Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 997: war

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang ..."

Sparks are splashing!

The golden-winged Dapeng was covered with ling feathers, and the ling feathers were cast like metal, indestructible. The sword gas was cut on the ling feathers, and the clang of gold and iron collided broke out without hurting them.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's face was moving, and Golden Wing Dapeng was indeed one of the strongest demon clan. Pengqi was only the peak of the seventh-stage later, and its combat power can easily defeat the general Venerable Realm Extreme Powerhouse, and it is more terrifying What is defensive is that because more than 90% of the body is covered by feathers, Pengqi ’s defense is indestructible.

If you want to injure or even kill the latter, unless you have the absolute power to crush, even Ling Yu will be hard to break, let alone kill Peng Qi.

Not only Lu Chen, but the human race strong who saw this scene changed slightly. The seven sword energies cut out by Lu Chen are very powerful, and they can definitely threaten a respectable realm. question.

However, the Seven Swords were cut on Peng Qi, and even the feathers on his body were not broken, which shows the terrible place of the Golden-winged Dapeng family.

The smile on Yuan Hai's face also gradually converged. If he looked at the Golden Armor man deeply, the latter is also the Golden Wing Dapeng family. I wonder if he can break through the Golden Armor man's Ling Yu with his own attack power ...

The Jinjia man seemed to feel something, and also looked at Yuan Hai without any trace, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but his heart was a bit bitter.

His body is golden-winged Dapeng is not false, but the bloodline can not be compared with Pengqi, so no matter whether it is combat power or defensive strength, it is impossible to reach the level of Pengqi.

Although his blood can't be compared with Pengqi, he is ultimately a gold-winged Dapeng family. The speed, defense, and attack power are equally amazing, far from comparable with other demon clan. Naturally, his combat power is also terrible.

The seven swords were cut in one breath, but no achievement was made at all, which made Lu Chen's secret road tricky. Since he embarked on martial arts, Peng Qi was not the strongest enemy he encountered, but the most powerful in the same realm. Of course, compared with himself, there is still a big gap. Lu Chen believes that as long as he cultivates to achieve the ninth peak of the Venerable Master, it is not difficult to break through the seven defenses of the Peng, and defeating the latter is naturally very simple.

But now, after all, he is not the Supreme Cultivator of the Ninth Level of His Holiness, but the Eighth Level of His Holiness. Without using the profound meaning, he can use his sword with all his strength, even the opponent's Ling Yu can't break through, let alone hurt ...

Although Qi Daoqi failed to hurt Peng Qi, the huge cutting force still made him hurt. The fierce light flashed in his eyes, the huge body was cleverly reversed, and the sharp claws were better than the ordinary six-star gods. The soldiers should be sharp, and the carrier's sharp sound of breaking the sky, they caught the landing dust fiercely.

Feeling the claws approaching quickly, Lu Chen does not have the perverted defense power of Peng Qi. Once he is hit by the claws of the latter, even if it is just rubbed, he will be injured. The Profound Truth was instantly urged by him, the long sword broke into the sky, a red sword gas containing the Profound Truth of Fire swept through the extreme heat, and a sword blasted on the Peng Seven Claws.


The crimson sword qi collided with the claws, only to hear a cry, Peng Qi's claws with metallic luster were cut open by the crimson sword aura, and a ray of blood splashed out.


While the red sword gas hurt Pengqi, it was also defeated by the latter and turned into a little red light to dissipate.


A bit of painful bird song was mixed in the anger, which came out of Peng Qi's mouth. The red sword gas contained the mystery of fire. The pain that hurt Peng Qi was nothing at all. It was mainly the mystery of fire remaining in the wound, which was still endless He was hurt, and the strong burning sensation made him quite painful, and instinctively screamed.

Peng Qi really suffered from pain this time, and Lu Chen's eyes became more brutal.


Peng Qi didn't spit out words and vented his anger with a tweet. He already showed his body, but he still couldn't help Lu Chen, but was injured by the latter.

Shame, anger, intertwined, so that his murderous intention to Lu Chen climbed to the peak, he would tear the human clan that dare to hurt himself in public.

Only by tearing it apart will he be able to shed his hatred and restore his shame!

The huge body directly smashed the air and swooped down on the landing dust. The sharp beak of the beak penetrated the void and took Lu Chen's head straight to see its fierce appearance, as if to wear Lu Chen's head to the hole!

Lu Chen's scalp was numb, his head was faintly hurt, and he was really weak and was hit by Peng Qi. Even if he had nine lives, he would definitely die.

What changed Lu Chen's complexion was that Pengqi's speed was too fast. He didn't have time to dodge at all. Gold-winged Dapeng was famous for speed. Pengqi, who was angry, took the speed to the extreme and made Lu Chen hide. Can hide.

Outside the battle circle, no matter the man and the demon, at this moment, they are all tense, and even the sound of breathing has almost disappeared. They stared at this scene without blinking, fearing to miss the next wonderful scene.

