dragon family is worthy of being the top family with thousands of years of history, and it is also a force that can compete with the Tenjin Academy. The treasures in its treasure trove are really amazing, and the elixir, the magic pill, and the magical soldiers will not be said. Jing has a total of eight, plus the nine previously obtained, this trip won a total of seventeen.

Seventeen Profound Origin Crystals, including three fire attributes, two water attributes, four wind attributes, two metallic attributes, one wooden attribute, and four mine attributes.

The last one is extremely rare to destroy the original source crystal! ! !

Destroying the Profound Truth is one of the extremely rare Profound Truths. Although it cannot compete with space and time, its treasure and power are still above the Profound Truth of War. It is comparable to the Profound Truth of Yin, Yang, Endlessness, Life, and Death.

The value of destroying Arcane Origin Crystals is naturally not comparable to ordinary Arcane Origin Crystals. In terms of value alone, a destruction Arcane Origin Crystal is conservatively estimated that it can be exchanged for at least ten ordinary Arcane Origin Crystals! ! !

"Seventeen Arcane Origin Crystals, of which the three attributes of Fire, Wind, and Gold are of great benefit to me. I may be able to use the Arcane Origin Crystals in my hand to raise the three Arcane Origins of Fire, Wind, and Gold to the second turn. Level, by then, my strength will inevitably go to a higher level. "

"As for Longze, if I guessed right, he should have fled back to Tianxuan Island now!"

"Regardless of him, for me now, the primary purpose is to improve my own strength. As for asking for debts, it is not too late. I hope Longze will use this time to raise the source of Ciao Yiyuan. Do n’t let me down ... … "

After all, Lu Chen's eyes fell on Ying Sheng, and after the latter was alert, he stepped into the treasure house again and began to retreat and refine the harvest of this trip.


Time passed slowly in the retreat.

Unconsciously, seven days have passed, and Lu Chen used the seven days to refine the three original myths of fire, wind, and gold. No surprise, all three kinds of fire and wind mystery were promoted to the second turn.

"It's time to go out in seven days, the next destination, Tianxuan Island, Longze, I hope you don't let me down!"

It was said that Lu Chen was about to get up, but at this moment, the internal force of the body suddenly operated automatically, and the breath of his body suddenly increased sharply, and the trend of breath growth did not decrease but increased.

At the same time, outside, Ying Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, only to see the dark clouds rolling in the sky, the silver snake flickering, and a repressed, violent breath fell down.

Seeing this scene, Ying Sheng was not surprised but rejoiced, "Thunder Tribulation, Saint Tribulation, the master broke through the saint!"

Venerable breakthrough into the saint, need to experience thunder robbery baptism, the success of the robbery is like a carp leaping dragon gate, in one fell swoop to become a saint, those who failed, mostly turned to ashes, and died.

For any warrior, the saint robbery is not a robbery with life and death, but in Ying Sheng's view, the powerful power of killing the saint with Lu Chen's four-fold power. Although the saint robbery is strong, it can't hurt the latter.

Not that the saint was too weak, but Lu Chen was too strong!

"Da da da……"

Footsteps came from the treasure house.

Ying Sheng quickly turned his head to see it, and saw Lu Chen walking slowly out of the treasure house. From the latter's face, Ying Sheng could not see the slightest fear, and some were calm and unconventional self-confidence. !

Lu Chen, who walked out of the treasure house, only glanced at Ying Sheng lightly, and then stopped paying attention. He looked up and his eyes fell on the increasingly dark clouds in the sky.

The dark clouds rolled, and the sky was dark at this moment, a kind of oppressive feeling that the dark clouds crushed the city, surging against the face.


But at this moment, the sound of thunder rolled through the world, and a long-standing silver-white thunder slammed down on the landing dust.

Looking at the thick thunder that fell towards himself, Lu Chen not only did not fear, but showed a trace of contempt, and at the next moment, the supreme mystery Xuanwu body protection operation opened.

In Ying Sheng's trembling gaze, I saw Lu Chen's head tilted up, not much flashing, nor resisting at all, with the body of the body, quietly withstand the baptism of the first Thunder Tribulation.


The thick Thunder fell firmly on Lu Chen. That thunder that made any warrior fear the tiger, but fell on Lu Chen, but failed to hurt him.

