Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1210: Sun Tianzhi's amazing strength

In the field.

Feeling that the battle had been completely irritated by him, Sun Tian ruled a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he finally got a move, only to see him take a step forward slowly.

As he fell in this step, the originally calm mountain stream suddenly shook suddenly and became a ruined battlefield. At this moment, the air tremored violently, and a violent and unrestrained elemental force swept from Sun Tianzhi's body. Out, instantly filled the entire battlefield.

The kind of coercion of the elemental force is enough to change the color of the saint nine heavy warriors, so that the saint nine heavy peak warriors are ashamed. As for the warriors under the saint nine heavy, they are shocked and trembling. The king also had to admit that Sun Tianzhi had indeed reached the end of the saint, and was only a layer apart from the half-step king.

Infinitely close to the realm of the half-step king.

At this moment, Sun Tianzhi showed the coercion of Yuan Li, making everyone present aware of this.

Originally thinking that the warrior could defeat the warrior of the Desert Wolf Society, after seeing the outbreak of Sun Tianzhi at this moment, the persistence in his heart could not help but shake.

It is undeniable that Lu Chen bombarded Xiao Hongshan with one finger, and the fighting power he showed was indeed amazing. However, compared with Sun Tianchi at the moment, it was slightly inferior.

The direction of the warrior warrior.

Lu Chen looked at Sun Tianzhi, who was unscrupulously releasing amazing coercion in the field, even if he was, he had to admit that the latter could be the first person under the half-step king of the Heavenly Cloud God City, it was not a name, it was really a bit. ability.

"Lu Chen, will you be his opponent?" Zhan Xiaoman's face was slightly pale. It was taken by Sun Tianchi's momentum. She reached out her small hand, poked Lu Chen, and asked quietly.

Although she was confident in her father's battle, she had to admit at the moment that the latter was not Sun Tianchi's opponent, and once the battle was defeated, the only fighter could stop Sun Tianchi was Lu Chen.

If even Lu Chen was not as good as Sun Tianzhi, the preparation of the warriors these days, and the elder brother's effort, would be paid in vain.

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Xiaoman, who was full of nervousness on Xiao Xiao's face, and suddenly felt that the latter was not so arrogant. Of course, the idea just disappeared in a flash. He raised his mouth and asked, "What do you think?" Do you think I will be Sun Tianchi's opponent? "

From the perspective of a strategist, Zhan Xiaoman naturally hopes that Lu Chen can defeat Sun Tianchi, but when it comes to his mouth, it becomes a cold hum, "Fart, if you can defeat Sun Tianchi, the pig can climb the tree. Now. "

Lu Chen chuckled, her heart was really a little girl who was not good.

"Asshole, why are you laughing?"

Zhan Xiaoman heard Lu Chen's "He Ha" laughter, and suddenly felt that he had been insulted.

Lu Chen waved his hand and remembered his previous gamble. He moved his heart and said, "Well, how about you and I gamble again?"

It was said that Zhan Xiaoman immediately watched the landing dust alertly. After eating the latter once, she was very cautious about gambling.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't bet, I originally planned that if you win, the previous bet will not happen."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Zhan Xiaoman immediately thought that she would be Lu Chen's maid for the latter half of the next six months.

At the thought of the next half a year, her majestic warrior lady would give the **** in front of her as a maid, and she gritted her teeth.

"Don't you just want to excite me to bet against you? Well, I agreed, but if I win, the previous bet is not counted, and you have to leave Tianyun God City immediately."

"Yes." Lu Chen nodded without hesitation, and then said angrily: "If I win, I will not embarrass you, you will give me more as a maid for half a year."

Zhan Xiaoman heard Lu Chen even wanted her to be a maid for half a year, her cheeky face turned red, but then she thought, if she really lost, when half a year and a year maid, it seems not very big.

Thinking of this, it suppressed the urge to run away on the spot, sneered, "It depends."

When the words fell, she turned her head away, no longer ignored Lu Chen, and set her eyes on the battlefield.


On the battlefield.

Feeling Sun Tianchi's astounding momentum and pressure, the battle seemed calmer, but at this moment, Sun Tianchi's feet suddenly surging in force, and a circle of elemental force waves erupted, so the whole battlefield was violently shaken. At this time, his figure swooped out, his palms clenched into fists slowly, and the internal force whistled into the fists.

During the surge of Yuan Li, on top of Sun Tianchi's fist, there was a condensed shadow of a tiger.

This tiger's phantom was transformed by pure elemental power, wrapped in Sun Tianchi's fist, spreading his teeth and dancing claws, filled with a fierce and brutal atmosphere, it seemed to give people the illusion of facing the barren tiger.



As Sun Tianchi punched hard with a punch, the phantom of the tiger directly swept through the monstrous prestige and screamed out. That kind of power was enough to instantaneously kill the ordinary saint Nine Heavy Peak Warrior!

Seeing this scene, whether it is Zhan Yi, Zhan Xiao, or Lu Chen, his eyes are all fixed, and his face is instantly dignified.

Unexpectedly, Sun Tianchi's shot was a killing move. This move was amazingly powerful, and even the Warrior holding the Seven Star Divine Soldier was not necessarily able to stop it safely.

