Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 999: Lu Chen's true combat power

After making up his mind, the internal forces in Lu Chen's body quietly operated, looking at Kun Xiao's eyes, but indifferently cold.

Kun Xiao saw that Lu Chen was unmoved, and, looking at his own eyes, he seemed to have a little impropriety. He suddenly realized what was happening, his body subconsciously tightened, and the body's internal forces operated, making a defensive posture.

At the same time, he squinted his eyes, sneered, his voice was cruel and low, "Won't you hand over Heavenly Saint Fruit? And want to kill me? You have to think clearly, although you are strong, but you can't kill me, besides, You think you are invited tonight, will I not be prepared? "

After confirming that Lu Chen broke into Xizawa Island on the same day, and killed his father with his own strength, as well as the half-step demon elders of the two families, Kun Xiao couldn't help but increase the risk assessment of Lu Chen, he was convinced , The person who can kill his father, Lu Chen's combat power is definitely stronger than that shown at the banquet today.

Although he himself is a half-step demon saint, he is not weak or even a strong one among the half-step demon saints. At least, if he is allowed to play against Mu Qinghe at the banquet today, he has seven Cheng grasp to defeat the other party.

There is no weaker person who can become the ultimate cultivation of the Venerable Realm. Therefore, he can have a 70% chance of defeating Mu Qinghe, which is already very powerful, at least he thinks so.

He could defeat Mu Qinghe, but he did not have much confidence in defeating Lu Chen. This is also the first choice after he appeared. The first choice was to explain the interests of Lu Chen and then threaten them, instead of appearing like killing his father and enemies. , Directly against Lu Chen.

Ok? !


Lu Chen is indeed Kun Xiao's father and enemy.

The murderous father ’s hatred does n’t make a difference. Kun Xiao can suppress Lu Chen ’s intention to kill Lu Chen, which is enough to prove how deeply he is afraid of Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, I know that you are not a fool, but you are very smart. You know how to swindle and blame, and you know the strength of tolerance. I advise you to think about the pros and cons before making a decision.

There are more than one celestial fruit. The mature celestial fruit must have been taken by you. Therefore, the remaining celestial fruit, no matter the value or efficacy, are not very big for you.

Therefore, it is extremely unwise to do some stupid things for some immature Tiansheng fruit.

I advise you to still obey the Heavenly Sacred Fruit, and the ending will not hurt you, otherwise, I do n’t mind coming to you with a dead net. "

Lu Chen glanced at the salamander which was only a hundred steps away from him, his eyes slightly drooping, and silently thinking in his heart, if he suddenly burst into action, how sure is he to kill the latter?

Thinking about the possibility of killing Xiaoxiao in his heart, he couldn't see the slightest difference on the surface, only to see Lu Chen remained silent, without saying a word, it seemed that he was shocked by the low and fierce threat of Kunxiao.

Seeing Lu Chen being silent, as if deterred by her own threat, Kun Xiao couldn't help but raise a trace of pride, while secretly despising Lu Chen.

What about strength?

Haven't you been shocked by your own words?

Take a look, I just moved my lips, so that you dare not act rashly ...


Wait until Tianshengguo is in hand, and it's not too late to pack up!

The reason why he bitterly expressed his interests was that he was afraid of Lu Chen's combat power, and he was not very sure about leaving the latter.

On the other hand, I was also worried about Lu Chen destroying Tian Sheng Guo, because even with the war, even if Lu Chen could be left, if the latter deliberately destroyed Tian Sheng Guo before dying, his strength could not be stopped, and finally there was It is very likely that a bamboo basket will end up empty.

Regardless of the considerations, it is possible to avoid direct conflict with Lu Chen, it is best not to conflict.

Of course, as long as Tianshengguo is in hand, he will have no worries. At that time, he will take control of the initiative, whether it is directly to Lu Chen, or after the refining and chemical absorption of Tianshengguo, the strength is further, and then find the latter as Father's revenge is all his thoughts.

Just when Kun Xiao was complacent and secretly despises Lu Chen, the latter laughed suddenly, the laughter was not concealed, and clearly passed into the ears of Kun Xiao.

The smug look on Kun Xiao's face instantly froze. He looked at the landing dust with a stunned tone, "Lu Chen, what do you mean?"

Lu Chen didn't seem to hear Sao Xiao's words, and once again sneered. There was a trace of sarcasm, a trace of pity, and a trace of ridicule and sorrow in the laugh.

