Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1254: What's the use of waste

The other five people did not react until the person died and flew out, but they did not wait for their shot. Lu Chen was already a little under his feet, his body turned into a residual image, and appeared in front of another person in an instant.

"If I remember correctly, the man who just died in my hand, standing on the sixth on the left, should be Ah Liu, and you are Ah Wu, and Ah Liu and Ah Qi are all dead. Stay with them. "

After talking, Lu Chen's arm shuddered suddenly, and during the sudden surge of Yuan Li, a punch like thunder came out.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and A Wu took a hard punch with Lu Chen without any preparation, and his chest hollowed out instantly, and his body was like a broken kite, flying three hundred meters across, and finally banged, After falling down, the body twitched violently and slowly stiffened.

Another instant kill!

Ah Wu, die!

Lu Chen shot fiercely, killing three people instantaneously before and after, and the mask man in the distance, after seeing this scene, not only was not angry, but showed the look of seeing Xinyi's prey.

Obviously, as he said, whether it is Ah Qi, Ah Liu, or Ah Wu, it is not worth mentioning in his eyes. If the six people join forces, if they cannot defeat Lu Chen, they will die, and he will not Will rescue.

In his eyes, the battle between Lu Chen and Ada and others is like raising Gu, or it is a game ...

The four of Ada witnessed the scene of Lu Chen's fierce beheading of A Wu and A Liu. Their faces were twisted, and Lu Chen's gaze was also very bitter.

"kill him!"

In anger, Ada had lost his mind and snarled directly to kill Lu Chen. He also ignored the mask man.

"Cracking Fist!"

"Tianxuan Palm Technique!"

"Crack the air!"

"Knock the legs!"

The four roared at the same time, and then urged all the forces without reservation, and used the killing tricks one after another.

All of a sudden, the violent fluctuations of the elementary force filled the space.

Extremely violent fist, heavy and violent palm wind, fierce and sharp blade gas, and extremely violent leg shadows, swept through the amazing momentum, whistling at the landing dust.

Seeing this, Lu Chen did not panic. He stepped on the blue dragon and performed the technique. During the blinking of the body, he easily avoided the cracking fist, Tianxuan palm method, and cracking the sky. Finally, he faced the whistling leg shadow and hid Without a hide, he punched him up.


With a muffled noise, Lu Chen's body just flicked slightly, and he stabilized his body and stood firmly in place.

And A San, who was showing off his legs, was snorting uncontrollably, his right leg also lost consciousness instantly, and then limped back.

After stabilizing his body, he looked up at Lu Chen's eyes, surprised and angry, and at the same time, his face was full of incredible colors.

The saint of the Nine Heavy Cultivation, he did his best, and under the circumstances of the main attack, he still fell into the disadvantage.

Lu Chen and A San gazed at each other and smiled cruelly.


At the sound of the sound, the air under his feet suddenly burst and opened, and his body rushed out violently, moving, as fast as lightning, almost instantaneously, quickly rushed in front of Asan, and then shot with a palm, 'Bang With a bang, the left hand hit the latter hard.

And his right hand, five fingers into claws, between the surge of Yuan Li, protruded like lightning, in A San's horrified eyes, five fingers clasped his throat.

"No ... don't kill ... I ..."

The throat is the life gate of almost every warrior. The throat is held by Lu Chen. A San ’s life is almost under Lu Chen ’s control. As long as the latter ’s heart moves, he will die with it, so at this moment, He was finally frightened, and he hurriedly begged for mercy, but his throat was clasped, making his speech incoherent.

Lu Chen heard Asan's begging for mercy, his face remained indifferent, and even a flicker of ridicule passed in his eyes.

"Don't struggle anymore, go with A Qi and them!"


The five fingers pressed hard and the throat shattered instantly.

At the same time, Ada, who was holding the seven-star Shenbing **** giant sword, appeared quietly behind Lu Chen. The giant sword in his hand carried a stern and low-pitched sound, and showed no mercy to landing dust. Force down.

Feeling the **** giant knife swiftly hacking behind him, Lu Chen's foot moved, and the body flicked lightly to the right by half a step. It was this half step that made the **** giant knife hacked across his shoulder.

Unable to hit, the face of Ada, who was holding a blood-colored giant knife, changed slightly. When he was about to withdraw, he changed his face again.

Because, at this moment, a hand gripped his wrist with lightning, and came with an irresistible force.


Under that irresistible force, his wrist burst open.

At the same time, what made his pupils shrink was that the Scarlet Sword suddenly reversed its direction, and with a loud noise, it pierced his chest!

Blood burst out.

In addition to panic, A Da's eyes were unbelievable.

He never thought that he would die under his weapon.


Lu Chen's wrist moved, drawing a **** giant knife, and the last trace of vitality in Ada's body also dissipated with the extraction of the giant knife, his body swayed, and then fell down straight with unwillingness.

Lu Chen grabbed the **** giant knife in his hand and glanced at him with a beam of joy. Although the **** giant knife was only a seven-star inferior warrior, it was also an unexpected joy. It was not a small receipt.

With the fall of Ada, the remaining A Er and A Si, with a ‘soo’ on their faces, instantly lost their blood color, and the original cold color in their eyes also disappeared long ago, and were replaced by fear.

"Run away, run away ..."

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes, Ah Er finally could not bear the oppression of death, the defense line in his heart collapsed instantly, and he turned and fled without hesitation.

Ah Si's movements were not slow either. At the moment Ah Er turned and ran away, he moved under his feet and stormed away in the direction of the masked man.

Lu Chen's eyes fell on A Er, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his body turned into a residual image, which appeared behind him instantly, and the blood-colored giant knife in his hand split down with lightning like lightning.


The sound of sharp blade cutting the flesh came out.

A Er has lost his courage at this moment, and he ran away with all his heart. How can he resist Lu Chen's seemingly random knife? Once the knife falls, the galloping body is split in two.

Standing close to the knife, Lu Chen turned to look at A Si, with a hint of taunt in his eyes.

A Si rushed in front of the masked man like a funeral dog.

However, before he was relieved, a cold voice came from the masked man's mouth.

"Waste! Why use it for you?"

When the words fell, the mask man pointed out with a fierce vigorous shot. In A Si's frightened eyes, he pierced and ruthlessly pierced his head.

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