Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 75: Physical outburst

As soon as he entered the fetal breath, Jiang Li felt that the cells in his body were breathing in his mouth and seemed to be taking energy from the air.

In ancient times, Taoism used to have a way to break the valley.

The principle is that people do n’t eat, which makes the cells hungry. Under the state of starvation, the cells will “starve and lose energy” and automatically capture the heaven and earth reiki.

However, this theory is wrong.

Countless people experimented and were starved to death.

Because their minds are not good enough, they don't understand what is called "birth breath". They haven't learned how to walk, they must start flying, and there must be only one dead in the end.

Jiang Li is different.

Qu Boxing is not Earth either.

"I feel it!"

About half an hour after the fetal rest, the cells moved to the limit with peristaltic respiration, and Jiang Li felt that there seemed to be a cool airflow in the air, which was slowly drawn into the body.

There is no such air flow on earth.

With the anti-war of the birth rate, he felt that his soul had grown a lot, and a special "qi" was exchanged with the void.

This gas is the best nutrient that penetrates into the skin, bones, muscles, cells and even every corner of the body.

At this moment, Jiang Li didn't get into the womb as dimly as before.

He really felt the taste of "the fetus born of his god".

The fetus is the holy fetus, the Taoist holy fetus is the unity of the gods.

The sacred fetus was formed, and finally the primordial **** came out and wandered away.

In fact, this is that the soul has extremely keen power and begins to touch the special energy of the void. Breathe with your soul and ingest them in all directions into the flesh.

Sleeping fairy, sleeping fairy. Shi Gen was lying high looking at his age, sanguang sank himself.

Cells throughout the body are violently moving.

The mind cannot interfere with matter, but energy is not matter.

Therefore, the mind is overbearing to a certain degree and can interfere with energy.

Under the state of fetal breath, cells did not consume life potential, but took in the "sky and earth aura" emitted from the inside of the planet from the sky of "Qu Boxing", constantly washing the body and nourishing the body.

Jiang Li felt attentively that there are intangible things that make the cells grow stronger, and the effect is much better than the sun and moon essence. His body used to be a small puddle, but now it gradually expands into a small water pond as the "sky and earth aura" inhales into the body.


Throughput ...

Jiang Li can see a small whirlwind around the body, which is caused by the cells' crazy absorption of heaven and earth aura.

Not only was his life potential not damaged in the slightest, but it was increased because he could absorb the "sky and earth aura" outside.

After three full hours, he woke up from the state of fetal breath, only feeling full body breath, without feeling a little hungry, instead he was full of energy and keen thinking.

"This Qubo star's heaven and earth aura is indeed higher than the sun and moon essence." Jiang Li inspected his body carefully and looked at his hands. The internal veins of the skin were strong and strong, and a little pinch, all hard things were to be crumb.

He moved.

It was more than twenty meters away, and he slammed his hand on the thick tree in the bowl.

The big tree seemed to be pushed out by a chainsaw, and a large wooden stake remained, and the cut was smooth and smooth.

He pointed again and pierced the tree fiercely. The hard wood was like tofu under his fingers.

"Physical strength has been enhanced again!" Jiang Li sighed. "Feng Shui Baodi, this Qu Boxing is really my Feng Shui Bao Di. I practiced here for hundreds of days. What is the current of the river after going out? What is the vitality of 1.5?"

He now has a vitality of 1.4. It would have been very difficult to improve it, but "Aura of Heaven and Earth" is a higher level of energy than "Sun and Moon Essence". After absorbing into the body, shaping himself and elevating the limit will far surpass the river.

The body is stronger, brain cells are strengthened, and it is also helpful for mental strength. It will definitely improve hypnosis.

Entering the realm requires enlightenment, but the number of hypnosis can increase.

Jiang Li is now looking forward to it. What realm will he grow up in a hundred days?

By that time, returning to Xinghua City, surviving more than 1.5, can hypnotize hundreds or even two hundred people? What sensation would that make?

"Jiang Li, go and rest now, let me watch the night." Luo Han shouted in the distance.

Jiang Li leapt, and a few ups and downs arrived at the camp: "No, I still have energy, you continue to rest."

"It's better to take a break. After dawn, we set off to find other classmates. The more classmates there are in the jungle, the better we can live together. And the various medicines we carry will probably be used soon. After that, you have to find someone to resupply. "Luo Han said.


Jiang Li pretended to go to rest, and then studied the mystery of the breath.

In the process of gestation, his biggest advantage is to absorb the heaven and earth aura, and secondly, he can better feel the realm of soul breathing. The feeling of the soul communicating with the heaven and earth aura is simply wonderful.