Sao Xiao's eyes were gloomy for a moment, and his face was gloomy. He was about to drip water. With such a look on his face, he heard what Lu Chen wanted to express in his laughter.

It was because he heard the unabashed ridicule, pity, ridicule, and sadness contained in Lu Chen ’s laughter that he did so ...

Under the gloomy eyes of Sao Xiao's gloomy eyes about to drip water, Lu Chen shook his head and slowly said: "Sao Xiao, you are too naive, thinking that just two threats would make me obey the Heavenly Saint. Fruit?

Heavenly Saint Fruit, I got it for life fighting. If I move my mouth, I want to get something for nothing. Let me take the initiative to deliver it to you. Do you think it is possible? "

Saying that, Lu Chen looked at the more sullen salamander with sarcasm, turned a blind eye to the latter's teeth, and continued to shake his head and mocked, "I thought you had become an adult, and your IQ should have grown. Today At first sight, I never imagined that you have a human appearance, but your IQ is still the same as the beast. "

Lu Chen's voice fell, and Kun Xiao twisted his face, snarling: "Lu Chen, you're so deceiving, do you really think I dare not break the net with you? Or, do you think I'm unprepared tonight and can't keep you?"

Faced with the salamander that was on the verge of anger, Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, but he smiled gently, and then continued his own words, and continued to say, "Don't tell you, I only took one piece of Tianshengguo, the rest It ’s all on me. It ’s useless to threaten the rest of the Holy Fruit.

Once I have come to this world, I know that this is a world of martial arts, what I want, or what I want, only if it is strong enough to crush the strength of the opponent, can your enemies, even your enemies, obey the treasure. Put your hands on it, otherwise all mention! ! ! "

"So, you are so determined that you refused to hand over Tian Sheng Guo?" Kun Xiao's face sullenly, his mouth twitching violently with anger, his voice husky, and he said slowly.

"Yes, I will not surrender Tianshengguo, unless you have the strength to defeat me. You can rest assured that I will not destroy Tianshengguo, even if I am not against you ..." Lu Chen seemed to see Sao Xiao's worry finally added a sentence.

After he finished speaking, he saw a hint of emotion in Kun Xiao ’s almost distorted face, and said: "Since the conditions have already broken down, I want to get the Heavenly Holy Fruit from me, you have only two ways to go. . 1: Take out the temptation to make my heart move, exchange the heavenly fruit with me, and exchange it for things. Second: start, take away the heavenly fruit from me with absolute combat power. "

Kun Xiao had already decided to take action against Lu Chen, but when Lu Chen suggested that he could trade things for things, he couldn't help but move his heart and tentatively asked, "Trading things for things? What do you want, or what can you do from In exchange for Heavenly Fruit? "

After all, he did n’t have much confidence to leave Lu Chen, so he did n’t dare to easily go to Lu Chen, because he knew that as long as he took that step, he might not be able to get Heavenly Saint Fruit anymore, and of course it was possible to harvest all Heavenly Saint Fruit. At the same time, avenge my father!

In his view, there are two possibilities, the former is more likely. Heavenly Saint Fruit is too important for him now. Even if it is only one piece, his strength will go further. After all, the effect of Tianshengguo is above the original source crystal, even if it is not mature, or just buds, the effect is not comparable to the original source crystal.

At that time, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is a matter of hardship to enter the top 100 of the competition, and then enter the Qianwang Palace to be inherited by the king. In this case, it is at least 70% sure to become a demon saint, and as long as he becomes a demon saint, ancient The family of Yanghu Jiaoyu will also become brilliant again in his hands ...

Enter the Thousand Kings Hall, become a saint, and revive the Jiao and Kun family ...

All of the above are based on his ability to obtain the Divine Fruit, so he does not want to take risks easily.

Of course, without Tianshengguo, his chances of reaching the top 100 of the competition are still very high, but after all, there are risks. In order to minimize the risk, he will not hesitate to get Tianshengguo.

Lu Chen was a little surprised, and he all spoke of things to this part, but Kun Xiao still did not make up his mind to shoot at himself, but instead prepared to trade things for barter in exchange for Tianshengguo.

Looking at the astonishing salamander, Lu Chen's evaluation of the former was one point lower, and his gaze at the other party again showed a trace of sarcasm.

"Do you want to barter for something?"

"Not bad!" Kun Xiao nodded.

Lu Chen said lightly: "You and I know people don't talk secretly, and you also know the value of Tianshengguo. Now it is not what I want, but what you can come up with and exchange with me."

