Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 933: Venerable Sevenfold

Yuan Li Ping directly defeated Pei Shaoqing's offensive at a very fierce speed, and then relentlessly entered from the shoulder blades and shot out from the back.


The hot blood spewed from the wound. Pei Shaoqing's face was pale and white, and there was an unspeakable groan deep in his throat. His body seemed to be emptied of all his power in a flash, and his knees were bent, directly embarrassed. Kneel on the ground.

The secret attacker is very strong, and it is not that Pei Shaoqing, who is the Seventh Sovereign, can compete head-on. Even if he fights everything and swears to resist, he will eventually be vulnerable. Not only can he not stop Yuanli from training for a while, but let himself It ended badly.

The practice of the sneak attacker is at least Venerable Jiuzhong, who is fierce and fierce. If this attack is directed at Pei Shaoqing, the strength of the latter will fall on the spot.


The sound of torn air came.

I saw that after Yuan Liping pierced through Pei Shaoqing's body, his power was not reduced, and he continued to shoot at the landing dust head along the established trajectory.

The target of the sneak attacker is very clear from beginning to end, it is to kill Lu Chen!

Moreover, the timing of the shot was also extremely accurate. When the landing dust broke through to a critical juncture and was unable to distract, he took a fierce and decisive shot and prepared to directly kill Lu Chen!

A thousand times.

Mo Yu and Ji Yao appeared in front of Lu Chen. The two shot at the same time. The two quite aggressive offensives swept through the rolling Yuan Li to train the Yuan Li from the soaring force!

Although they defeated Yuan Li's training, the three of Mo Yu did not have any joy. The three looked at the front with a dignified gaze. There was a sound of footsteps. Then, five figures appeared in the field of vision.

After seeing the coming people, whether it was Pei Shaoqing who was seriously injured, or Mo Yu and Ji Yao who were unscathed, at this moment, his face changed suddenly.

Because, the five people who came slowly are the elders of Yanyuemen II, the master of Qingyunmen, and the other three strongmen of Yanyuemen!

A group of five people, there is no weak, especially the two elders, the master of the Qingyun Gate, both of them are the ninth peak of the Venerable Cultivation, and only one shot can sweep the Jiyao three with a destructive trend.

Looking at the slowly approaching party, Ji Yao and the three were facing an enemy. They knew that the strength of the three of them could not stop each other, but because they were afraid and did n’t even resist, they automatically let go. The road is obviously not realistic.

Lu Chen is at a critical juncture for breakthrough. As long as he blocks the enemy for a moment, Lu Chen will have enough time to enter the Seventh Level of Venerable Lord.

"Are you thinking that as long as we are desperate to stop us for a moment, then Lu Chen small animals can enter the Seventh Sovereign?"

The second elder came slowly, with a dark voice, "Yes, Lu Chen's animal is already at a critical moment of breakthrough, as long as he is given a little more time, he will be able to successfully enter the Seventh Level of Venerable, but you think I will give him a breakthrough Time? "

"As for you, the strength is too weak, what can you do to stop me?"

After the words were finished, the second elder shot directly without hesitation, only to see his five fingers stick out, and during a sudden surge of force, he slammed forward.


The sky swayed, the vitality of heaven and earth surged violently, and a great force of Yuanli, who covered the sky and covered the sun, descended from the sky, swept the terrible breath, and directly suppressed the three of Ji Yao.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka ..."

Yuanli cracked down with a big hand, and exuded a very violent breath. Under the pressure of this violent breath, the earth was overwhelmed and began to violently open.


Pei Shaoqing was seriously injured. At this moment, under the pressure of the breath, he could not support it first. His throat was filled with a spit of blood.

With the spit out of the blood, Pei Shaoqing lost the last trace of blood on his face, and became very pale. His breath also fell straight down to the bottom.

Although Mo Yu and Ji Yao were not injured, under the pressure of the violent breath, it was still unbearable, and Jiao's body was shaking slightly.

On talent, whether it is Ji Yao, Mo Yu, or Pei Shaoqing, there is no doubt that there are many more than the second elder, but.

In terms of strength, the three are only the sixty-seven reveres of the Venerable Master. Ji Yao, the strongest of the three, can only compete with the Eighth Venerable Master, and cannot compare with the second elder of the nineth highest peak.

Therefore, at this moment, even if the three of them tried their best, they could not resist the offensive of the second elder.

Yuan Li's big hand carried a deep air explosion and suppressed the three people below.

Under the violent oppression, the void below was like a water surface, and there was a circle of vigorous ripples.



Ji Yao and Mo Yu also reached their limits, and the two had bleeding at the corners of their mouths.

The gap is too big, but the breath is oppressed, and the three can't bear it.


The three of them looked at Yuan Li's big hand that swept the power of destruction and murmured.

To tell the truth, before dying, they still did not regret, even if they used their lives to delay Lu Chen even for a while, they did not hesitate.


Just as the three men closed their eyes as they were ready to wait for death, they suddenly realized that the force behind them was violently tumbling, and the three of them suddenly opened their eyes, and they saw a bright sword light whizzing out, and then they slashed hard there. Yuan Li's big hands.


In an instant, the whole world seemed to tremble violently at this moment. Immediately afterwards, a deafening roar sounded, and the violent fluctuations of Yuanli also swept wildly in mid-air.


The loud noise came again, and I saw that Yuan Li's big hand was under the blazing sword energy, and even without holding on for a while, he crashed suddenly, and the majestic Yuan Li that condensed into Yuan Li's hand turned into a sky full of rain and slowly dissipated. !

Ji Yao, who thought he was going to die, saw the scene, and the joy of the rest of the life filled his heart, and the faces of the two elders suddenly changed.

"Dare to kill my friend, today, you do n’t have to leave, just leave me here!"

Sen Han's voice came from Lu Chen's mouth. At the next moment, he saw his figure move, and appeared in front of the second elder like a ghost, and then in the latter's horrifying gaze, his palm clenched into a fist, punching straight Straight out, went straight to the head of the second elder.

Ji Yao and the three almost fell because of him. Lu Chen was extremely angry. At this moment, although he only just broke through the Seventh Level of the Venerable, compared with the Sixth Level of the Venerable, it was more than a star.

This punch, he shot with anger, can be said to be full-strength shot, there is no trace of remaining hands, if it is hit, even if the second elder is a respectable ninth peak peak powerhouse, it is destined to end up with a tragic head burst.

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