In the face of Pengqi's fierce offensive, can Lu Chen stop it safely?

Mu Qinghe looked at the scene with a pale face and saw the fierce offensive of Pengqi. While looking sad, he was fortunate and fearful. When he was engaged with Pengqi before, if the latter used such a brutal offensive He may have become a cold corpse and could not stand here safely at all.


Inevitably, Lu Chen ’s fighting intentions were completely aroused, his roar, his eyes suddenly became fierce, and his breath also quietly changed, fierce and fearless.

Battle the world, fight the world!

"What a terrible fighting intention!"

Feeling the terrible fighting intention released from the landing dust, someone moved.

"This man is worthy of being a human arrogant and has the qualification to compare with my seven younger brothers. However, after all, he is inadequately cultivated. Today, defeat is inevitable!" The Jinjia man looked at Yuan Hai slowly.

Yuan Hai snorted, "It's too early to say defeat. In my opinion, the one who lost today must be your demon!"

Although he said this in his mouth, there was a trace of worry in the depths of his eyes. Obviously, he was not quite sure whether Lu Chen could defeat Pengqi.

The internal force is quietly running, he is ready to rescue Lu Chen, no matter whether he wins or loses, Lu Chen ca n’t die, at least he ca n’t die under his eyelids, otherwise he ca n’t explain to the little sister, mentioning the little sister, He had a headache for a while, and if he got entangled in it because of this, he even had the heart to die.


Lu Chen roared again, roaring like thunder, resounding through the sky, and his fighting spirit was boiling. At this moment, he seemed to be a sword, fearless, and going forward, only for fighting.

When the fighting intention reached the extreme, a ghost appeared behind Lu Chen, because the sudden appearance of the ghost disappeared so fast that no one could see it, only that the flower in front of him disappeared, and some warriors blinked Blink, thinking that he had hallucinations.

At this moment, no one noticed that Lu Chen's expression was slightly stunned for a moment, and then there was a look of surprise in his eyes. He never expected that when the fighting intentions reached the peak, he and the incomplete martial spirit had produced. resonance.

Because Kaitian Axe and his soul could not be fully integrated, and Wuhun was lacking. If you use strong action, it would cause great harm to the flesh. Therefore, Lu Chen will never use this hole card until life or death.

However, the moment when the fighting spirit climbed to the peak just now resonated briefly with Wu Hun.

Although Wuhun was only fleeting, it greatly improved Lu Chen ’s combat power. What surprised him was that perhaps it resonated with Wuhun. This time, using Wuhun ’s power, the body is not like it used to be. Bear a burden that is difficult to sustain.

Lu Chen grasped the moment of Wuhun's fleeting moment, mobilized Wuhun's power, and gathered on the sword. Then, under the watch of everyone, a sword was cut out.

This sword, Lu Chen did not urge the profound meaning, it was unremarkable, but at the moment when the long sword cut out, a sharp sword gas that penetrated the sky and earth shot out.


The space was cut silently!

Although this sword is unremarkable, its power is more than a sword that Lu Chen urged to cut out with all his strength!

When Jian Qi shot out, everyone present was horrified, because the skin of these people came with a needle-like tingling.

Everyone was shocked, eyes full of unbelievable look!

Yuan Hai and the Golden Armor men also had a slight body shock. They were a saint of the human race and a demon of the demon race. Their eyesight is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. Naturally, they can see the terror destructive power contained in this sword.

This sword can definitely kill a respectable realm.

This sword, Peng seven can not stop, even in danger of life!

The Golden Armor's face changed.

At the same time, Peng Qi looked at the rapidly approaching Jian Qi, and an unprecedented sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart.

His pupils shrunk, and he knew he could not take the sword. Under this sword, he was in danger of life.

Under the threat of death, he instinctively wanted to avoid, and the huge body was changed from diving to avoiding, but the speed of Jian Qi was too fast, and it was imminent.

Nothing to hide!

The breath of death came, he can be sure that if he was cut by the sword, he would definitely be dead!

Do not!

He roared in his heart, despair in his eyes!

After the sword was cut out, Lu Chen instantly lost his strength, his body slightly swayed, he almost fell down, looked up at the desperate Peng Qi, he suddenly regretted it, he did not expect his power of this sword, it was so strong There is definitely the power to kill Pengqi instantly, but what he regrets is that he never thought of killing the latter.

Peng Qi is a gold-winged Dapeng, whose identity is definitely not simple. Even the heir of the demon clan killed Peng Qi, he could think of how fierce anger he would bear, not to mention that one, that is the gold A man is not something he can cope with.

Just when Peng Qi was desperate and Lu Chen regretted, a figure appeared in front of Peng Qi at an incredible speed, and then punched out with a punch, with a bang, it was enough to kill Peng Qi's sword spirit , Under the fist of this fist, was directly bombed.

