Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 879: Earth Sha


A strong momentum surged out of the man in the blue shirt. The momentum was extremely oppressive, and it directly shook the ground underneath.

Lu Chen's gaze narrowed slightly, and there was a dignified color on his face. His eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the T-shirt man.

"Do not hesitate to consume the blood to mobilize the secret method, so that in a short period of time it has a combat power comparable to Venerable Jiuzhong, but how many offensives can you use in the state of your serious injury now?"

The man in the blue shirt heard the expression, his face was slightly moved, and he was most aware of his physical injuries. However, Lu Chen was right, and in his state of serious injuries, even if he tried desperately, he could not last long ... …


By now, he could not allow him to think more, and if he didn't fight back, he would only have one ending, killing him!

"Ridiculous, do you think you can force me to die with three words?"

The T-shirt man regained his composure, sneered, and immediately changed his voice, and smiled sternly, saying, "I will not hide you. With my current physical condition, I will not be able to fight for a long time, but before I completely lose my qualification for World War I. , Will surely edge you. "

When speaking, the eyes of the T-shirt man became more vicious and bloodthirsty. I saw his heart moved, and the majestic force rolled out. The momentum exuded from his body was also more terrifying.

As soon as that momentum came out, not only the ground underneath it, but also the void, but also the black ripples rippling, it was space broken, and space cracks swept through.

Lu Chen, who was thousands of kilometers away from the man in the blue shirt, also had a slight jump in his eyelids at this moment. He clearly felt the majestic momentum sweeping from the sky, like mountains and mountains, with a sense of oppression.

It is comparable to Venerable Ninefold, and it is really tough.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the T-shirt man suddenly moved, and saw him step out, straddling a distance of several thousand meters directly, appeared in front of Lu Chen, saw his sword swayed, the sword screamed, swept the destruction The force, cut hard to Lu Chen.

That sword gas tore the void, and it was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the T-shirt men's fighting power erupted, and even the ordinary Venerable Nine Heavy Martial Artists were unwilling to confront them.

Faced with such a sharp attack, Lu Chen's eyes were fixed, but even if he recovered his composure, he also waved a sword.


The attacks of the two intersect, terrifying forces sweep out, the space collapses, and the earth sinks.


It was another violent confrontation. This time, the two fists shook hard together, only to see Lu Chen's body trembling violently, and finally some could not bear it, staggering backwards, each step back, The soles of the feet stunned a deep giant pit on the ground.

After retreating more than ten steps in a row, Lu Chen forcibly stabilized his body. At this time, his face was pale, but the breath exuded from his body was smooth and deep, without any slight weakening.

In both eyes, the fighting will not increase but increase, boiling like flames.

This time, two hard fights with the T-shirt men, although Lu Chen fell into the disadvantage, but it did not matter, still has the power of a battle.

On the other hand, the man in the blue shirt was seriously injured, and then consumed a lot of fine blood to cast secret methods. After two full shots, not only failed to defeat Lu Chen in one fell swoop, but his breath began to fluctuate, which was unstable. sign.

If this situation continues, it won't take long for the T-shirt men to be beaten back to their original form, no, or even more serious.

At that time, Lu Chen does not even have to shoot, and the man in the blue shirt will lose his resistance because of his injuries. Finally, whether he can save his life or not is both said.

The T-shirt man looked up and looked at the landing dust. His eyes were full of unwillingness, but at this point, he was helpless to Lu Chen. Even if he burned his body's blood and strength, he was not sure of killing Lu Chen.

Realizing this, the man in the blue shirt only felt the panic on his chest, and his throat burst into a puff, and a spit of blood spit out from his mouth.

As the blood spewed out, the breath of the man in the blue shirt also showed a tendency to weaken. He looked movably, knowing that the aging of the secret method once disappeared, he was not far from death.


Under the crisis of death, the man in the blue shirt didn't care to kill Lu Chen anymore. He turned a little under his feet and turned back and looted away. He had to escape as far as possible before the power disappeared.

"Want to go? Have you asked me?"

Lu Chen and the T-shirt man had already forged their revenge. In order to avoid the revenge of the latter and the power behind him, Dan Jianzong, he had to leave him completely.

The voice fell, and Lu Chen's figure flickered, turning into a stream of light, and galloping away towards the man in the blue shirt.

The man in the blue shirt was in front, and Lu Chen followed him. The two fled and chased each other, and within a short time, they ran hundreds of miles away.

The man in a blue shirt running in front of him felt Lu Chen getting closer and closer behind him, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Damn shit, if I don't die today, the next day will make you all destroyed ..."

The T-shirt man's eyes were extremely bitter, and he gritted his teeth, violently fleeing, while desperately maintaining his breath in his chest.

At this moment, he was already the end of a strong crossbow, but once the breath in his chest dissipated, his momentum would suddenly fall to the bottom of the valley, and even direct death would be impossible.

The two went one after the other, chased and fled, and ran for some distance, and when the T-shirt man was desperate, the earth suddenly shook violently. In the front left, in a mountain depression, the earth cracked and collapsed, revealing An ancient cultivating station, and then, there was a ray of light gray gas around the cultivating station, which rose slowly ...

Seeing this scene, Zhong Luchen ran wildly, his footsteps slowed down, and after a moment his eyes fell on the mountain depression, his pupils shrank slightly, almost subconsciously saying: "That's ... the air of the earth ..."

The ground gas is extremely rare and belongs to the legendary thing. It can be encountered but not sought. It is condensed from a special terrain.

The Qi of Qi is strongly destructive and corrosive. It is a weak warrior who is fearful of poisonous scorpion and will die when touched.

However, it is very attractive to monsters or warriors who specialize in physical body, because the air of the ground evil can not only quench the physical body, but also compress and quench the vitality ...

The man in the blue shirt running ahead furiously clearly recognized the qi of the earth, and there was a thick greed in his eyes, but immediately, he glanced at Lu Chen behind him, and he continued to escape with unwillingness and speed. .

Lu Chen looked at the figure of the man in the green shirt, and then looked at the air of the ground in the mountain depression, but hesitated, he made a decision, gave up the pursuit, and went to the mountain depression for the opportunity.

The gas of the ground evil can not only temper the flesh, but also purify the elemental force. In front of it, killing the man in the blue shirt is not worth mentioning.

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