Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 992: Scolded Shen Lang


It was really a defeat!

Jiang Bing, the top of Venerable Ninefold, may not be the strongest among the crowd, but he can definitely rank in the top 20 or even more.

Such a character, in the case of the use of killing tricks, did not even take a move in Lu Chen ’s hands, does it mean that the people at the banquet, except for a few people, could not be in Lu Chen Stick to a trick in your hand.

After realizing this.

Everyone at the banquet was covered with endless shock. They looked at Jiang Bing, whose breath was weak in the ruins, and at Lu Chen, who looked calm in the sky. The shock in his heart had already reached Extreme.

Not long ago, Lu Chen used a plain tone to defeat Jiang Bing, who was present. No one believed. Some people even sneered and sneered at Lu Chen, but at the moment, those who were not optimistic about Lu Chen thought that after The arrogant person has a very wonderful expression on his face, shocked, unbelievable and ashamed.

The stillness of the scene continued.

Suddenly, a sound of urgency and doubt sounded, "Who is this person? Jiang Bing, who defeated the highest peak of Venerable Jiuzhong with Venerable Eightfold Cultivation as a move, has such a fighting force, how could such a character not be heard before? "

As soon as this remark came out, those martial artists who didn't know Lu Chen's identity at the banquet were taken aback.

Yes, from now on, more than half of the warriors present did not know Lu Chen's true identity, let alone mention which side he was from.

Because Lu Chen is only the Eighth Sovereign of Venerable Lord, so since appearing at the banquet, some people did not care about his identity at all, and were not interested in asking for it.

But now it's different. Lu Chen showed the ability to chase after the extreme strongest in the realm of Venerable Realm. It was a trick to defeat Jiang Bing. The identity and status are naturally different. The faintly can already be with the few people in the main seat. Shoulder to shoulder.

Therefore, at this moment, no one at the banquet dared to ignore him.

After looking at Lu Chen, he tried to get the answer from the latter.

Those warriors who knew Lu Chen's identity in advance, at this moment, for unknown reasons, tacitly chose to silence and did not reveal Lu Chen's identity to those around him.

"Cough cough ..."

Just as everyone was nervously waiting for Lu Chen to answer, a cough suddenly sounded.

In the ruins, Jiang Bing stood up hard, with unwillingness and disbelief, and a hoarse voice, "Who are you?"

He lost, but he was unwilling to lose because he didn't even know the name of his opponent from beginning to end.

Lu Chen lightly glanced at the unwilling Jiang Bing, and then looked down at the anticipating crowd, slowly opening, "Tianjin Academy, Lu Chen!"

The crowd was stunned for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

"It really is him!"

"It turned out to be him, and I should have thought about it. With Venerable Eightfold Cultivation as the devastating disciple of the Eastern King, no matter what kind of treasure it is, for thousands of years, the entire Donghuang has been his only."

"Yeah, compared to the event of hitting the East King's disciples, defeating Jiang Bing by one move seems to be reasonable and not worth mentioning."

When the crowds were talking, on the main seat, Shen Lang was surging into a huge wave in his heart. He never imagined that the person who was not clear to Ji Yao was also a student of Tianshen Academy, and it was still recent. Lu Chen, who is notorious!

For Lu Chen, he also heard more or less about the former from other students.

Less than half a year after entering Tianshen College, he stood out from the freshman class and defeated the top students in Tianbang.

Not long ago, Lu Chen was a devastating disciple of the Eastern King. He killed hundreds of enemies in the attack on the strong of the Tenjin Academy. Finally, he took away the two half-saints alone. Lu Chen, including the deputy dean of the Tencent Academy, is in danger.

How is he? !

Shen Lang's gloomy and terrible look was not because he was afraid of Lu Chen, but because of the identity of the student of Lu Chen Tianshen Academy, it was not easy for him to deliberately target the latter. After all, the two are also students of Tianshen Academy. If he deliberately targeted Lu Chen , It will give people a bad impression of suppressing their peers.

Lu Chen did not know that he had offended Shen Lang without knowing it. Moreover, because of his identity as a student of Tianshen College, Shen Lang hesitated how to target himself.

Under the attention of everyone, Lu Chen stepped into the void and slowly walked to the ruins, looking at the dying Jiang Bing, and immediately a voice without emotion sent out from his mouth, "You lost, now you should also promise to travel Now. "

Jiang Bing's face changed suddenly, and he got out of the banquet in public. He just killed him. His eyes changed, and he immediately gritted his teeth and stood up from the ruins. Under the eyes of everyone, he said nothing, staggering his body. Walk slowly outside the banquet.

He confessed that he had left the banquet, which was already a compromise with Lu Chen, and the latter should be overbearing no matter how hegemonic, otherwise he was really anxious and was not good for both parties.