This has also improved his spiritual realm.

Next, a group of three carefully proceeded through the jungle. Jiang Li is like a fish, he absorbs the heaven and earth reiki once a day, saturates the body cells, and then exercises and consumes.

Every day, Luo Han and Xue Ling felt that incredible changes were taking place on him. Now Jiang Li has almost become a perpetual motion machine, constantly shuttles in the jungle, fights, and opens the way.

Sometimes, when encountering a group of iron beasts, he shouted and shook them all.

Every day, Jiang Li was presented to the two women with a new look.

For more than twenty days, they finally found traces of the existence of students, because there were burned bonfires on the ground, and some waste, which were all products on the earth, no doubt their classmates.

After more than 20 days of practice, Jiang Li ’s temperament has undergone an earth-shaking change. No matter from the mind or the body, the loneliness, loneliness, and miss of his hometown that originally arrived on this planet have been swept away and replaced by "Where is the world not home?"

He can even abandon everyone and continue eternal cultivation on Qu Boxing.

The taste of absorbing heaven and earth's aura is too wonderful. It keeps growing and growing, and there is a new understanding of daily practice.

"Jiang Li, there are not many detoxification medicines for us. We need to find a group of classmates and get some of them." Luo Han took out a tube of spray medicine, which is a detoxification medicine, sprayed on the swollen arm, immediately Began to swelling.

Just now, she was bitten by a poisonous insect.

In the past 20 days, the nutritional products were not consumed much, but the antidote was consumed in large quantities, because there are too many poisonous insects here, and some poisonous insects cannot be killed by sound hypnosis.

Unless Jiang Li arrives in the realm of entering the fixed state, he can use his mind to shoot directly, so that he can directly kill without seeing the poisonous insects.

All sentient beings are hypnotized.

"The scars on my body need to go back for a minor operation." A scar on Xueling's calf was shocking. He was injured by the venom sprayed by poisonous insects. A large piece of corrosion was etched on the spot. Fortunately, the antidote was sprayed immediately. Then sprayed the cell growth agent, which saved it.

"It's okay. We are looking for a group of students and changing them for some healing medicines." Jiang Li took out a bottle of Moon Spirit. Recently, he did not consume any nutritional products and directly absorbed the heaven and earth reiki, so they all survived.

"Let's keep looking."

The three rushed up again in the jungle.

"Someone ahead, about fifty-three."

A few hours later, Jiang Li suddenly stopped: "In the jungle three kilometers away?"

"You can hear it all?" Luo Han was surprised. "Let's go?"

"Yeah, fifty-three people gathered together, certainly not our classmates in Xinghua City, they should be students in a big city high school." Jiang Li kicked off the stone blocking the road and ran first toward the deep jungle.

After a while, an empty space appeared in front.

Sure enough, more than fifty people sat scattered on the open space. Some people were sleeping, some were meditating, some were exercising, and others were going to bath in the tent.

"There is movement!"


"Alert immediately!"

More than a dozen male students jumped when they heard the movement.

At this time, Jiang Li, Luo Han, and Xue Ling walked out of the jungle. Luo Han cried out: "Don't be nervous, we are students of Xinghua City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Which city are you from? "

"It was originally from Xinghua City."

"Scattered ..."

"Don't be nervous."

"We are students of Rihua City, oh ... you are just three of you, and you can survive in the jungle for 27 days. Luck is not good."

"Well? These two girls are so pretty."

"Who is that male student? It's so cool to live in the jungle with two beauties."

"Huh? Look! The male student seems to be the one fighting with Jiang Liu."

"It really is……"

The name of Jiangli's Sun and Moon Group has spread throughout the student group. Some students saw Jiang Li's face clearly and suddenly changed colors.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, someone is here."

At this time, some students were calling their leader students.

Every school has a first master, such as Ouyang Xing before Xinghua High School, and usually go out to practice. This kind of student is the leader and responds with a hundred strokes.

As soon as the tent moved, a tall young man came out of it, his face was not a little frosty, and it was well maintained. The kind of tent he lived in was a high-tech molecular material. It was curled up with only a fist. It was more than thirty square meters when it was laid out. It was very spacious and could be ventilated. Comfortable.

Jiang Li frowned, and he felt that there seemed to be a female classmate in that tent.

"You are from Xinghua High School? You have fallen behind? I am the wind and wind of Rihua City." The wind and wind glanced from Luo Han and Xueling, and a casual smile appeared in his eyes: "You Want to join our team? "

"We want to change some medicines for healing and detoxification, and use the essence of Yueling." Jiang Li took out a bottle of Yueling's essence: "On Qu Boxing, you can't transfer money to buy, only barter."

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