"Is this the thunder that made countless warriors afraid of tigers?" Lu Chen stood upright, feeling the power of the thunder strike just now, and immediately shook his head, disappointed, "comparable to the full blow of the saint's heavy warrior, It's too weak, it's really disappointing. "

With Lu Chen's current strength, the full blow of the saint's heavy warrior really can't pose a slight threat to him.

It is no exaggeration to say that after he operated the Xuanwu body protector, he stood still and allowed the saint's heavy martial arts to attack at will, and could not cause too serious harm to him.

The Thunder Tribulation seemed to be wise, Lu Chen's words fell, and the sky was suddenly violently tumbling, and the thick Thunder Snake danced arbitrarily.

At this moment, if it is replaced by other martial arts, under the pressure of this breath, I am afraid that his pale legs will be softened.

However, Lu Chen was a hook in the corner of his mouth, and only a moment of interest finally appeared in his lazy eyes.

Obviously, the thunderstorm at this moment only attracted a trace of interest from Lu Chen, but it was only a trace of interest.


A loud noise suddenly rang through the world.

I saw a thick thunder in silver and white with a touch of dark blue, like a thunder dragon with open teeth and claws, roaring and falling down on the landing dust!


This time, Lu Chen still did not dodge or flash, nor did he fight back, letting Thunder fall on his body.

Under the perverted defense of Xuanwu body protection, the second Thunder Tribulation still failed to hurt him.

But this time, Lu Chen suddenly moved in his heart. Under the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, his body seemed to be tempered, but because of Xuanwu body protection, the effect of Thunder Trib's body tempering was not obvious!

Thunder Tribulation refines the flesh? !

Passing this idea in his mind, Lu Chen's eyes became brighter, and the consequences stopped running Xuanwu body protection. At the moment when the third thunder disaster fell down, he still did not hide and flash, hit with a punch!

Losing the protection of Xuanwu body protection technique, with Lu Chen's physical body today, he can't be hard to resist thunder and damage without damage.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the initiative to attack, first defeat the thunderstorm, and then absorb part of the power of the thunderstorm to quench the flesh.


Under the fierce and overbearing fist, the third Thunder Tribulation was crushed and destroyed, and the silver-white Thunder Snake splashed open in all directions.

The moment the thunder crash collapsed, Lu Chen immediately turned to Yuan Li, and an amazing suction suddenly came out of him. The thunder snake splashing around was dragged and swarmed towards him.

In an instant, Lu Chen was wrapped in a thunder snake, like a thunder **** in charge of thunder and lightning.

Lu Chen, wrapped in a Razer, is actually not good. Although Thunder Tribulation has been dispersed, the power of the remaining Thunder Tribulation is not very strong. The baptism is still quite painful, and the whole person is trembling from the outside to the inside ...

Of course, the effect is also very obvious. Thunder Tribulation seems to contain a mysterious force, which is of great benefit to the physical refinement.

The whole body of Razer gradually dissipated.

Lu Chen's shirt turned into ashes and dissipated with the wind, revealing bronze-colored muscular skin. The body that seemed to have no muscle beauty was full of unparalleled power.

"Just undergoing a thunderstorm baptism, the body will grow by 10%!"

At the moment, Lu Chen didn't have an inch, but he didn't care about it. At this moment, his eyes shone with fine light.

Thunder Tribulation is really good.

For him, there is a great chance!

The fourth Thunder Tribulation, not coming for a long time, Lu Chen raised his head, but found that the dark clouds had signs of dissipation!

What do you mean? !

Thunder Tribulation is over? !

What Lu Chen did n’t know is that there are only three ways for His Holiness to break through the saint ’s sage robbery.

In the distance, when I saw Lu Chen's successful journey through the robbery, his face was also full of joy.

The matter of becoming Lu Chen's mount is now a foregone conclusion. Instead of reluctantly, he should take the initiative to accept it. Moreover, after a battle with the Dragon family ancestor, Ying Sheng also saw clearly. Restricted freedom, but in fact it is an opportunity, a higher level opportunity.

Having figured this out, Ying Sheng not only did not repel the matter of becoming a Lu Chen mount, but was as happy as it was.

Ying Sheng looked happy, and was about to step forward to congratulate Lu Chen, but he saw a stunned scene.

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