Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 887: at all costs

The sullen color on his face only improved slightly after Wang Zhu, the Sanxiu, heard the consolation of the master of Qingyun Gate.

The master of Jujianmen smiled, and then took a step forward, said: "The three forces of you and me, since they have joined forces, there is no need to worry, let's go together."

As the last word fell, a strong and overbearing atmosphere swept from the main body of the giant sword gate like a torrent of floods. His eyes were sharp as a sword, and the palm of his hand was empty, and a dark sword appeared. In its hands.

During the sudden surge of Yuan Li, a sword was slashed out, and the fierce swordmand screamed out, tearing the space ahead in an instant.

"Do it!"

At the same time, the master of Qingyunmen also screamed, and the violent attack was followed by him.

Dozens of attacks swept through the elementary force, and overwhelmed the defense formation.

"Boom Boom Boom ..."

Dozens of attacks, no matter before or after, fell on the formation at the same time, the offensive broke out, the violent energy swept the power of destruction, and ruthlessly dumped on the formation.

The aftermath overflowed, making the space around the training station distorted and collapsed, and the rich earth-shaking qi was also swept away by the barbarism ...

This violent attack attracted everyone's attention around the mountain. For a time, nearly a hundred eyes showed shock, and some strong men were ready to move after the initial shock.

After everyone's intense gaze, the aftermath dissipated. All the people present, including Qingyunmen Gate Master, Jujian Gate Gate Master, and Sanzhu Wangzhu, also had their pupils shrunk.


"how is this possible??!"


Someone in the crowd around the mountain collapsed exclaimed. The gaze looking at the array was extremely horrified and incredible.

Safe and sound!

With a single attack from the three forces, the array was safe and sound without any damage!

"How could this happen? This formation has gone through endless years, and it has clearly lost its peak, but why ..."

The Qingyunmen Gate was shocked, and after a long time, his face gradually began to grieve, and he gritted his teeth, saying one word at a time.

The master of the giant sword gate, and the repair of Wang Zhu, were also deeply shocked.

"Huh! No matter how strong the defense is, it's just a dead object, and it can withstand a wave of attacks, so what about two-, three-, and even ten- and hundred-wave attacks?"

Scattered King Wang said fiercely.

As soon as this remark came out, it was recognized by the Qingyunmen and Jujianmen.

The three of them looked at each other, and the tacit understanding of the force of operation raised their breath to the top ...

However, just as the three parties secretly gained momentum in preparation for a new wave of attack, the land dust sitting quietly in the center of the training station, the air of the earth shale wrapped around the body became more dense, faint, with the sound of running water Into everyone's ears.

The hearts of all the three forces were awe-inspiring, one after another with a suspicious gaze, looking at the land dust that was surrounded by the air of the earth.

At this moment, the air of the earth-shaking wind wrapped around Lu Chen's body, a brain submerged into Lu Chen's body, and with it came an extremely powerful breath, gradually emanating from Lu Chen's body.

Around the training station, more than a dozen powerful forces from the three parties felt the powerful breath emanating from Lu Chen's body, and his face could not help changing.

"This breath ... is so powerful, so strong!"

Qingyunmen, a Venerable Eightfold Elder, horrified. He once played against Lu Chen briefly, knowing that the latter's strength is strong, but it is far from the shocking level ...

"How is it possible ?! He is clearly only the Five Peaks of His Holiness, and his breath is not under the Nine Heavy.

The giant Jianmen strong has not seen Lu Chen shot, so, compared to the Qingyunmen strong, it is even more shocking.

"The evil spirit of the earth is indeed worthy of the name. In just five days, the flesh of the small animal was raised to a level comparable to that of His Holiness."

There was a deep shock in the eyes of the main gate of Qingyunmen, but immediately, a deep murderous opportunity appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

"This little animal has benefited greatly from this time, and its strength has greatly increased. I am afraid that it can already compete with His Holiness. This son will not be removed today, and it will become a big problem in the future!"

"This son will not be removed today, and it will become a big problem in the future!"

The master of Jujianmen didn't make any cruel words, and Dan Qi's gaze gradually turned cold.


A cloud of hot air squirted from Lu Chen's mouth and nose. His closed eyes slowly opened at this moment, and two sharp and substantial eyes erupted from those dark and deep eyes.

"The body is comparable to Venerable Eightfold!"

Lu Chen's five fingers spread out, and then slowly clenched, terrible power erupted at the fingertips, directly squeezing the space in the palm of the hand, and the dark space cracks across the palm, but failed to hurt.

In this scene, the pupils of more than ten powerful people from the three parties shrank, and some of them did not hold back. They took a breath of breath on the spot.

The flesh ignores the cracks in the ordinary space. This point, even Venerable Jiuzhong Wang Zhu, Qingyunmen Gate Master and Jujianmen Gate Master can not do ...

The center of the training station.

Lu Chen felt the endless force of strength in his body, and there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

"The flesh is comparable to Venerable Eightfold, and the effect of the Qi of Qi is reduced by at least 80%. There is no need to waste time to continue to practice. Furthermore, the remains of this place are rich and can not be wasted all this time."

"However, before leaving, solve the trouble before your eyes."

Lu Chen's eyes glanced indifferently at the three forces, and then slowly got up.

Just stood up, Lu Chen's body, a little unsearchable, and then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Broke through.

Venerable Sixfold!

"Cultivation, physical body, double breakthrough, the strength has improved by more than one measure, now I can easily crush the ordinary Venerable Nine Heavy Warriors."

With that said, Lu Chen's fist was clenched slowly again, and during the surge of elemental force, a force far more than before, like a torrent of eruption, came out of every inch of flesh and blood in his body.

When the thoughts moved, Lu Chen punched out.


Fist broke out.

The space in front shattered silently under the fist.

The power of this punch is very amazing. If you are an ordinary Venerable Eightfold Martial Artist, facing this punch directly, I am afraid it is difficult to take it.

at the same time.

Around the training station, the faces of the three parties became more dignified.

"This sub-cultivation is a breakthrough, the strength is even more terrible."

Qingyunmen door master Shen said.

"If it were said that before, he could compete with Venerable Nine Heavy, and now he is vaguely above ordinary Venerable Nine Heavy."

"The talent is superb, the sage's resources, but this actually deepens our intention to kill him ..."

"Yes, today, at all costs, this kid will be killed."

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