Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1206: Lu Chen played

The battle city played, and soon fought against the Cangjia third.

Although Zhancheng is also a saint's ninth warrior, there is still a big gap with Cangjia's third son. When the two battled ten moves, Zhancheng fell into a disadvantage.

At twenty strokes, the city of war fell into absolute disadvantage, without any backhand.

At thirty strokes, with a bang, the battle city was slammed on the chest by the third son of the Cang family, and the bone burst suddenly, completely losing the fighting power, but helpless to admit defeat.

After the battle was defeated, the battle was played.

Zhanteng is also a saint's nineth martial arts warrior, whose real combat power is slightly inferior to that of the Cangjia third in the peak period.

However, the third Cang family defeated Zhan Tao and Zhan Cheng successively, Yuan Yuan consumed a lot, and the combat strength declined. Therefore, when confronting Zhan Teng, they failed to take advantage.

There were hundreds of moves between the two, and they ended in a draw.

So far, only one person from the combat team left Lu Chen, and two people left from the Cang family, namely Xiao Hongshan and the Cang family eight.

Both Xiao Hongshan and the Cang family's eighth old man are the nine saints of the saints, and Lu Chen is just a saint's six-story peak samurai. Compared with the two, the victory or defeat seems intuitive.

The warriors will lose, and the Cangjia will win!


When Zeng Teng and the Cangjia third came to a draw, some people in the Cangjia crowd even shouted the slogan ‘winning’.

On the Warrior side, apart from a few people, everyone else was frowning, apparently thinking that the Warriors had no chance.

Zhan Xiaoman also felt that the fighters had no chance, and directly persuaded Lu Chen to admit defeat, "Lu Chen, you can do it, if not, just admit defeat."

Lu Chen glanced at Zhan Xiaoman, how could a man say no? Of course, he didn't say this, but instead mentioned the gambling.

"You seem to have forgotten something."

"What's the matter?" Zhan Xiaoman asked silly.

"Betting on the gamble, you lost. From now on, you are my maid. The maid will have the same appearance as a maid. This time it will be fine. The next time you talk to me, you must have a gentle smile on your face. "

Having finished speaking, Lu Chen didn't look at Zhan Xiaoman's gritted teeth, stood up directly, and walked slowly towards the battlefield.

Lu Chen's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, and all eyes were projected together. The reason why this situation is now is not his strong strength, nor his statement out, but this time in Aoki Participants, Lu Chen is a different kind.

Why do you say that?

Because of the twenty contestants, only he is a saint with six levels of peak cultivation, and the lowest of his contestants is saint with eight levels.

I don't know what crazy the warrior has pumped, and even let a saint six-fold peak warrior play.

The projected eyes are curious, contemptuous, playful, and thoughtful.

When Lu Chen stepped into the battlefield, the head of the Cang family looked at Xiao Hongshan and said with a tone of ease: "Xiao Hongshan, this will be given to you."

At this moment, the martial artists of the Cang family have already shifted their targets to the Mo Wolf Club. In their view, the warriors have lost, and they should now consider the war of tomorrow.

"Homeowner, rest assured, within three strokes, I will kill Lu Chen!" Xiao Hongshan patted his chest with a confident tone.

The owner of the Cang family nodded with satisfaction. After Xiao Hongshan turned to the Cang family camp, he was very interesting and respectful of him. As long as the latter made contributions to the Cang family in the battle with the Mo Langhui tomorrow, he would fulfill his promise. , Let Xiao Hongshan enter the Qingmuquan bubble.

Xiao Hongshan strode into the hall and stopped 300 meters away from Lu Chen.

Looking at Lu Chen on the opposite side, Xiao Hongshan thought of the miserable situation of the Xiao family half a month ago. His killing intentions haunted him, and said in a cold voice: "Little beast, you did not take the initiative to admit defeat, but it was beyond my expectations.

Lu Chen reached out to interrupt Xiao Hongshan's follow-up words, arrogant tone, "Don't swear, waste your time. For the sake of your dying, I will let you take the shot first, otherwise you will not have the chance to take the shot once I take it Now. "



Xiao Hongshan froze.

Everyone was stunned.

Those who know Lu Chen ’s true strength are good, Zhan Xiao and others. Those warriors who do n’t know much about Lu Chen ’s strength now look at Lu Chen ’s eyes like an idiot.

Can you be low-key, don't be so crazy?

You are just a six-peak peak of saints' cultivation.

I do n’t know who you are doing. After listening to your arrogant words, I thought you were a saint nine-fold peak warrior.

After Xiao Hongshan reacted, he smiled angrily, "Little beast, you ... well, well ..."

Lu Chen heard the words, his eyes narrowed suddenly, Sen Han's murderous intention was released from his body, he was finally irritated by Xiao Hongshan, "Old mixed hair, you left a small animal, right a small animal, it seems that you are anxious Looking for death, I wanted to give you a chance to let you go first. Since you are impatient to live, then die. "

After finishing, he directly opened the second layer of God of War.


The unparalleled force of great force roared out of his body, and the pressure spread out. It instantly enveloped the entire battlefield. The area near the land dust began to crack, and the air exploded into pieces.

In this scene, everyone in the distance looked stunned.

"This this……"

Some people felt the breath of breath emanating from Lu Chen and were speechless in horror.

The head of the Cang family rubbed and stood up, with a shocked expression on his face, "What a terrifying force of Yuanli, this, this, how is it possible ..."

He was shocked to find that Lu Chen's coercion was erupting at this moment, actually above him, the saint's ninth peak warrior.

Even if he holds the Seven Star Divine Soldier, it is not necessarily stronger than Lu Chen?

what happened?

This is not possible, he is clearly only the six peaks of the saints, how to give me a feeling of unmatched?

There was a raging wave in his heart.

Not only the head of the Cang family, but all the martial arts in the Cang family present were all in horror at the moment. Even the ancestors of the Cang family were slightly moved.

The direction where the desert wolf will be the warrior.

Vice President Sun Tianchi looked at Lu Chen in the field, his face finally showing dignity.

Lu Chen's momentum at the moment erupted, although it was still not as good as him, but it was not far away. He wanted to beat the former, and it also took some effort.


This sage's six-peak peak Lu Chen's cultivation is a variable, and it is the biggest resistance that his desert wolf will win.

In the direction of the warrior killing gods, there was also a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

In the direction of the warrior warrior, Zhan Xiaoman stared at the beautiful eyes and looked at Lu Chen in the field incredulously. After a while, she murmured: "This guy seems to be strong again!"

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