Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1165: Dongcheng Xiaojia

A group of people left the restaurant and went straight to the Sanyue Inn in the east of the city.

When Lu Chen and his party arrived at the Sanyue Inn, they found that the inn was surrounded by people who were looking at the bustling people, clamoring and arguing, pointing at the inn and talking.

Lu Chen was distracted to listen, and captured the words Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, etc. from people's conversation.

problem occurs!

Lu Chen's heart sank.

The consciousness was released and immediately covered the inn, and found Pei Shaoqing and others in the inn, but in his perception, Pei Shaoqing and other people were slackened, which was obviously a phenomenon of severe damage, and what made him even more nervous was that He did not sense Ji Yao and Wei Chi Rou Shui.

Ji Yao and Yu Chi Rou Shui are not in the inn, where did the two go?

Lu Chen had a vague answer in his heart.

He sullen his face and squeezed away the crowd in front of him. The crowd scolded, but when he touched Lu Chen's cold eyes, the screams came to an abrupt stop, and he subconsciously let go.

Passing through the crowd, Lu Chen walked to the inn and stepped up to get in, but was stopped by two strange warriors in front of the inn who reached out.

"This inn is closed today!" One of the two strange warriors only glanced at Lu Chen lightly, and the latter was just a saint's triple cultivation, and the tone was not so polite.

After he finished speaking, he stopped taking care of Lu Chen and stood there proudly as if he were a door god.

"Keep off!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"Huh ?! What are you talking about? Tell me again."

Lu Chen stared coldly at the strange warrior who spoke, saying one by one: "You are the people of the Xiao family, let me say one last sentence, let go, otherwise, die!"

The last word is obviously not casual, because when he spit out the last word, Lu Chen's murderous intention was already diffuse.

When the two Xiao Jiawu warriors felt the sensational murderous intention in Lu Chen's words, they were both startled, but after the next instant reaction, the two of them sank their faces in exasperation.

The two people's eyes only stayed on Lu Chen, and they didn't see the few Li Xiaoran who followed Lu Chen, so they dared to be so arrogant ...

"Boy, you ..."


Without waiting for the Xiaojiawu warriors to speak, Lu Chen gave orders indifferently.

In the instant Lu Lu ordered to send out, Li Xiaoran and the Black Sha Old Man shot almost at the same time. The two saints and seven heavy martial arts shots, and for the purpose of killing, is there any reason for the two Xiao family warriors to live?

"Poof! Poof!"

The blood shot, the two martial artists of the Xiao family only felt the flower in front of them, and they instantly died. To death, they did not figure out how to die, and who died in the hand.

"Wow ~"

With the fall of the two martial artists of the Xiao family, the countless people who surrounded the Sanyue Inn immediately burst into a world of exclamation.

"That was ... the deputy captain of the Perak Squad, Li Xiaoran ..."

"Black and white!"

At this time, some people in the crowd recognized Li Xiaoran and Black and White.

"What do they want to do?"

"Whoever kills the Xiao Jiawu in public, are they not afraid of the revenge of the Xiao family?"

"Who is that young man?"


There was a wave of discussion in the crowd.

Lu Chen directly ignored the people behind him, and stepped over the bodies of the two martial artists of the Xiao family and walked into the inn.

After a moment.

Lu Chen walked out of the inn expressionlessly.

Anyone familiar with Lu Chen knows that Lu Chen at this moment is the most terrible.

"Go, go to Xiao's house!"

Lu Chen spit out this sentence coldly, and under the leadership of Li Xiaoran, Yukong rose up and directly plundered in the direction of the Xiao family.

Seeing Lu Chen and his entourage not only beheaded and killed Xiao Jiawu in public, but at the moment, Yu Kong killed the Xiao family to see the lively crowd suddenly in an uproar.

Not only here, the area of ​​the East City of Tianyun God City, but everyone who saw this scene also exclaimed. On the spot, countless people rushed to the Xiao family to see what happened.

Lu Chen's atmosphere was unobstructed, and he crossed the sky and appeared directly over the Xiao family.

As soon as he appeared, the Xiaojia Wu warriors noticed the traces of Lu Chen and others. When even there were Xiao Jiawu warriors shouted, "Who is this? This is the Xiaojia site, leave quickly!"

"Let Xiao Luo come out."

Lu Chen looked down at the powerful Xiao family, and said coldly.

Below, the Xiao Jiawu warriors were disturbed and all walked out of the room. A middle-aged man emerged from the air. This man was the current head of the Xiao family.

He appeared in front of Lu Chen, staring at Land Dust unsightly, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Although the Xiao family was overbearing in Tianyun God City, at the moment, they were able to resist their temperament and did not directly deal with Lu Chen, because the Xiao family owner did not ignore the few Li Xiaoran behind Lu Chen.

Li Xiaoran was second, the deputy captain of the Perak Squad, well-known, but did not reach the point where no one knew it, and because it was only recently that he broke into the Seventh Cultivation of the Saints, so the owner of the Xiao family did not know him.