Sao Xiao's expression was stagnant. He thought about the treasures in his storage ring. Although there were many treasures, there was nothing equivalent to Tianshengguo. If you want to exchange the heavenly holy fruit, even if it is immature, it is at least a treasure of the level of the Broken Cloud Divine Soldier!

"It seems that you can't bring out the treasures that can be exchanged. Then, only the last path left before you can kill me. Heavenly Saint Fruit is yours, not only Heavenly Saint Fruit, Cloud Breaking Divine Soldier, The original meaning of the original meaning ... these treasures will be yours. "Lu Chen's voice is slow, like a demon that induces others to sin.

Sao Xiao heard the words, and his face was gradually ugly. Looking at Lu Chen's eyes, he had no worries and was replaced by fierce and strong killing intentions.

"Well, very good, this kind of look ..." Lu Chen applauded and laughed, the laughter was wild and arrogant. Although he had murdered Kun Xiao at the moment he received the letterhead, after all, he killed himself first. The father of the family went on to kill Sao Xiao, and they always felt a little wrong.

Well now, Kun Xiao chooses the last way, then he can also feel at ease to beat the former alive.

Facing the ferocious gaze of Kun Xiao, the half-step demon saint, Lu Chen turned a blind eye, even with a hint of scheming in his mouth.

"Now that you have chosen to take the shot against me, let the hidden guy come out, otherwise, you are not my opponent at all."

Sao Xiao's face changed, but he still refused to admit, "I don't know what you are saying, there is no one else in secret ..."

"Forget it, since you said no, then there is no more. I want to see if the person in the dark can still sit when I kill you alive."

Lu Chen looked at Sao Xiao with a smile, but his voice was still cold and boneless.

"Look at your look, you should think I have no strength to kill you."

He sticks his tongue out and licks some of his dry lips, and there is also a weird look on his face, with a mocking and sneering tone.


Kun Xiao asked subconsciously.

Lu Chen shook his head without repeating his steps, and his footsteps stepped abruptly. The mighty elemental force roared out of his body. His clothes hunted, and an extremely oppressive elementary force waved.

At this moment, he has no reservations, Venerable Nine Heavy Cultivation is shown to the utmost, surging and terrifying fluctuations of the elemental forces are flooding this world, and the coercion and majesty are not weaker than any one of the Venerable Realm's extreme strength, or even Even better.

Venerable Jiuzhong ’s Lu Chen has a combat power that is not a little bit stronger than when he battled Peng Qi on the first day of the day ...

Therefore, as soon as the might came out, the salamander was originally a fierce look, and his heart jumped, his face also changed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and gradually paid attention to it, and finally it was dignified, even frightened.

"You, you break through, and enter into the ninth cultivation of Venerable Order?"

The salamander swallowed a spit, and some could n’t believe it, Lu Chen, the Eighth Sovereign Lord, had a powerful fighting power over Pengqi.

Peng Qi, in the presence of everyone, easily defeated Mu Qinghe of the Supreme Realm of Supreme Realm. Therefore, when Lu Chen was still the Eighth Realm of Supreme Realm, his combat power has surpassed some of the strongest Supreme Realm.

At this moment, Lu Chenxiu went a step further, how terrible should the fighting power be after entering the Venerable Ninefold?

Can he be Lu Chen's opponent?

The answer is coming!

He is definitely not Lu Chen's opponent.


He prepared early.

He believes that even if he is not Lu Chen's opponent, but at the back of the hand, it is impossible for Lu Chen to kill himself, even ...


After learning that Lu Chen went further and broke into Venerable Jiuzhong, he had little confidence in leaving the former.

Taking a step back, even if Lu Chen loses to them, with Lu Chen's strength, it is a breeze to get out of it, unless ... There is a saint who personally shoots, otherwise, there is not much hope.

Kun Xiao dared not continue to think about it, and grunted, he swallowed hard again, and looked at the cold eyes, Lu Chen, who was ready to shoot him, only felt cold.

At the same time when he was afraid, a sense of luck also came to Kunxiao's heart. Fortunately, he was prepared early, not coming alone, otherwise, he would not be able to obtain the Heavenly Holy Fruit from Lu Chen tonight, he would have to lose it out of ten this.


Knowing that Lu Chen had already killed him, Kun Xiao didn't dare to take care of it. At this moment, he was very decisive, and Lu Chen took a step directly.