Seeing someone suddenly intervene in the fight to save Pengqi, Lu Chen was not angry but rejoiced. He let out a long sigh of relief and did not die. He was not ready to make enmity with the demon race now.

Outside the battle circle, Yuan Hai also secretly wiped off his cold sweat. Just now that he saw Pengqi in distress, he almost couldn't hold back the rescue. Fortunately, the Jinjia man took the shot in time, otherwise, he might really be able to rescue Pengqi .

It's not that he can't see Peng Qi dying, Peng Qi is a demon genius, he can't wait for the latter to fall as soon as possible, and die in the hands of other people, but never in Lu Chen's hands, especially when he is also on the scene.

"It's dangerous, it's almost impossible to recover." Yuan Hai exhaled and said softly.

The person who rescued Pengqi was the man in gold armor. He gave Lu Chen a shocked look, and then slowly said: "You won this battle!"

With that said, he raised his hand, and the sword of the magical soldier between the six and seven stars flew to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took the long sword, only to feel that it was cold to start, and the wrist was slightly sinking. The weight of the long sword was beyond his expectation. It was more than twice that of Lei Zejian.


After adjusting to the weight of the long sword, Lu Chen's thoughts moved, and a ray of vitality was injected into the long sword, and suddenly the white sword gas condensed, easily tearing the air ...

"It is worthy of the former Seven Star Divine Soldier. It is very powerful, not comparable to Lei Zejian!"

In the eyes of Lu Chen, he was very satisfied with the sword. "From now on, you will be my sword. Let's call you a broken cloud!"

"Lu Chen, congratulations on your victory over Pengqi, this is your prize!"

Yuan Hai came and smiled at the landing dust, and then gave him a flick. The original crystal of the fire attribute was like an arrow, flying at the landing dust.

Lu Chen spread his hand to grab it. When the palm of his hand was in contact with Aoyi Yuanyuanjing, a force of Peiran Moyu shocked him and took a step back.

"Oh, good, good!" Yuan Hai laughed, and immediately looked straight, and said: "If you can't catch the Profound Truth, even if you win, it won't belong to you, but fortunately You did not disappoint me! "

Lu Chen scolded a mental retardation in his heart, but on the surface it was silent, but instead smiled at Yuan Hai kindly, no matter what the purpose of the other party was, what his identity was, for the sake of the original meaning You can ignore it for now.

"No ~ I didn't lose. How could I lose to a human ..."

At this moment, a voice full of anger suddenly sounded.

I saw that Pengqi woke up from the fear of death, realized that he had lost, and screamed angrily in the sky.

He was unwilling, extremely unwilling.

Up to now, he couldn't believe it, he was defeated, and he was defeated by a human being with eight respects.

Looking at Peng Qi, who was almost mad because of defeat, the man in the gold armor frowned, shook his head immediately, and said nothing. If he wanted to get out of the shadow of failure, he could only rely on Peng Qi himself. No one else could help him.

At this moment, the strong people of the two groups, the man and the demon, look different. Some people worry, some sneer, and some sneer.

It ’s not terrible to lose, but it ’s terrible not to admit your failure.


At a time when everyone looked different, the nearly mad Pengqi suddenly exploded in his breath, and at the same time, thousands of kilometers of heaven and earth vitality swarmed into his body ...

"This is ... a breakthrough!"

Seeing this scene, all the strong men present were stunned for a while, and then they all showed shock. After the shock of the human race strong men, they seemed to have thought of something, and their faces changed dramatically, especially Shen Lang and other few people. The Venerable Realm Extreme Powerhouse, after seeing Peng Qi go further, are all exposed with fear.

Pengqi had the terrible combat power to defeat the extreme powerhouses of Venerable Realm in the peak period of the later stage of Tier 7, and now it is further improved, and the combat power will naturally increase again. Under the saint, there may be few people after the breakthrough Pengqi opponent.

Comparing with the great changes of the face of the strong human race, the strong power of the demon clan showed their happy faces. Pengqi is the seventh prince of the demon clan. The stronger the latter is, the more beneficial the demon clan is.

Lu Chen was also slightly stunned, and immediately touched his nose with guilty conscience. Pengqi before the breakthrough was already very difficult to deal with. After the breakthrough, he was probably no longer the opponent of the latter. Further Pengqi, there is not much chance of winning!

Pengqi broke into the realm of half-step demon sacred, it can be described as a matter of course, and it took only half a tea time before and after.

Pengqi after the breakthrough, compared to before, the body's breath is stronger than a star, which is dreadful.

Peng Qi looked at Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, I admit that you lost it just now, but now you are no longer my opponent."

Lu Chen was silent and did not refute Pengqi's words. The latter said well, he is not his opponent now.

"I don't lie to you, I will give you time to break through, and you and I will fight again in the competition!" Peng Qi turned around and left with awe and fear.

"See you at the competition?" Lu Chen murmured in his heart, "It seems that it will break through as soon as possible, otherwise it may really lose next time."

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