Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 1036: Absorption Axe

Chapter Absorbing the Axe

This battle, the mysterious castle and the big axe were all carried out within the chaos. This power spread slightly, enough to destroy one space after another and one empire after another. This is undoubtedly a challenge to the majesty of chaos.

Chaos didn't seem to do anything, but in fact it was deeply dormant, and everything was arranged in secret.

It is also waiting for the big axe, Jiang Li, and the mysterious castle to fight for both defeats, and then take advantage of the fishermen.

Jiang Li actually uses the door of infinity as a mirror. When he sees an incredible change in the depths of the chaos, he knows that the chaos has begun to lay out.

Now Jiang Li ’s spiritual will is actually in the depths of Infinite Door. He looks at the whole world through the Infinite Door. That kind of angle is completely different. Anything, fate, even the ancient hegemon, the power of the superpower, it all It is completely perceptible, so at the moment he noticed that the chaos was moving slightly.

"Sacrifice yourself!"

After he had finished speaking, he started to move, waiting for Yuan Shitian to have any chance of resistance.

A raging fire was burning on his body.

Behind him, there is a vast void, deep in the void, connected with intricate lines, behind these lines, there are millions of overlords.

These overlords are the real masters of the adventurers in the Yuanshi Tianwang Empire, behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, Jiang Li came out one by one.

Jiang Li folded his hands together, and chaos returned to oneness. In the eyes of Yuanshi Tianwang, he saw those hegemons behind his lines connected to the infinitely far-reaching kingdoms, among which several weak hegemons suddenly burned.

The burning fire is not a real fire, but a kind of vanity flame. It is invisible and invisible, and only those who practice can see it.

The fire was transported along the line, all poured into Jiang Li's body, making Jiang Li in an instant, repairing to climb again and again.

This is the real practice.

Based on fate, Jiang Li killed invincible overlords in the country at infinite distance, killed them and sacrificed, and the object of sacrifice was himself.

Jiang Li was able to kill the "picture beast" in the first place, but now the repair is more than dozens of times higher than the original? As he accepted the kingdom of Yuan Shi Tian Wang, he got thousands of adventurers and the knowledge of thousands of overlords behind them, which illuminated more mysterious changes in the depths of the infinite door, and he has been reborn again to reach a more magical place. Unpredictable, supreme supreme, invincible and immeasurable, unparalleled peak.

Therefore, it is easy to kill those overlords based on fate.

Based on his current practice, he is afraid that it is a colorful eyeball, a dark eyeball, a hegemon of hundreds of thousands of reincarnation, he can kill them one by one.

Only this big axe, millions of reincarnation, he still has a lot of trouble to deal with, but it is just trouble, even if the big axe has a million reincarnation, he can't help him at all.

How else could he introduce the axe into the trap against the mysterious castle through the Tao?

Bang bang ...

Behind Jiang Li, the sound of explosions appearing in the picture in that distant country. Each explosion is a overlord who has fallen and survived in this prison. Even the weakest one is tens of thousands of reincarnation. As many as possible, each of Jiang Li's thoughts fell completely and turned into a sacrifice for himself. To what extent would Jiang Li's cultivation be?

Before Jiang Li did not need power to absorb knowledge, it was tantamount to a water tank constantly expanding its capacity, and power was the water in it. He has now expanded the volume to an infinite extent, gaining power, and filling it with water is easy.

How much water a container can hold is not determined by water, but by volume.

Jiang Li sacrifices the overlord at this moment, which is to fill his body with water.

"Your strength!" Yuan Shitian Wang was stunned, seeing Jiang Li's Xiu climbing upwards, his power almost went straight into the sky, without any hindrance.

Originally, Jiang Li was a practice of thousands of reincarnation, but now it is an instant, an increase of 110,000, it quickly broke through 100,000, and then it was 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000 ... ....

The fall of each overlord represents the progress of his power.

After the death of those overlords, the flame was injected into him, so that he was trained to reach the extreme in an instant, and after a few breaths, he stabilized at the level of million cycles.

The strength of his body is now comparable to that of the big axe. Only the majesty is unfathomable, but it is far from comparable to the big axe. His infinite breath is very strong, but if he is a true peerless master, It can be felt that the core breath of Jiang Li's body is not infinite. It is a kind of inexplicable. It is not clear, the word is not understood, no one can grasp, elusive, touch, and guess the existence.

"Chaos, since you have been slow to shoot, I will force you to shoot, burn, absorb, and sacrifice!"


