Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 968: Deterrence

After leaving the beautiful woman with Xiao Kun, Lu Chen's body flickered and came to the direction of the Tenjin College. He saluted the deputy dean and the mentors headed, and said respectfully: "Student Lu Chen, met the dean and everyone. tutor."

The Deputy Dean glanced at Lu Chen and immediately quipped: "You still know that you are a student of Tenjin Academy. After walking out of the ruins, why did you hesitate to see me and your mentors? Is it because I am afraid that this old guy will Captured, can't it be handed to the disciples of the East King? "

Lu Chen stunned, looked up at the vice president slightly unexpectedly, he did not expect that the vice president was so direct, and more embarrassing, his own thoughts were not only seen by the vice president, but also by his He was embarrassed to speak out in public.

"Cough cough ..."

Lu Chen coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, but he did not refute the deputy dean. First, he respected the latter, and second, it was the default.

Of course, Lu Chen does not think that he is wrong. At that time and in that situation, no one can guarantee that Tianshen Academy will be under pressure from the disciples of Dongwang.

Seeing Lu Chen being silent, the deputy dean stepped forward and patted the latter ’s shoulder with a tone of unprecedented seriousness and firmness, "Boy, you remember, although my Tenjin Academy is only a seventh-grade force, not everyone can do it. I want to bully, I will put my words here, as long as you do n’t poke the sky into the hole, the Theological Seminary will protect you comprehensively, of course, if you are right. "

Lu Chen's eyes lit up, questioning the letter and asking, "Really?"

"Of course, cough cough cough ..." The dean suddenly coughed, because he suddenly had a premonition of uneasiness, he quickly added: "As long as you don't sin against Dongwang, remember to be Dongwang, as for Dongwang disciples, if they take the initiative to find You ’re in trouble, you do n’t have to be scrupulous, you can hit it, just a breath. ”

The vice president's tone was quite overbearing.

"Huh, boy, did you kill me?" At this time, a cold voice came over, and the speaker was a middle-aged man with a dark complexion.

Lu Chen looked at it, and saw that the middle-aged man was only the Venerable Jiuzhong Peak Cultivator, and looked calmly: "I killed too many people, and I do n’t even know myself. I dare to ask who you are and tell me I listen to see if I have an impression. "

Lu Chen's sentence is correct. In the ancient ruins, he beheaded the enemy without knowing how many, especially the last battle, completely killed the red eye. There are hundreds of warriors who died in his hands, not particularly outstanding warriors. , Really can't let him remember.

However, as soon as this sentence came out, it spread to everyone's ears, especially those forces with disciples who died in Lu Chen's hands. They suddenly reddened their eyes, and their anger raged in their chests.

The middle-aged man was also rusted by Lu Chen's complexion, gritted his teeth, and said in a word: "My son Ye Fubo!"

Lu Chen suddenly looked at the middle-aged man, and his tone was a little bad. "It turned out to be him. He really died in my hands. Do you want to avenge your son? Before I start, I can remind you that your son is coveting My treasure, besieged me with other strong men, and finally was killed by the aftermath of the four thunders, so I do n’t think it ’s wrong to kill him. As long as you dare to take action against me, I promise not to be soft. One, one pair to kill one pair, all the Ye family came, I will slaughter you! "

Speaking of the last, Lu Chen's murderous body boiled, and his tone was extremely cold.


The middle-aged man, the owner of the Ye family, trembles his fingers and touches the dust, his lips tremble, and he can't even speak a word. Obviously, he is very angry with the latter. Of course, there are many fears about the latter.

The Ye Family in Dongyang City, the top six ranks, the strongest family is not the Ye Family, but Ye Fubo. Even Ye Fubo is in the hands of Lu Chen. The remaining people in the Ye Family face Lu Chen. Not sure.

The Lord of the Ye family was anxious, and finally, forced by Lu Chen's power, chose silence.

The rest of the forces also suppressed Lu Chen's intention to kill Lu Chen, and remained silent. Although he chose to endure with tolerance, the eyes that looked at Lu Chen's eyes were cold and bitter.

There are too many warriors who died due to Lu Chen. There is a master of the family, a genius of the family, and disciples of the major forces at the helm ...

At this moment, Lu Chen was stared at by countless hatreds, and the whole person was uncomfortable. After the mentors and students of the Tenjin Academy noticed that the eyes projected from everyone around them, their faces also changed slightly, and they did not want to be here. Do stay.

The deputy dean said nothing, but took a step forward slowly in the eyes of everyone. Suddenly, a terrible breath spewed out from him, and he threatened the world, making the people around him trembling ...

Feeling the terrible breath of the deputy dean, everyone's face changed constantly, and some of the weaker warriors' faces were pale and continued to recede.

"Life and death have life and wealth in the sky, and all the disciples die in the hands of Lu Chen. If you want to take revenge, you can send the younger disciples to come. I will never stop it. Widowed, I and the Tenjin Institute behind me will never agree ... "

The dean's eyes suddenly rose sharply, glancing around the crowd, slowly opening his mouth.

Everyone was silent and dared not to refute. The dean ’s breath was too strong, at least the level of a half-step saint, and he wanted to contend with it, unless it was the strong of the nine forces, or the hidden family. And, although they are large in number, no one is an opponent of the deputy dean. So, after facing the fierce gaze of the latter, no one dared to look at it for a moment, and all evaded subconsciously. ...

The deputy dean snorted coldly, withdrawn his eyes from the crowd, and looked at Lu Chen and others, saying: "The Qianwang Palace has been opened, but the Qianwang Palace has been blocked by the Eastern King's order. One hundred ancestors stood out from the crowd. One hundred ancestors surpassed the top 100 to have the chance to enter the Thousand Kings Hall and be inherited by the Thousand Kings. "

"Go, leave the Chaos Sea quickly, rush back to the academy, and prepare for the Hundreds of Dzong in half a month ..."

The deputy dean took the next sentence and took a group of mentors to open the way ahead. Everyone who passed by chose to avoid. Although he was determined to leave Lu Chen, he was deterred by the pressure of the deputy dean. , But no one dared to shoot.

"The Palace of Thousand Kings opened? Hundreds of comparisons? Half a month later?"

The sentence of the deputy dean contained too much information. Hundreds of ancestors should have been held half a year later, because the opening of the Thousand Palaces was advanced.

The Thousand Kings Hall is very important. Anyone who enters the Thousand Kings Hall and inherits it will be at least a half-step saint in the future. Each major force is worth the effort to compete for a place in the Thousand Kings Hall.

Lu Chen had a hunch that the Hundred Cases in half a month must be very fierce. In order to enter the Thousand Kings Hall and be inherited by the Thousand Kings, the major families will surely improve their disciples as much as possible during the remaining half of the month. The cultivation of strength is a treasure that has been reluctant to use in the past. At this moment, it will also be used on the disciples without hesitation. Everything is for the place of the thousand kings.

In addition, most of the hidden families and geniuses who have avoided meditation will most likely be unable to sit still and choose to come out of the mountain. .

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