Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1278: Unbeaten Kim

To give up beheading Lin Zongming, Lu Chen was also forced to do so. Because the body training exercises of Barbarian Jin Undefeated are too attractive to him. In contrast, the life and death of a defeated man is not so important.

Stepping on the Blue Dragon Spirit, Lu Chen exerted his speed to the extreme. On the speed alone, he was confident. Among the half-step kings, few could compete with him.

Even if Jin was undefeated as a half-step king, and if he took a step first, under the vigorous pursuit of Lu Chen, it took less than half a tea time to narrow the distance between the two parties within 10,000 meters.

Feeling Lu Chen's hunt behind him, Jin Undefeated was so scared that there was no blood on his face.

You know, when he chose to escape, Lu Chen was still pressing Lin Zongming. He originally thought that when Lin Zongming dragged Lu Chen, he could retreat calmly, but the result was beyond his expectations.

Lin Zongming, the top player in the list, failed to contain Lu Chen.

Now Lu Chen is chasing and killing, so ... Is Lin Zongming already ...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help shivering.

If it was as he imagined, Lu Chen would be terrible.


Jin unbeatenly gritted his teeth, released the unreserved force within his body, and then ran wildly.

However, the distance between the two parties is still getting closer.

"Boy, don't push me too hard. Although I'm not your opponent, but if you press step by step, I won't make you feel better even if I die." Kim Undefeated ran, turning his head and groaning at the landing. Road.

"Oh ~ I want to see how you make me feel bad ..."

Facing the warning of Jin Undefeated Li Neizhong, Lu Chen swiped his mouth involuntarily, and his eyes were also disdainful.

With his current fighting strength, let alone saying that Kim is undefeated, even Lin Zongming's desperation is a threat to him.

Therefore, Kim ’s undefeated warning has no deterrent effect on him.

Looking at the burly back in front, Lu Chen shouted: "Jin is undefeated, I have limited patience. Today you can't escape my palm, I can honestly put my hands on the ground, and then take the initiative to hand over the body refining method. Forgive your life, but if you don't know what to do, don't blame me for being cruel! "

Jin Undefeated heard the words and felt bitter for a while. He finally knew why Lu Chen was staring at him. He turned out that the other party had taken a fancy to his body-building method.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

At first, he relied on the half-step king's cultivation practice, coveting Lu Chen's magic tactics, and now the endings of the two sides were reversed, but the latter was remembered by the latter as a physical exercise.

It is impossible for him to voluntarily hand over body-building exercises. If it is a general body-building exercise, he will hand it over. Perhaps he will hope for Lu Chen. If he is happy, he will be spared his life.

But, he is very clear ...

The physical exercises he mastered are not comparable to ordinary exercises. Once he voluntarily surrenders, Lu Chen will not spare his life after getting the exercises, but instead will kill him without hesitation in order to prevent the leakage of the exercises. .

Taking the initiative to surrender the exercises will not only fail to save one's life, but will accelerate his death.

In the forest, two silhouettes fled and chased.

Lu Chen looked at the slightly embarrassed figure in front of him, passing a cold light in his eyes. Since Jin was undefeated and uncooperative, he would blame him for being cruel.

"Jin is undefeated. Since you are obsessed, you will blame me for being cruel."

As the words fell, the force within Lu Chen's body surged, accompanied by a whisper of Long Yin, only to see a ghost image of a green dragon under his feet.

Stepping on the Green Dragon, Lu Chen's speed suddenly increased, and his figure directly transformed into a light and shadow, with an extremely astonishing speed, looting at the undefeated Jin.

After the speed surged, Lu Chen was almost breathing, and then appeared behind Jin Undefeated, and then the open palm slowly clenched into a fist, and then punched out from the air.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

At the moment of a punch, the surging Yuanli also rushed out of the storm, turning into a bright and overbearing fist. On the way, the air exploded under the extremely terrifying fist of the fist.

Although Lu Chen failed to do his utmost in this punch, he could still hit the ordinary half-step king.

Undefeated Jin fleeing in front of him, and also felt the frightening fist screaming from behind. His face changed dramatically, and he clearly realized that that kind of attack was not something he could confront.

Although the body-building exercises he practiced are not bad, but because of the short time to practice body-building exercises and the lack of corresponding body-building spiritual materials, the progress of body-building is very slow, and the strength is only average among the half-step kings. The presence.

If it is a formidable fist that screams from behind him, even if he is physically strong, he will end up with a fatal injury.

Jin Undefeated's eyes flashed insanely, and strong unwillingness flashed in his eyes. He was a man with great luck, how could he be planted in the hands of a saint, the Nine Heavy Soldiers?

In the blink of his eyes, the fist print behind him was roaring, and just as he was about to admit his fate, his eyes suddenly turned and he turned around, and a hoarse roar came from his throat, and the muscles squirmed, and the golden light surged over him Then, a punch that swept through the torrents of blood, burst out of the air, and shook it hard with the **** fist.


The deep collision sounded loudly.

In the sky, the violent energy swept wildly, rippling up and down.

But Jin Undefeated snorted. Under the bombardment of the fist seal, a spit of blood was spit out on the spot, and his body was like a kite with a broken line. He flew out fiercely.

During the reversal, Jin Undefeated's blood-filled mouth twitched a smile, and with a bang, the water splashed ...

The gold that flew over thousands of kilometers was undefeated, and it crashed into the lake water. Then his body flicked and flew towards the bottom of the lake like a fish.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was slightly stunned for the first time, even if it was a sneer.

This place is the place to compete for the stars and soul grass.

And Kim Undefeated fled all the way here, thinking that he wanted to stop him with the help of the wild beast.

The wild beast Xuan Gui is very strong, especially in the water, it can almost be said that it is under the king, and there are few rivals. However, after the previous battle, Xuan Gui has been hit hard, and his strength is not what it used to be.

Wanting to let Xuangui stop his footsteps, Jin's undefeated idea is good, but he underestimated it and looked up at Xuangui.

It also underestimated his wisdom.

Want to lead him into the lake and fight against the tortoise, so that he can calmly retreat?

Hehe ~

Since let me see through your strategy, how can you follow your wishes?

"Catch the turtle in the urn!"

Lu Chen sneered in the corner of his mouth, spit out four characters coldly.

Immediately, he flashed over to the lake, looking down at the sparkling lake at his feet, to see the majestic consciousness in the sea, released unreservedly, went deep into the bottom of the lake, and then unscrupulously searched for the trail of gold .

Soon, Lu Chen's mouth was a hook.

Got you!

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