Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 811: Star grass

"court death!"

Looking around the people who came around in a circle, Lu Chen was still very calm, but when he saw nearly a hundred attacks about to drown the five people, a cold voice came from his mouth, only to see him stepping out in one step With the power running, a faint light appeared on the body surface, and immediately, a terrible power spread out around him.

At the next moment, what shocked everyone was that the nearly one hundred roaring attacks, under this mighty power, collapsed and collapsed in an instant, and no longer existed.

The understatement of the shock of the scattered 100 soldiers who defended the city, this scene made everyone except Lu Chen's five people stunned. Even the soldiers who came from the siege couldn't believe it. The deputy was shocked.


Without giving the defending soldiers a chance to respond, Liu Wuhai also shot, and a low drink came out of his throat. Suddenly, an invisible and terrifying force came out with the sound, and the nearly 100 soldiers who came around were as heavy The attack was normal, first his face suddenly pale, and then he vomited blood and stumbled to the ground.


Seeing this scene, all the onlookers were even more shocked. They couldn't help but breathed a sigh of air, and the word "roll" seriously wounded 100 soldiers defending the city. Such strength is unfathomable.

At least, in the eyes of these people, I have not seen it.

Mo Fang had never suffered a heavy blow because he was far away. However, at this moment, he was not happy. His face was pale, and deep fear appeared in his eyes. The strength shown by Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai Judgment, he knew that he had done something serious and caused people he could not provoke.

However, what made Mo Fen extremely thankful was that after several people in the city were seriously injured by Lu Chen, they only briefly glanced at him, and then slowly entered the city in the awe of everyone.

In Lu Chen's eyes, Mo Fen, a small city gate guard, the sky is ninefold, at best only a slightly larger ants, from the beginning to the end, did not put it in his eyes, plus Long Bo The city's party needs to act in a low-key manner, so, such as Mo Fen, such as ants, will naturally ignore it.

Mo Fang looked at the five backs that were gradually away, and his heart suddenly relaxed, but at this moment, he realized the strength in his body, as if he had been exhausted just now, and his legs were soft, which was directly a staggering, embarrassing paralysis. On the ground.

Such awkward appearance fell in the eyes of the crowd, and immediately caused a burst of laughter.

Hearing the laughter from all around, Mo Fen's fear of Lu Chen's five people gradually turned into hatred. When he raised his head again, a bloodshot was crawling deep in his eyes, annoyed, angry, ashamed ... many negatives Emotions quickly pile up in the eyes ...


At the same time, Ji Yao brought a few people to stop in front of an inn in the city.

"Now this inn settles, and then goes to the trading street in the city, which is the largest free trading market in Longbo City and even within a thousand miles. There are many treasures, large crowds, and many warriors, but no warrior with strength and net worth You will miss it. Of course, where there are many people, the news is also the most circulated. If you want to find the trace of the three Wang family brothers in the shortest time, you must go there. "

The five entered the inn, selected a room, and headed towards the free market in the center of the city.

This free trading market is worthy of the size of the square and the largest traffic market. A variety of herbs, martial arts, demon cores, etc. are all sold, as long as you have enough yuan stone, it is the five or six star **** Sold by soldiers.

"It is rumored that three years ago, there was a small warrior in the Celestial Realm who was lucky enough to get an Austrian martial art ..." Ji Yao looked at the trading street where the flow of people was flowing, quietly speaking, with a trace of envy in his voice.

Lu Chen heard the words and moved a little in his heart. The Wuyi Wushu. He also understood the Yiwu Yiwu. As the name suggests, Wuyi Wushu, as the name implies, is a martial art urged by the Wuyi. On the power, ordinary martial arts can hardly be compared. With the envious tone, you can see the preciousness of Aoyi Martial Arts.

Aoyi martial arts are extremely rare and their value is inestimable. Tianshen Academy, in terms of strength, qualifications, and background, can firmly occupy the top three seats of the nine forces, but there are very few Ao Yi martial arts. The students want to exchange Ao Yi martial arts, even if it is the lowest one. It takes millions of points, which shows the value of Austrian martial arts.