Therefore, in his view, as long as Lu Chen is not stupid, or does not want to offend him to death, the best way to do this is to open one eye and close one eye.

"Slow down!"

When Jiang Bing was thinking this way, Lu Chen's slightly cold voice came suddenly.

Jiang Bing shuddered, turned around, and looked at the dust with an ugly look.

"You seem to have forgotten your bet, do you want me to remind you?" Lu Chen directly ignored Jiang Bing's increasingly ugly face, and said to himself: "The loser is rolling away from the banquet, not walking away."

Jiang Bing gritted his teeth and shouted, "Lu Chen, you don't deceive people too much."

Others heard that the expression on their faces also changed. Some people sympathized with Jiang Bingsheng and felt that Lu Chen had done too much. Others sneered again and again, thinking that Jiang Bing's current ending was all blamed. There are still some people who are sitting on the wall watching and watching the show.

Lu Chen sneered, "It's too deceiving? Ha ha ~ If I remember correctly, the person who made this bet should be yourself."

Jiang Bing's face was slightly sagged.

Lu Chen continued: "You relied on yourself to cultivate above me. From the time I entered the banquet, I sneered at me. I don't care about you, but you have to be intimate. You have repeatedly made provocations against me. At the end, I even clapped the table, screaming at my nose in public ... If it were n’t for my strength this time, the person who was rolling away from the banquet should now be me. ”

Jiang Bing's face was still gloomy, but there was a trace of regret in the depths of his pupils.

"Do n’t blame me for not reminding you. Before the battle, I took a ruthless speech. Today, you lost. There are only two endings. You leave the party on roll, or die !!!" A little room to turn around.

The other warriors still watched silently. Although some warriors who had good relations with Jiang Bing couldn't bear to see Jiang Bing suffer this insult, but after considering Lu Chen's factors, these people backed down and offended Lu Chen for Jiang Bing. ,not worth.

Moreover, they also felt that Jiang Bing was wrong first. If Jiang Bing provoked Lu Chen, he would not have come to an end now! !

Jiang Bing looked around the crowd, and when no one came out to speak for himself, the last hope in his heart also went out. He looked at Lu Chen, with a trace of prayer in his eyes, "Lu Chen, I have this thing. Wrong first, I am here to say sorry to you, as for the gamble, you see ... how about it? Just when I owe you a favor, in the future, if you have commanded me, I will never wrinkle up the sword Frowned. "

"Never frown on the oil pan at the upper knife mountain? You said this, but I don't force you to go to the oil pan at the knife mountain. You just need to roll away from the banquet."

When Jiang Bing heard Lu Chen's first sentence, he was very happy, thinking that Lu Chen was tempted. After all, compared with having evil with himself, getting his own relationship is undoubtedly the most sensible choice.

However, after Lu Chen said the second sentence, Jiang Bing's face suddenly disappeared, but instead of anger, incomparable anger, he has lowered his posture, actively bowed to Lu Chen, but the latter still does not Moved, determined to humiliate himself in public.

"Lu Chen, don't deceive people too much ..."

Jiang Bing, who had a pale face, gritted his teeth.

"What if I bully you?"

Lu Chen was already impatient, and his voice could not help cooling down. "Now I count for three seconds. When the time is up, if you don't get out of the banquet, you will blame me for being merciless."

"Lu Chen, you will lie to me as a freelancer. If I were a child of a big force, would you dare to insult me ​​like this?"

As soon as Jiang Bing's words fell, several of the strong men in the crowd showed a sense of sorrow for rabbits and dead foxes, and they looked bad at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen sneered and told the truth, he didn't know Jiang Bing was a casual repairer. For him, no matter what background Jiang Bing had, it didn't help. He even dared to offend the King of the East, would he care about others?

Lu Chen did not refute, but just said coldly, "One."

Seeing that Lu Chen was unmoved, if he didn't leave the banquet, he would kill his posture, and a trace of despair and hatred could not help rising in Jiang Bing's heart.


Lu Chen did not hurry.

Jiang Bing changed his face and became frightened, because, as the "two" fell, he felt a strong murderous intention overshadow him, and that murderous intention was very strong, so that he had to plant the next moment. Fear of falling head.

How to do? !

How to do? ! !

Jiang Bing struggled.

He had planned that even if he died, he would not get out of the banquet in public, but now he was shrouded in murderous intentions. He found that he was wrong, and it was very ridiculous. Compared with face, death is undoubtedly more frightening.

Once the fear of death overwhelmed the face, the result came out.

Jiang Bing chose to save life ...

Under everyone's intense attention, Jiang Bing's tight body suddenly loosened, and his knees bent slightly. When he was about to fulfill his gambling contract, an out-of-date voice came from the main seat.

"Student Lu Chen, since Jiang Bing has already admitted wrong, why bother him again, making people think that my Tianshen College students are overwhelming."