I saw the earth suddenly collapse at his feet, his body rushed out like a streamer, and immediately appeared in front of Lu Chen under a flash, his big hand suddenly waved, and suddenly, the surging elemental force whizzed out and turned into a huge wave , With the general momentum, slapped the landing dust like a mountain, and wanted to directly submerge the latter and be buried in the huge waves of Yuanli.

Under the pressure of Lu Chen, Kun Xiao's full strength was his first shot. This attack was not only Kun Xiao's full strength, but also his long-standing offensive offensive, which can be said to be one percent of his own combat power. One hundred and twenty extraordinary plays out, even half-step demon sages, or Venerable Realm extreme strong, under the care, there is a risk of being directly engulfed by this blow.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Yuan Li's huge waves are surging, as if the world's great power on the sea is enough to engulf everything. The air passing by is shocked by the tremendous blast of air, and the void is also violently shaken, as if at any moment There is a tendency to collapse.

The space on the Eastern Continent is extremely fragile compared to Zhongzhou. The slightly stronger warrior gathers his elemental strength in one point. With a full blow, he has the ability to destroy the void, but he wants to collapse with a full blow. A piece of void is extremely difficult. The general half-step demon saint cannot do it at all. Even if a large piece of void is extremely concussive, not every half-step demon saint can do it.

But at this moment, under the impact of Sao Xiao's Yuan Li, Yuan Li's huge waves roared. Wherever he passed, there was a tendency for the vast void to collapse. Although he failed to completely collapse the void, it was enough. Strong, even Lu Chen saw this scene, could not help but look at salamander three points.

"It's possible to use the half-step demon Saint Xiu to display such a powerful offensive. You already have the ability to defeat the ordinary Venerable Realm Extreme Powerhouse. You are very good ... but it is only good, after all, your luck is very good. No, the enemy I face is, and once I shoot, I will never give the enemy any chance, so your luck is very bad. "

Lu Chen looked at the billowing void, the Yuanli giant wave of the trend of collapse, and looked at Kun Xiao's gaze, but also could not help revealing a trace of appreciation, but this trace of appreciation was fleeting and replaced by pity.

The voice fell, and I saw Lu Chen's lips lightly pursed, and his eyes were instantly cold, cold and biting, and his intentions were boiling.

A low drink came from Lu Chen's mouth, and then, the vitality in the body quickly moved up at this time, and the right hand held a void, and the broken cloud sword appeared in his hand.

Broken Cloud Sword in hand, Lu Chen's breath suddenly climbed a bit, giving people the feeling of being fierce and overbearing, with a terrible illusion of a sword breaking through the sky.

It was not until Lu Chen held the broken cloud sword that Kun Xiao found desperately that he seemed to have done the most stupid thing tonight.

Venerable Nine Heavy's Lu Chen, whose combat power is at least 50% stronger than during the day, is definitely not his half-step demon sacred and can shake.

To shake Lu Chen, in addition to the demon saints of the demon clan and the saints of the human race, I am afraid that only Pengqi has some hope, but it is only a little hope. In the eyes of Kun Xiao, even if Pengqi breaks into a half-step demon saint To overcome Lu Chen, there is little hope.

These thoughts just flashed through my mind. At the next moment, Kun Xiao's eyes widened, and he looked at the next move with horror.

I saw Lu Chen holding a broken cloud sword, facing the rolling waves of Yuanli, with a relaxed face, and then slowly raised his arm, like a slow sword cut out!


Broken Cloud Sword traces a trace in the air, the void is like a transparent wallpaper, with a snorting sound, it is cut away by a sword, and the dark space cracks like a snake snake chasing the blade and walking away ...

In the end, Shaoyunjian finally slashed on the huge waves of Yuanli!

The Yuanli Giant Wave, which could have swallowed everything, was seemingly mediocre, but it was terrifyingly abnormal, and the sword that was lingering on the murderous intention, the Yuanli Giant Wave was smashed by the broken cloud sword from the middle. Chop open.

The Yuanli giant waves separated left and right, rushing past the rumbling mountains and rivers on both sides of Lu Chen, even the corners of their clothes were not hurt at all.

Seeing that he was gaining a blow, Lu Chen was split freely with a sword. Although he had expected it, he witnessed that the shock of Kun Xiao ’s heart was still difficult to contain, so that the boss with his eyes glared and his mouth opened unconsciously There was a sound of er, eh in the throat.

He was really shocked, and at the same time, he was cold all over ...

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