Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 808: Soar

The dull collision sound suddenly stagnate, and I saw Lu Chen paused. The light above that fist was vigorous, and the next moment, the domineering but fierce fist burst out fiercely.


This fist, as fast as lightning, broke through everyone's sight, the fist wind was directed, and everything was broken. Immediately, a humming sound came out of the ancient rock mouth. I saw his face full of pain and coughing blood. On the one hand, the clothes on his shoulders have been stained red with blood and his arms are splayed, apparently being injured by Lu Chen's previous punch, and his arms were hit hard and could not be used in a short time.

When everyone saw this scene in the distance, there was a sudden uproar, wave after wave, marveling at Lu Chen's strength.

Gu Yan's left arm was drooping, and a drop of Yinhong blood dropped to the ground along the fingertips. The left arm was wounded, so that Gu Yan looked gloomy as if water was about to drip out. , I ca n’t wait to strip Lu Chen away.

"Be able to hurt me, I admit that you are strong, but you also completely angered me ..."

The cold and bitter voice slowly spit out from the ancient rock mouth. During the speech, on his right hand, the majestic Yuan Li surged madly. As more and more Yuan Li came out, there was a violent fluctuation. It slowly emanated from Gu Yan's right hand.

Realizing the power of this volatility, everyone's heart was startled, and the noise that had risen from the sky was also reduced at this moment, until it was silent.

Pei Shaoqing narrowed his eyebrows and looked at Ji Yao aside, saying, "Gu Yan is ready to desperately, Ji Yao learns sister, this victory has been divided, you see ..."

"You don't have to stop the competition, there is me, there will be nothing." Ji Yao shook his head and refused. When he spoke, a pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at the landing dust, and immediately, the red lips lightly opened, making a little undetectable voice, "Fun Guy, I want to see if he can take Gu Yan's final card. "

At the same time, Lu Chen looked at the increasingly furious ancient rock at the center of the engagement and licked his mouth. Not only was there no fear in his eyes, but a glance of warfare.

In the next moment, he changed his sword into his hands with one hand, and a pure elemental force was poured into the Black Abyss Sword frantically along his hands. At the same time, the mysterious meaning of fire is also continuously covering the blade.

Under the constant blessing of Yuanli and the mystery of fire, the dark body of the black abyss sword seemed to have just been taken out of the forging furnace. The whole body was red, and a tingling heat radiated outwards. The people who were 10,000 meters away, Inevitably felt the heat, some students with relatively weak strength, the tingling sensation of fire burning faintly in the skin, these people were scared to keep going back.


And as these people continued to retreat, the rocks under Lu Chen's feet began to melt, and the flames spread out from the cracks in the rocks, and then the fire spread like crazy, spreading frantically around.

In the end, taking land dust as the center, thousands of square meters of fire burst into flames, forming a flame exclusion zone ...


The crowd who witnessed this scene was stunned and shocked. After a while, they reacted, and then they breathed out indifferently.

"Okay, so powerful ... The mystery of fire is worthy of one of the most destructive mysteries!"

The crowd marveled.

Compared to the shock of the crowd, Pei Shaoqing and Ji Yao had a turbulent wave in their hearts. The two of them looked at each other in unison, and they both saw it in disbelief.

"how is this possible?!"

Pei Shaoqing opened his mouth, and for a long time, a slightly dry voice came out of his throat. Obviously, he was shocked at the moment.

Ji Yao shook his head and said bitterly: "It is indeed impossible, but the fact is right in front of me. The dust of fire that Lu Chen comprehends is close to a new level. Even me, I am ashamed in this respect. The first three perverts of the list dare to say that they are conquering Lu Chen in the understanding of Profound Truth! "

Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong next to Ji Yao heard the former's words, and their expressions were synchronized, their eyes widened, their mouths wide open, and they looked incredible.

The ancient rock confronting Lu Chen also felt the powerful profound power released from Lu Chen's body. The strength of this provocative power actually made him feel terrified and had a feeling of powerlessness that was difficult to resist.

But then, fear and powerlessness were replaced by anger. The victory or defeat was not only a matter of task quota, but also related to reputation, prestige, ranking in the sky, and the void of emptiness ...

Victory, soaring.

Defeat and fall into Nine Nether. .

and so……

Never fail!

If you lose, you wo n’t lose. .

"Lu Chen, can force me to such a situation, you are the first one!" Gu Yan roared, and immediately, stepped out, the angry face was full of fierceness, and then everyone saw that his strength had changed. It was violent, like boiled water boiling, violently tumbling and surging, and the scalp of some people watching was numb.

This is the way to fight hard.

In the distance, when the crowd saw this scene, bursts of exclamation broke out again. Unexpectedly, the ancient rock of Venerable Sixfold was forced by Lu Chen to be forced to die.

This time, regardless of victory or defeat, Lu Chen will be known as the Academy of Gods.

I can force Gu Yan to be so embarrassed, I am afraid that only the first thirty monsters in the sky list can do it.

"I see how you can resist?" Gu Yan's face became cruel because of the twist, and immediately smiled at Lu Chen with a hoarse roar in his throat. At the next moment, his body stormed out.


The ancient rock is extremely fast, sweeping through the Yuanli force, Sheng Sheng tears the flame that enveloped thousands of kilometers around Lu Chen's body, and appears in front of Lu Chen. After being released, he relentlessly suppressed to Lu Chen.

"Tianyuan Palm!"

The violent Yuan Li condensed into a huge handprint, whistling out with a dull sound, shaking the sky full of flames.

Lu Chen, standing in the center of the flame, is like an ancient **** of fire, dignified and overbearing, the eyes open and closed, the mystery of fire circulates, and the flame that envelopes the whole body becomes active all at once, and the blazing high temperature suddenly rises Finally, the void is unsustainable, and the inch collapses ...

The whizzing Yuanli hands were all dimmed.

Lu Chen stared at the fast approaching Yuanli big hand, clasping the Black Abyssal sword with both hands, and immediately, the sword hacked straight out.

The moment of the sword.

A thousand kilometers of flame, the bee pupa came, and turned into a red-red sword gas blasting out, because the reason is too fast and too powerful, the void is effortlessly blown directly by a sword.

In the end, under the countless tensions and anxious eyes, the red and fiery sword spirit was severely cut into Yuanli's hands.


The two attacks intersect, there is no earth-shattering loud noise, and some are just a low unsounding muffled sound, as if cutting tofu, the Yuanli big hand that can collapse the hundred feet of mountains is opened from everything in the middle!

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