Lu Chen leaned his head. He looked at the person speaking on the main seat. It was Shen Lang from the Tenjin Academy. He had a rather handsome look. He just looked at his eyes. In the scene I saw before, Lu Chen has determined that Shen Lang is pursuing Ji Yao, and the other party's obscure hostility towards his outsiders is not easy to explain.

When thinking of Shen Lang's pursuit of Ji Yao, Lu Chen felt uncomfortable for a while, so the attitude towards the former was less polite.

"Shen Lang Senior, do you mean I am aggressive? Or bullying?"

The faint smile maintained on Shen Lang's face was slightly stagnate. Immediately, there was a touch of anger in his eyes. He originally thought that he had spoken himself. Even if Lu Chen was not happy, at least the appearance of politeness should be maintained. He is a student of Tianshen College, and he is a half-step respectable person who is the strongest in the realm. He is also Lu Chen ’s senior. In front of outsiders, basic respect is still necessary.

But what surprised Shen Lang was that he never thought that Lu Chen knew his identity, but he did not give him any face, and even the most basic courtesy was not given, which made him extremely angry.

Other martial artists also showed a stunned look. Obviously, Shen Lang had already pleaded for Jiang Bing, and he still had such a result.

However, these people were excited immediately, looking forward to the next scene, to see the two genius disciples of Tianshen Academy competing against each other, this trip is worthwhile.

Feeling the eyes projected by everyone, Shen Lang suppressed his anger and smiled: "Sister Lu Chen, you misunderstood me ..."

Lu Chen interrupted Shen Lang and asked, "What do you mean by seniors?"

Being interrupted by Lu Chen in public, and Lu Chen's aggressive manner also bore Shen Lang's heart, and gradually climbed into a cold color deep in the eyes.

From now to now, even if the reaction of the people present is slow, they also notice the machine fronts in the words of Lu Chen and Shen Lang. The atmosphere in the field is tense instantly. No matter what the reasons are, the other warriors are at this moment a tacit choice. Silent.

"Lu Chen, I see everything in the eyes, Jiang Bing is right, but since you have seriously injured him, you can be considered a breath, and the matter is over. It ’s good for both parties. Why should you be aggressive and let Jiang Bing will not come to Taiwan.

Jiang Bing is a self-cultivator, and the resources and forces behind him are not as good as you. If you insist on humiliating him now, it will not only affect you, but even the Divine Academy will be implicated by you, and your reputation will be damaged. "

Shen Lang said that the grandeur was hidden, but in the words he concealed the machine front, implying that Lu Chen was aggressive and overwhelming. If he insisted on letting Jiang Bing fulfill the gambling contract, not only himself, but even the Divine Academy would also lose reputation.

Therefore, the implication is that for the fame of the Tenjin Academy, whether you like it or not today, you must open up to Jiang Bingwang.

A big hat, snapped, covered Lu Chen's head.

Jiang Bing was overjoyed and looked at Shen Lang's eyes, full of gratitude.

Lu Chen raised an eyebrow and joked: "According to the seniors, no matter whether I am happy or not, I must open up to Jiang Bingwang. Otherwise, I will ignore the reputation of Tenjin Academy."

After speaking, Lu Chen didn't wait for Shen Lang to speak, and his face suddenly plummeted, "Then should I apologize to Jiang Bing? After all, I was bullying and hurting the casual repair ..."

The "apology" and "stubborn bullying" were extremely bitten by Lu Chen. The irony in the words is already very obvious.

Being ridiculed in public by Lu Chen, Shen Lang's face suddenly hung up, the suppressed anger spewed out, and the light smile that was difficult to maintain on his face disappeared, replaced by cold, anger, and a trace of murderous intent. ...

Shen Lang shouted loudly, "Lu Chen, how dare you talk to me like this, do you still have my senior in your eyes? Is there any respect for the humble?"

"Senior? What's the difference between respect and inferiority?" Lu Chen sneered. Since Shen Lang had torn his face in public with him, then he had no worries. "What are you, dare to put a spectrum in front of me?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

Lu Chen scolded Shen Lang in public, and the two of them were completely settled. Even if the latter had a bit of blood, the matter could not be easily ended.

Sure enough, under the eyes of everyone, Shen Lang's complexion went down a little, and an extremely oppressive momentum was released from him.

Lu Chen didn't seem to see Shen Lang's gloomy water face, and continued: "From the very beginning, you are proud of yourself as a senior. From inside to outside, you are alluding to me being arrogant and bullying, and bullying the loose repair. I ask you, who is the first to provoke? You do n’t speak, I tell you, it ’s Jiang Bing. It ’s because of you that you have been a self-study since the beginning. Where were you when I was provoked and oppressed? ? When I won and asked Jiang Bing to fulfill the gambling agreement, you finally jumped out and become a good person? Bah! I really thought I did n’t know your mind? "

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