Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 853: Strong kill


As Lu Chen withdrew his palms, the screams of near-death came from the population, and then a large amount of blood spurted continuously along the chest with fatal injuries. And died completely.

Until the man's body fell straight, the other three didn't react, and three eyes stared at the scene, as if unacceptable.

After a long while.

The headed Venerable Sevenfold, his eyes flickered, recovered from the shock, raised his head, and stared at the dust with horrified and angry eyes.

"You ... you killed the fourth ..."

Lu Chen heard the words and sneered directly. The other party had already killed him. Could it be that he would kill himself if he had to tie his hands, or would he kill him if he pulled his neck?

Treat the enemy.

Lu Chen's consistent style is to kill!

Kill the enemy trembling.

Kill the world invincible.

At this time.

The other two also reacted, shaking their hands in anger, pointing to the dust, and screaming.

"Little miscellaneous, you, you are looking for death!"

"I originally wanted to keep you a whole body ..."

Lu Chen heard a sneer in his heart, and the next moment, there was a fierce brute in his eyes, and the violent force fluctuation suddenly swept away from him.

"There's so much nonsense, fight if you want!"

There was a violent roar in the throat.


The roar just started, Lu Chen's soles stepped on the ground fiercely, and the powerful force directly stepped on the ground and exploded the stone debris, and the body swooped out like a dragon.


In a flash, he appeared directly in front of the three people. The Black Abyssal Sword was in his hand. During the surge of the elemental force, the sword was sensuous. Then, with a clatter, the fierce Jianmang slashed directly to the three with a domineering attitude.

Faced with the sudden and fierce offensive of landing dust, the three of them all jumped fiercely in their eyes. At this moment, the three people clearly realized that Lu Chen was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. Seven battles with His Holiness.

Crisis moment.

The three looked at each other, and they all saw the shock and the fear that could not be concealed.

"Shoot together!"

The three spoke at almost the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At the next moment, the three men urged the internal forces of the body without reservation, and the powerful momentum swept out instantly, directly setting off a terror storm, so that the three people's entire body space was distorted.

The headed person sipped a little, stepped out and took the initiative to meet Lu Chen ’s attack. Under the mad indoctrination of Yuanli, the long knife in his hand became bright and sharp at the moment. The thick knife tears the void.

At the same time, the other two also sacrificed the Divine Soldier, and during the elemental surge, they unleashed a full blow.


The three attacks swept through the rolling elemental force, which was directly shaken with the brilliant sword qi cut by Lu Chen.


The four attacks collided fiercely, and the deafening roar resounded through the sky. Then, the amazing waves swept away, and the ground standing under the feet of the four people began to crack and collapse.

Even disintegration ...


Another loud noise came from afar.

The four offensives are all annihilated.


"how is this possible?!"

"This, this ... must be fake."

The three men's eyes were round and horrified.

Some of them could not believe that one Venerable was sevenfold and two Venerables were sixfold. They joined forces in a blow. Not to mention killing Lu Chen, they didn't even have the upper hand.

"Asshole, he is nothing more than a five-fold cultivation practice of the Venerable Lord. Why is the combat power so strong ?!"

The head of the person was shocked and roared loudly, the combat power possessed by Lu Chen, a venerable master, far exceeded their expectations.

"Yes, he concealed the cultivation behavior, he must also be the Seventh Cultivation of His Holiness ..."

Lu Chen ignored the roar of the three. He froze his face, moved his body, and continued to take the initiative to kill the three. As the distance between the two sides continued to narrow, the sword in his hand changed. Suddenly, the long sword brought up a fierce sword. The three of them walked away.

"Oh, oh ..."

Jianmang is vertical and horizontal, and the space around it is torn into a small crack by the swordmand, and the ground that is already broken at the foot, under the aftermath of the swordmand, is directly torn apart by a dreadful gully ...

The headed person, seeing Lu Chen take the initiative to kill again, with a fierce color in his eyes, even if you are also the Seventh Cultivator, but you should not take the initiative to attack again and again, really when your own side is weak Can be bullied?

The more the headed person wanted to go on, the more he felt that one side had been underestimated by Lu Chen, and the anger in his chest was like a boiling flame, and he spewed out in an instant.


A voice filled with incomparable anger came from the population headed by that, and then, Yuan Li was urged to the extreme by him. The body was radiant, and the long knife diameter in his hand released the sensational anger, extreme terror!


There was a loud noise, and the head of the person directly shook the sword with a sharp shot. The aftershock impact formed by the collision directly shook a small soil **** more than a hundred feet away, and the earth at the foot It is constantly sinking.

In addition, the duo's face changed slightly because they were too close to the collision center. Under the aftermath, the duo were uncomfortable and staggered back.


Lu Chen decisively urged the evil spirit boots, his body flashed, and a residual image appeared on the spot, and his real body had already bypassed the headed person and appeared behind the other two ...

"not good!!!"

Feeling the movements behind them, the two looked like earth, and almost came out at the same time.

"Second brother, third brother, be careful behind you!"

At the same time, after seeing Lu Chen's body suddenly disappearing from the spot, the headed person reminded the two behind him.

However, it was clearly too late.


A cold, ruthless voice came out of Lu Chen's mouth.

Death words fall.

A sword light flashed out, flashing across the throat of the two between the electric light and the flint.

"Poof! Poof!"

The sound of two sharp blades cutting the flesh at the same time.

The two heads flew high.

Blood spilled into the sky.

The headless body shook and then fell to the ground.

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