As soon as Jiang Li grabbed the air, his palm was spawned out of thin air in this way. I don't know how many light years, and directly inserted into the depths of chaos. All the chaos antiquity was burning.

The chaos is actually burned like those overlords.

Zizi Zizi ...

After all the chaos and ancient air burned, it became pure energy and was injected into Jiang Li's body.

In this way, Jiang Li's body became stronger and stronger. At the same time, Changhong appeared in his back. Various colors penetrated the void and connected to the infinite world.

The scale of the infinite world has once again expanded and ushered in a huge leap. This time, Jiang Li was the beginning of a true transformation. He did not retain his strength, but began to use it for display, because the mysterious castle had forced him to perform. Come out as a killer, otherwise this time there is a real possibility that it will be won by the King of Heaven.

Not only that, but Chaos was still staring deep into the sky, laying down the Tianluodi net, and trying to wipe out the existence of the battle at the scene, which was not allowed by Jiang Li.

So he must now force chaos out, and if he wants to stay out of the way, there is no way.

Chaos is actually very insidious. People are fighting here, seemingly destroying chaos. In fact, the energy of the battle, the destructive force, explosive force, and destructive energy, are all absorbed by chaos. Instead, the core of chaos is more stable and catalyzed. The chaos made it awake quickly from its deep sleep and became more powerful.

The battle between the mysterious castle and Jiang Li is enough to make Chaos itself use the power of these two great shores to wake up.

Jiang Li must not allow chaos to be an onlooker. He must come out to disrupt the situation and form a world war. Only in this way can he fish in troubled waters and obtain many changes.


Jiang Li's endless absorption of the power of chaos caused a large loss of the power of chaos. This time the absorption was not a small fuss, but a damage to the bones and the destruction of the source. Because every time he absorbed, the power of tens of thousands of reincarnations was lost from the chaos.

Think about it, chaos has passed through the 12,969 reincarnations before condensing the strongest marks. Although it is a test product, it is not his true power, but it can also be seen that each reincarnation For chaos, the power of Chaos is extremely important. Now tens of thousands of reincarnations are lost directly, and after a while, hundreds of thousands of reincarnations disappear.

This loss has made even Chaos angry.

Sure enough, Chaos was angry.

"Extremely cold!"

Between the entire chaotic space, the cold air came out of the core, and in one click, the flames of Jiang Li were completely and completely destroyed. The battlefield in this place was frozen, and the cold black ice was everywhere. , Began to gather to the middle.

Even if the mysterious castle was squeezed by the power of chaos, its operation began to slow down.

"it is good!"

Jiang Li grasped the moment of chaos and anger, and suddenly jumped out, it was a punch. This punch was not a bombardment of chaos, nor a bombardment of Yuanshi Tianwang, but a bombardment on the body of that big axe.

The big axe was originally imprisoned by the mysterious castle and was struggling. He finally got out of chaos, but he was relieved. He wanted to get out of the trap, but was bombarded by Jiang Li.

Jiang Li's fist did not hit his current incarnation, but bombarded his distant body through the fate of the Tao.

In a very ancient space-time, twisting and winding, even the existence of a hegemonic level can not enter it, that is, the lair of the axe.

In the depths of the lair, a large axe stands, which is the body.

Above the axe, there are many dense runes entwined, and each rune is a huge world, and that world is no smaller than the original material world.

Think about it. At the time, the physical world included the three-dimensional universe, including the immortal world, and so on. How magnificent was it and how many stories were interpreted?

But now, the dense runes entwined around this big axe are each as big as the physical world, and among them, countless creatures live in them and are maintained by the energy of the big axe.

The body of the axe is a crystal, just like the sun.

There is no life in the sun itself, but the planets surrounding it can give birth to colorful life, as do the big axes now.

But now, this big axe has encountered the disaster of destruction, and the light of the entire body suddenly dimmed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then on the body of the big axe, a shadow appeared, and this shadow is exactly Jiang Li.

Jiang Li didn't have any drastic action, just like a shadow, integrated into the body of the big axe, making the power inside the big axe surging and difficult to calm down.

This is infinite fusion.

Jiang Li wants to merge the big axe so that the big axe becomes his own.

His supreme will, capturing the will of the axe itself. No, it is not seizure, that is, everything belongs to infinity. Vaguely, when his will was fused, the shadow of the Infinity Door also covered the big axe, and finally a strong attractive amount came out of the deep portal, sucking the whole axe in.


The big axe disappeared.

At the moment Jiang Li's body in the chaos absorbed the axe into the door of infinity, he took a long breath and knew that he had taken care of it.

The next step is to fight against chaos and mysterious castles.

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