Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 897: Face the Rock Giant Crocodile



The earth rock giant crocodile was stunned for a while. The playful look in his eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced by many negative emotions of anger, cruelty, bloodthirsty, and violent anger.

this moment.

The earth rock giant crocodile is angry.

Completely angry.

A killing intent like a substance was released from its scarlet giant eyes, and the coldness of the heart was frozen, rippling, sweeping, and raging in this world ...


The Diyan giant crocodile opened his mouth of blood basin, roared and roared in the sky, and an extremely terrible wave of elemental force swept from it.

The fluctuation of this elemental force is too terrible. It directly collapsed the entire body of the sky and collapsed, forming a space storm of not small scale.


There was a roar of anger, which came out from the mouth of the giant rock crocodile. The next moment, it did not hesitate anymore, and its huge body moved.


Loud sound.

I saw the energy burst on the body of the giant rock crocodile, directly smashing the void in a arrogant posture, and appeared above the `` pit '', a pair of scarlet icy giant eyes, staring coldly at the dark, deep cave below.


The **** little bug slipped into its nest while it was not paying attention.

at the same time.

Deep in the ground, Lu Chen heard the angry roar of the giant rock crocodile, swished, and turned green.

My trace is exposed!

Moreover, the giant rock crocodile seems very angry!

Lu Chen's face became unprecedentedly dignified. The Diyan giant crocodile blocked the exit. As long as he dared to show his head, there was no doubt that he would be violently attacked by the quasi-eighth-order monster at the first time.

The quasi-eighth-order monster is comparable to the half-step saint. The combat power is terrifying. The ordinary Venerable Ninefold is in its hands, and it is absolutely impossible to stick to the three moves!

In terms of combat power, although Lu Chen is slightly stronger than the general Venerable Nine Heavy, but in the face of the fierce terrestrial giant crocodile, and he is in a state of violent and angry, he can't be pleased at all. It is the end of death.

Lu Chen's brow furrowed, but immediately, looking at the size of the black crystals in front of him, the uneasy emotion was replaced by ecstasy.

The black crystal contains immensely pure and majestic energy of the ground evil. If Lu Chen did not guess wrong, this is the legendary earth evil crystal!

The crystal of the ground evil belongs to the legendary singularity. It is a rare sight in a hundred years. Unexpectedly, he found a piece here, and his size is not small.

You should know that a crystal of the ground fissure of the size of a fingernail contains the air of the ground fissure, which is comparable to the amount absorbed by Lu Chen in the past five days.

The crystal of the ground in front of him is as big as a human head. A glimpse of the whole leopard is hard to estimate.

"This crystal of earth evil can make my flesh go even further, even if the flesh is sanctified, it is not possible."

Lu Chen's eyes were hot, looking at the crystal of the earth's head, as if watching a peerless beauty.

"For the sake of the crystal of the earth evil, even if you have a bad relationship with the giant rock crocodile, you will not lose ..."

A wave of the sleeve robe, the crystal of the ground evil was received into the storage ring by Lu Chen.


The earth rock giant beast felt that his treasure disappeared suddenly, the scarlet giant eyes filled with endless ice and cold.

"It's time to go out!"

Lu Chen's body flashed, appearing on the ground like lightning.


At the moment when Lu Chen rushed out, the earth rock giant crocodile roared, scarlet eyes locked Lu Chen, and then turned into a black figure, mixed with the violent force fluctuations, swept away to the landing dust.

Lu Chen had already prepared in his heart that when he saw the terrestrial giant crocodile swept through the monstrous flames, he was not panicked. With a backhand, Six Star Divine Soldier Lei Zejian appeared in his hand.


The majestic and pure Yuan Li whizzed out from the body without reservation.

Turning the mystery of fire, urge!

The ultimate fiery heat, rippling open!

"True fire swordsmanship, the fourth type, Jian Fen Shan He!"

With a low drink, he spit out from Lu Chen's mouth, and at the next moment, a sword was straight out, and the majestic force turned into a hundred-foot sword gas, sweeping through the suffocating heat, and burst out at the speed of lightning.

Because of the speed and the power, the void is directly slashed.

Void blast room. Baizhang Jianqi slashed fiercely at the rock giant.

"Puff puff!!!"

The body of the giant rock crocodile is nearly a hundred feet, and the target is too large to avoid. Therefore, under the flash of Baizhang's sword, he severely cut the body of the giant rock crocodile.

Jianfen Mountain and River, the fourth form of true fire swordsmanship, is one of Lu Chen's strongest moves at present. It is extremely powerful, and the most respected nine-strong ones are not willing to face it.

Although the self-defense of the giant rock crocodile is amazing, the ordinary Venerable Nine Heavy Strikes can hardly cause substantial damage to it. However, under the sword gas, the huge body was torn apart by a force. Mouth.

Although the wound is not big, it makes the Diyan giant crocodile feel a burst of tingling!


Being injured by a worm, the giant rock crocodile was obviously completely angry. The scarlet sky in his eyes soared, and the violent energy surged from his body. It was actually a crumbling whole body, and then the giant tail Sweeping at the landing dust with a sad voice.

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the giant tail of the earth rock giant crocodile sweeping across. His eyes were extremely dignified. Even so, he showed no signs of evasion.

"True fire swordsmanship, the fourth type, Jian Fen Shan He!"

Lu Chen tried his best to mobilize the mystery of fire, and exhibited the true fire swordsmanship. The thick sword gas contains infinite destructive power, and wherever it goes, the void is broken, and it is shaken hard with the giant rock crocodile and the tail.


The dull collision sounded loudly.

The violent wind swept away, the surrounding voids were distorted and shocked, and the ground directly beneath the spot was torn apart on the spot ...

Enough to make Venerable Jiu Ji's fear of sword energy, under the offensive of the earth rock giant crocodile, only barely persisted for a while, he was crushed by the giant tail.

Upon seeing this, although Lu Chen had expected it for a long time, he saw his own sword with all his strength only to resist the earth rock giant crocodile and collapsed and collapsed.

After all, Lu Chen was not comparable to ordinary people. After the initial shock, he quickly recovered and looked at the giant tail that was sweeping and rolling, and continued to pull back without any delay. .


The void collapses!

The place where Lu Chen stood at the moment was directly turned into ruins under the violent attack of the giant rock crocodile.

For Lu Chen, the earth rock giant crocodile has a killing heart. Obviously, he will not easily let him go, and he will not be hit in one hit, and the subsequent attacks will be launched immediately.

"Roar roar roar!"

The blood basin opened wide and made a deafening roar. The smelly blood was mixed with violent energy, and the madness swept open, making the void contortion and distortion.

Lu Chen, who pulled away, only felt that his head was buzzing, and his face was slightly whitish ...

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