The head of the Xiao family is more concerned about the black and white Shuangsha. The black and white Shuangsha teamed up to fight the Saints. It is also a person who cannot be ignored in the Tianyun God City. The Xiao family head naturally knows the two.

What makes the Xiao family head really afraid is that Lu Chen's identity, whether it is Li Xiaoran or black and white double sha, is obviously led by Lu Chen at the moment, and the three saints of the saints, but can drive the black and white double sha, in the Xiao family head It seems that there is only one explanation. Lu Chen has an extraordinary history. He is at least a half-step king-level force, and may even be a king-level force. Otherwise, he cannot explain the scene before him.

Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and he was not polite to the head of the Xiao family, and his tone was cold and overbearing. "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I say it one last time, let Xiao Luo come out and hand over my friends, otherwise, today The Xiao family in the cloud city no longer exists. "

Although he was afraid of Lu Chen's identity, he heard that Lu Chen was in front of countless people and bluntly said that the Xiao family would be destroyed.

"Humph, Huang Mao'er, a great tone!" Among the crowd below, a person came out again. This person was the elder Xiao family, and he was also the saint's sevenfold cultivation.

Lu Chen just glanced at the elder Xiao family lightly, and then he did not pay attention, and then released his consciousness, and walked away towards the Xiao family. Since the Xiao family was unwilling to cooperate, he personally probed.

The release of Lu Chen's consciousness did not disguise at all, so that the head of the Xiao family and the elder Xiao family were aware of it for the first time.


Really arrogant!

Whether it is the head of the Xiao family or the elders of the Xiao family, they are not quite somber at the moment. In front of them, the yellow hair boy who is not known about the history, dare to release his consciousness to explore the Xiao family ...

This approach is tantamount to naked provocation and face slap.

After all, there are some secrets hidden in Xiao's family that cannot be known to outsiders. Now Lu Chen feels unscrupulously. Wouldn't those secrets be directly exposed to this person?

Moreover, some female dependents and privacy cannot be explored at random ...

Therefore, Lu Chen's move is tantamount to naked provocation against them and against the entire Xiao family.

In the past, for other people, even the saint's eightfold martial arts, they will not have the slightest hesitation, they will act immediately at the moment of discovery ...

But now, when they do not know the true details of Lu Chen, they hesitated and dared not take the risk.

"Black and white Shuangsha, what do you mean?" The head of the Xiao family sullenly questioned the black and white Shuangsha.

Black and white Shuangsha is also a bit of a headache at the moment. As soon as Lu Chen entered the city, it was convenient for the Xiao family to go directly to the bar, and it seemed that there was no room for turning around. They also had a headache.

On the bright side, the comprehensive strength of the Xiao family is not comparable to them. Moreover, they also know Lu Chen ’s identity. They know that Lu Chen does not have much background. Once the Xiao family knows Lu Chen ’s identity, I am afraid There will be no restraint now.

Although the Xiao family is not a top force in the Tianyun God City, but because of its relationship with the warriors, it is also extremely domineering. Their move today is doomed to be incapable of doing good with the Xiao family.

Thinking of this, Heixa sighed in his heart, but on the surface, he did not show a little cowardice, snorted, and looked directly at the Xiaojia family's eyes that wanted to breathe fire, not willing to show weakness, and said toughly: "The meaning of the son , What we mean. "

The Xiao family's master heard the words, but his heart was sinking, listening to the meaning revealed in Heisha's words. Black and white Shuangsha is obviously the man of the yellow hair boy, and can make the black and white Shuangsha willing to submit, then, the yellow hair boy The inevitable has a deep background.

After confirming Lu Chen ’s identity is not simple, the head of the Xiao family dare not take action against Lu Chen. He sullenly groaned for a moment and turned to the elder beside him: "Go, bring that little animal to me . "

It didn't take long for a young man with collapsing cheeks and pale complexion to be brought by the elder.

The young man was the culprit of today's incident, Xiao Xiao, the second son of the Xiao family.

Xiao Xiao shouted as soon as he appeared, without observing the surrounding environment: "Father, a thief sneaked into Xiao Mansion and robbed my little beauty!"

"Mother, it was finally brought back to Xiao Mansion, but before he succeeded, he was knocked out from behind. I want to know who did it, it must be ..."


Xiao Xiao didn't say the next words, he was slapped on the face by the owner of the Xiao family.

"What must be? Little beast, do you know you are provoke an enemy for the Xiao family?"

The head of the Xiao family stared at Xiao Luo with a vicious tone.

Xiao Xiao was slapped by the head of the Xiao family, and then he calmed down after a while. The old man with a swollen face and aggrieved tone, "What a big enemy? I just robbed two women, and the bottom of those two women was thin , The baby has sent someone to make it clear, but it is just a few indigenous people who came out of the barren land ... "

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