Faced with Sun Tianzhi's killing trick, Zhan didn't hesitate to use the strongest card, the flaming sharp gun, the sharp gun is in hand, the breath of Zhan soared, but even so, he was not 100% sure Take the blow.

The pupils reflected the phantom of the tiger that came from the fighting, and the internal force of the battle body madly poured into the flaming gun, and then the gun shadow danced, and the sad sound of the air was resounded, the gun shadow with a strong and overbearing momentum, The phantom of the violent tiger coming out of the stab was fiercely stabbed away.


The virtual shadow of the tiger transformed by Yuan Li seemed to be alive at this moment, with the fierce beast mouth opening, and a roar of ferocious roar, and then the bite of the gunshot coming from the violent bite was severely bitten.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the ghost image of the tiger transformed by that element of force actually exploded the gun shadow.

Upon seeing this, he was shocked by the heart, and then, without thinking about it, he stepped out, and the flaming sharp gun erupted in a fiery flame in his hand. On the phantom of the tiger.


The Tiger's Virtual Shadow was bombarded by the war, and the war was uncomfortable. He looked pale and staggered backwards and backwards. Every step of the fall, he stepped on the ground with a footprint ...

"Yes, I can take my first move. Try another one."

When the words fell, Sun Tianzhi chased after the victory, waiting for the battle to stabilize his body, then he flashed, catching up with the latter, and then his handprint changed, and his fist turned into a palm.

This palm is also a form of Yuanli. The pure Yuanli is transformed into a mountain, and then swept over the heavy momentum that can hit the mountain, and bombarded the battle.

Seeing the battle in the backwards, his pupils shrank, and then he forced his body to stabilize his body, snarled, and the gun in his hand turned into a red light, and he was violently opposed to the mountainous shadow from the bombing. together.


The crisp sound of gold and iron echoed in the field, and at the intersection, a bright spark erupted.

In a hurry, the battle did not explode in its full strength, but it caused the mountain phantom to slightly sway, and then a bang, the battle cough and blood flew out.

At this moment, everyone clearly saw that the battle in the upside down, the chest slightly sunken.


But all the martial artists who saw this scene were terrified.

The battle with the blaze of flames, not to mention the invincible warrior of the nineth peak mountain, but at least, under the half-step king, there are really not many people who can defeat him.

And now, what have they seen?

With just two simple moves, Sun Tianchi injured the battle with the flaming sharp gun.

If they had not witnessed it with their own eyes, they would not believe it was true.

Sun Tianzhi was so powerful that he didn't let go of the preparations for war. His hands squeezed at the same time, and the majestic force between the world and the world came together. At the next moment, his hands flew, and the whistling sound suddenly came through The two mountain phantoms roared out.

The goal is directed at war!

Seeing this scene, everyone present held their breath.

The hearts of the warrior warriors were also raised.

Faced with Sun Tianchi's horrible moves, the war is really sure to take over?

At this moment, even the warrior warriors began to worry about the war.

Under everyone's attention, the battle bellowed with a scream, the flaming sharp gun in his hand, the gun shadow dancing, and the life-saving bottom card was displayed irrespective of the force. As fast as lightning flashed out.

With a bang, the first mountain phantom was directly detonated by the destructive blast, and the second mountain phantom was also shocked, but in the end, it failed to blast the second mountain phantom.


Zhan's body was hit by the mountain shadow again, and he only heard a low sound. Zhan Zhan flew directly out of the way like a broken paper kite. After landing, he spit out with a spit of blood.

Suffering from Sun Tianchi's fierce offensives one after another, the war was covered with wounds. At this moment, he looked extremely miserable, not to mention his chest, and the skin on and off his body was also chapped, and the whole person was dyed with blood A blood man.

"This Sun Tianchi is too strong. Even if my Cang family defeated the Warrior, it would not be the opponent of the Mowol Association."

The head of the Cang family looked at the battle between him and him yesterday, but in the hands of Sun Tianchi, there was no backhand. After the first fight, he fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Killing God help Qin Lei, seeing this scene, at the same time rejoicing in his heart, there is another burst of despair.

Fortunately, Sun Tianzhi's battle with him yesterday was simply not using his full strength, otherwise he would die without a doubt yesterday.

Desperately, he was still a little bit dissatisfied, and he planned to be successful in the future, and found the place with Sun Tianchi, but after seeing the latter's true combat power now, he completely lost his mind.

"Seven younger brothers may not be able to stick to ten tricks in Sun Tianchi's hands, so that Lu Chen is ready, and if he loses, let him try." Zhan Xiao withdrew his eyes from the battlefield and sighed.

Sun Tianchi's strength is beyond everyone's expectation. Judging by the combat power displayed at the moment, it is not easy for the half-step king to kill him.

Zhan Yi nodded, and immediately transmitted the sound to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded blankly after receiving Zhan Yi's voice.

He looked at Sun Tianchi, who was utterly awe-inspiring in the battlefield, and was constantly coughing up blood. A flash of warfare flashed in his eyes.

Sun Tianzhi's strength at the moment is worth his serious battle.

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