"Sister Ji Yao, what happened to the little martial artist in Tianxiang Realm?" The person who asked was Liu Wuhai.

"Dead!" Ji Yao withdrew his gaze and said lightly: "How precious is the Wuyi Wushu, after obtaining the Wuyi Wushu, the little warrior in the Celestial Realm not only did not hide it, but preached and flaunted it. In the end, not only the man Even the family behind him was destroyed overnight. On that night, Longbo City killed its red eyes, and His Holiness killed and injured hundreds of people, and that Aowu martial arts also disappeared without a trace. I do n’t know who fell into it. hand……"

Several people in Lu Chen were silent, and the appeal of Wuyi to Wushu was far greater than they had originally thought.

"The trading street is here. Everyone should act separately. Remember, don't be afraid of the snake. Even if you meet the three Wang family brothers, you must not act rashly!"

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Ji Yao clapped his hands, exclaiming heavily.

Lu Chen nodded a few people, and then the five scattered and mixed into the crowd.

The trading street is very large. After being separated from Ji Yao, Lu Chen mixed with the crowd, seemingly paying attention to the stalls on both sides of the street. In fact, his consciousness has been spreading, and he paid attention to the martial arts.

Prior to this, Lu Chen had never seen the three brothers of the Wang family, but he had seen the portraits of the three brothers. The faces of the three brothers of the Wang family have been remembered by him. As long as they are met, they will never miss or be Admit mistakes.

There are a lot of treasures on the stalls on both sides of the road. In a short time, Lu Chen found a few pretty good things, but because they were not very needed, they did not buy them.

Continue to walk forward for a while, the crowd in front suddenly agitated, then surrounded in one direction, Lu Chen saw it, did not care too much, but then, a familiar voice, but from the center surrounded by the crowd Outgoing.

"What do you mean? This star grass is clearly my first choice ..."

"This is ... Senior Wu Liuhai's voice. Listening to his voice seems to be in trouble." Lu Chen took two long legs and walked in the direction of the sound.

As soon as I took my steps, an arrogant voice sounded, "Haha, what's your fancy first, who dare not give me something that the young master fancy?"

Crowding into the crowd, Lu Chen looked inside. As he expected, the owner of the first sentence was Liu Wuhai. At the moment, the latter was obviously angered, and he was staring at the opposite person with anger.

Opposite Liu Wuhai, a group of five, headed by a young man, looks like twenty-five-six, with his hands on his chest, with an arrogant look, and looked at Liu Wuhai with disdain. color.

The crowd around looked at the young man's gaze, with awe and fear, it was not easy to think of identity.

The two sides confront each other without giving up!

"Senior Liu, what's the matter?" Lu Chen squeezed into the crowd, came to Liu Wuhai, and glanced lightly at the other five, then asked in a low voice.

Seeing Lu Chen's arrival, the anger on Liu Wuhai's face slowed down a little, and then the original tail of the matter was simply said in Lu Chen's ear.

It turned out that half a quarter of an hour ago, Liu Wuhai was interested in a quasi-king order elixir at the booth, and was overjoyed to buy it. Unexpectedly, Yuan Shi paid the stall owner and was about to pick it up. When passing by Xinghuicao, a group of people in front of him suddenly appeared, also fancy Xinghuicao.

Yuan Shi paid, and Liu Wuhai was naturally unwilling to give up Xinghuicao.

Next, the two sides struggled for a star grass, did not give up, and gradually became angry ...

"Oh, is it your helper?"

Huang Li glanced at Lu Chen and didn't care. In this Longbo city, even the disciples of the nine forces, he didn't pay attention to it.

"Xinghuicao I want it, here is half a million top grade Yuanshi."

Huang Li directly ignored Lu Chen and Liu Wuhai, and said to the stall owner from the top, saying, with a big hand wave, a storage ring flew to the stall owner.

Looking at the storage ring that flew over, the stall owner just hesitated, then reached out to take the storage ring, and then took out a star-bearing grass that radiated starlight all over the body, and handed it to the yellow crack.

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